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Shri Narayan Murthy Committees

Report On Corporate Governance.

While analysing the financial statements of

companies and the reports on corporate
governance, SEBI observed that their quality was
not uniform.
So SEBI thought of reviewing the existing code
of corporate governance.
It called for SHRI NARAYAN MURTHY for the
same,thus a committee was set up under him.
SEBI wanted to review the performance of
corporate governance and bring more of
transparency and integrity about the market within
the companies so that they do not respond to
unwanted rumours and other price sensitive
So SHRI NARAYAN MURTHY set on his given task

Mandatory recommendations
discussed were:
Audit committee of each PUBLIC LISTED companies should

review their:
Financial statements and draft audit report, including

quarterly/half yearly information.

Management discussion and analysis of financial condition and

the results of operations.

Report relating to compliance with laws and risk management.
Management letters of internal control weaknesses issued by

records of related party transactions which should be formally

approved and rectified by the Audit Committee.

Proceeds from initial public offerings:

The companies raising money through initial offering, they should

disclose to the audit committee the uses/application of funds under

major heads on a quarterly basis.

Risk Management
Its necessary for the company to know their Risks involve as there are

many stakeholders and shareholders who invest in and expect from the
Every quarter, documenting the business risks faced by the company,

measures to address and minimize such risk, and any limitations to the
risk taking capacity of the firm should be approved by the BOARD.

Compensation to non-executive directors to be approved by the

shareholders in general meeting.

Requirement of proper disclosures of details of compensation.

Whistle blower policy to be in place in a company (freedom to

companys personnel to approach the audit committee without

necessarily informing the superiors if they observed an unethical or
improper practice, protection for the complainant from retaliation

Non mandatory recommendations

discussed were:
Moving to a regime providing for unqualified corporate financial

Training of board members.

Evaluation of non-executive directors performance by a peer

group comprising the entire board of directors.

When NARAYAN MURTHY reports were submitted to SEBI, it praised

him by saying, The suggestion contained in the Narayan Murthy

Committees report is more elaborate and this would encourage a
meaningful discussion at the board level periodically and the company
will have the benefit of advice from board members.
Later SEBI approved modifications in Clause-49 of Listing
Agreement to give effect to the recommendations of Shri N.R.Narayan
Murthy Committees report on Corporate Governance.
SEBI Issued a circular dated August 26, 2003 to all the stock
exchanges in this regard. The revised clause-49 contains the sub-clause as
per the existing clause-49m as well as new sub-clause and the provisions of
revised clause-49 were effective from April 1, 2004.


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