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Millennial Development

Fiji vs. Vietnam
Marisol Ortega and Tito

Goal #1
Eradicate Extreme Hunger and
Target 1.A: Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the
proportion of people whose income is less than $1 a day.
Target 1.B: Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the
proportion of people who suffer from hunger.
I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion
about the means. I think the best way of doing good to
the poor is not making them easy in poverty, but leading
or driving them out of it. Benjamin Franklin

Fighting hunger & poverty

Fiji vs. Vietnam

According to the UNDP Poverty

in the Pacific is increasing. It is
estimated that at least one third
of the regions population live in
poverty and do not have
sufficient income to satisfy their
basic human needs
Malnutrition has taken a big tole
in the families in FIJI. Under the
age of 5, kids already start to
become malnourished.
35.2% of all population in Fiji are
living in poverty, with a total of
approximately 881,000 people
35% of them live in poverty.
Reference (A)

20 years ago, 58% of the

people in Vietnam lived in
poverty. Now, it is down to 12%.
Poverty in Vietnam is
concentrated on the ethnic
minorities in mountainous
areas. It is because of these
facts that there has been action
to help improve this.
Over 118,000 households have
access to clean water.
The food poverty rate has
reduced by more that twothirds. From 24.9 % in 1993 to
6.9% in 2008.
Reference (A)

Goal #2
Achieve Universal Primary Education
Target 2: Ensure that 2015, children everywhere girls
and boys alike, will be able to complete a full course
of primary schooling.

The direction in which education starts a man will

determine his future in life.

Get Educated
Fiji vs. Vietnam
Free school from 6-16, schools help
children reach and understand full
Broken into 4 parts of Education

PRIMARY: It is free to attend school for

your first eight years of primary
SECONDARY: 5 years, entry with Exam,
graduate in 3 years or stay for tertiary.
Grade 9-12. Carpentry, woodwork, metal
work, home economics and agriculture are
TERTIARY: Technical institutes. Two year
diploma or if you want to master stay
In Total they are available 19 years of
Reference (B)

The quality of education remains uneven

in Vietnam. With lack of well trained
teachers and appropriate curriculum.
Children in the primary education level in
public school are not required to pay
tuition fees.
Many children in poor households still
cant afford to go to school because of
economic constraints or because they are
told to work for their families.
The fact that Vietnams literacy rate
stands at 90 % can be because at the age
of 18 months, they are admitted to
primary kindergarten.
Children are expected to continue on to
primary, secondary, and tertiary
Their enrollment for secondary is at 78%.
Reference (B)

Goal #3
Promote Gender Equality and Empower
Target 3: Eliminate Gender disparity in primary and
secondary education, preferably by 2005, and in all levels of
education no later than 2015.

Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is

a precondition fro meeting the challenge of
reducing poverty, promoting sustainable
development and building good governance
- Kofi Annan

We are all free

Fiji vs. Vietnam
Men are the breadwinners,
Women take charge of home
and help with household
chores such as garden, clean,
cook, and also help in the
Women are have no influence
unless high ranked in the
82% of legislature are men
Men receive higher education
than women, just due to the
pressure of needing to be
successful as the head of
Reference (C)

Vietnam has been successful

in increasing girl participation
in many things, even
schooling. They represent
40% of enrollment.
Vietnam also has the highest
rates of representation of
women in government
decision making.
25.8% of National Assembly
deputies are women.
However, gender-based
violence is a serious issue in
Reference (C)

Goal #4
Reduce Child Mortality
Target 4: Reduce by two thirds, between 1990 and 2015,
the under-five mortality rate.
"...we all have an obligation as citizens of this earth to leave
the world a healthier, cleaner, and better place for our
children and future generations.
-Blythe Danner

Children deserve to live

Fiji vs. Vietnam
For every 1000 births, 24
kids under the age of 5
die. (D)
Although not too bad
percentage, the reason for
this is due to malnutrition
or lack of basic child birth
Another creditor for these
percentages is due to the
sicknesses and illnesses
of babies and no care for

The under five mortality

rate has been reduced from
58% per 1,000 lives to 24%
in 2009.
An underlying cause to
child mortality is the fact
that many women do not
have access to basic health
services, including
pregnancy check-ups,
delivery support, post-natal
care, and vaccinations.
Reference (D)

Goal #5
Improve Maternal Health
Target 5.A: Reduce by three quarters, between 1990 and
2015, the maternal mortality ratio
Target 5.B: Achieve, by 2015, the universal access to
reproductive health
Maternal Health: "In health there is freedom.
Health is the first of all liberties."
- Henri-Frederic Amiel

Help those mothers

Fiji vs. Vietnam
Fiji understands the
importance of birth bearing
and bringing new children into
the world, the Fiji government
has actually started a program
called GIGGLES, which
ensures the pregnant women
with diapers, baby wipes,
maternity pads, and washing
Amazing idea Id say. They
wanted to ensure sanitation
and safe environments for
Reference (E)

Maternal mortality rate has

decreased from 233 in 1990
to 69 out of 1000.
Ethnic minorities, teenagers,
and migrants continue to have
limited access to sexual and
reproductive health
information services.
The reproductive health care
services are insufficient in
mountainous areas. Where
there is a lack of
infrastructure, small medical
staff, and terrible working

Goal #6
Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other
Target 6.A: Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the
spread of HIV/AIDS
Target 6.B: Achieve, by 2010, universal access to treatment
for HIV/AIDS for all those who need it
Target 6.C: Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the
incidence of malaria and other major diseases
"AIDS destroys families, decimates
communities and, particularly in the poorest
areas of the world, threatens to destabilize the
social, cultural, and economic fabric of entire
Rabbi David Saperstein

Life is too precious to spend being ill

Fiji vs. Vietnam
Climate is amazing in Fiji,
which causes lots of bugs
which cause great illnesses.
Malaria is very big
Medicine and treatment is
not cheap but greatly
subsidized by the
Provide Family plans
HIV/AIDS is not a great
problem here in FIJI, less
than one percent of people
are living with it, estimated
in 2012 (F)

Vietnam has made great

improvements in legal and
policy framework that is
meant to help combat HIV.
The HIV prevalence for all
age groups in 2010 is
estimated at .28%.
The anti-retroviral treatment
has increased from 30% in
2007 to 53.7% in 2009.
Vietnam is also
acknowledged to have done
a good job in controlling
other epidemics such as
SARS, H5N1 and H1N1. (F)

Goal #7
Ensure Environment Sustainability
Target 7.A: Integrate the principles of sustainable
development into country policies and
programmes and reverse the loss of environmental
Target 7.B: Reduce biodiversity loss, achieving, by
2010, a significant reduction in the rate of loss
Target 7.C: Halve, by 2015, the proportion of the
population without sustainable access to safe
drinking water and basic sanitation
Target7.D: Achieve, by 2020, a significant
improvement in the lives of at least 100 million
What is the
use dwellers.
of a house if you don't
have a decent planet to put it on? Henry David Thoreau

It feels refreshing to have sanitation

Fiji vs. Vietnam
Have you heard of Fiji water?
You guessed it, actually comes
from Fiji.
Amazing water right? No, only
the rich and government
officials get clean sanitized
water. If you were to drink from
the tap you would get great
surprises such as shells, frogs
and dangerous bacteria. (G)
The Government has actually
paid up to 129 million dollars
to the FIJI water company to
share its strategies to purify
and clean the water.

Forest coverage has

increased from 27.8 percent
in 1990 to about 40 percent
in 2010. Today, about 83 %of
the rural population has
access to safe water, up
from 30 % in 1990.
There are still differences in
clean water determined from
which region you live in.
There is much needed
attention needed to go into
the mountainous areas.
Reference (G)

Goal #8
Develop a Global Partnership For
Target 8.A: Develop further an open rule based, predictable,
non-discriminatory trading and financial system
Target 8.B: Address the special needs of least developed
Target 8.C: Address the special needs of landlocked
developing countries and small island developing States
Target 8.D: Deal comprehensively with the debt problems of
developing countries
Target 8.E: In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies,
provide access to affordable essential drugs in developing
Target 8.F: In cooperation with the private sector, make
The point is not for the giver to have a
available benefits of new technologies, especially information
good feeling, but for the people were
and communications
trying to help to have a good feeling. Bill

We are all Entrepreneurs

Fiji vs. Vietnam
Remember in education how
the students had the choice
to attend further education,
Fiji has a technology institute
in which allows students to
understand the basics of
technology and help them
understand how to better use
them for global partnership.
Having an institute to look at
as a goal for the students is
so crucial because they are
able to learn the basics of
global entrepreneurship or
any type of job at that point.

Poverty reduction and

sustainable development are
clearly linked to trade, debt
relief and aid, better enabled
by developing global
Vietnam has seen a lot of
problems in their country and
they have increased their
global partnership because of
In a video I saw on Vietnam, a
Vietnamese man said, We
used to worry, a lot! Now, life
isnt as hard.

This country amazes me, They work so hard to make themselves a country that
is strong and determined. That is what makes this country amazing. They have
determination and strength in numbers, they understand that. They all
understand the power that comes from all working together. People here have
some disadvantages but they are striving to become a country who is properly
fed, sanitized and working proper healthcare. Education is given to those who
seek it and want it. If you want to be successful you can. They enlist you with
the opportunities to achieve the goals you want to accomplish. Fiji has great
love for those babies and kids, because they know they are the future leaders
for that country. They give them health, education maybe not the best
sanitation but they give them opportunities to exceed.
However; Fiji is not completely established yet, they have many island that are
in extreme poverty, extreme illnesses and suffering from lack of support from
the richer islands. Fiji has not completely evolved yet, but they are striving to
become the best. Being raised in Fiji should give you the determination to
make it a country who is self-dependent, we are so close. We are almost there
we just need a couple of more tweaking and Fiji will be a country who are
strong and fruitful to the world.

Its amazing to see a country that has experienced many
difficulties and hardships picking itself back up from where they
once were. After the Vietnam war, Vietnam had been set back
economically as well as socially. There was an immense amount
of its population in poverty and since the country itself was
trying to come back together, there wasnt much done for the
people living here.
Since the Millennial Developmental Goals for 2015 were
established, there was a call for action in Vietnam. This was the
call they needed to begin focusing on the Vietnamese people.
There is much that is still needed to be done to reach these
goals, but it is clear that the Vietnamese people are on the right
track. As we see their education enrollment increasing, their GNI
increasing, and their infant mortality decreasing we can assume
that their actions will see positive outcomes.

Compare and Contrast

Fiji and Vietnam are actually very similar to the efforts of the countries. Fiji
and Vietnam both want to enhance the outskirt parts of the land to ensure
they have the assurance all will be ok.
Fiji, a country who is rising to great potential is struggling in helping the
outer parts of the country, they have amazing education and are helping
the children understand their full potential, helping them reach their goals.
Whereas; Vietnam are more focusing on poverty and controlling illnesses.
Vietnam have progressed so much since the Vietnam war. They have
learned how to control and help those in poverty and in hunger.
These two countries have amazing potential in becoming great countries in
themselves. Something they both need to focus on is helping the outer
parts of there countries receive the benefits of living in the core part of the
Both focusing on different millennial goals, they are both progressing into
becoming great nations in which poverty, education, and hunger will be of
no problem.

References for FIJI



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