Benzena Dan Aromatisan

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Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Benzene (C6H6) is the simplest aromatic hydrocarbon (or
Benzene has four degrees of unsaturation, making it a
highly unsaturated hydrocarbon.
Whereas unsaturated hydrocarbons such as alkenes,
alkynes and dienes readily undergo addition reactions,
benzene does not.

Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Benzene does react with bromine, but only in the presence of
FeBr3 (a Lewis acid), and the reaction is a substitution, not an

Proposed structures of benzene must account for its high degree

of unsaturation and its lack of reactivity towards electrophilic
August Kekul proposed that benzene was a rapidly
equilibrating mixture of two compounds, each containing a sixmembered ring with three alternating bonds.
In the Kekul description, the bond between any two carbon
atoms is sometimes a single bond and sometimes a double

Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

These structures are known as Kekul structures.

Although benzene is still drawn as a six-membered ring with

alternating bonds, in reality there is no equilibrium between the
two different kinds of benzene molecules.
Current descriptions of benzene are based on resonance and
electron delocalization due to orbital overlap.
In the nineteenth century, many other compounds having
properties similar to those of benzene were isolated from natural
sources. Since these compounds possessed strong and
characteristic odors, they were called aromatic compounds. It
should be noted, however, that it is their chemical properties,
and not their odor, that make them special.

Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

The Structure of Benzene
Any structure for benzene must account for the following facts:
1. It contains a six-membered ring and three additional
degrees of unsaturation.
2. It is planar.
3. All CC bond lengths are equal.
The Kekul structures satisfy the first two criteria but not the
third, because having three alternating bonds means that
benzene should have three short double bonds alternating with
three longer single bonds.

Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

The Structure of Benzene
The resonance description of benzene consists of two equivalent
Lewis structures, each with three double bonds that alternate
with three single bonds.
The true structure of benzene is a resonance hybrid of the two
Lewis structures, with the dashed lines of the hybrid indicating
the position of the bonds.
We will use one of the two Lewis structures and not the hybrid in
drawing benzene. This will make it easier to keep track of the
electron pairs in the bonds (the electrons).

Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

The Structure of Benzene
Because each bond has two electrons, benzene has
six electrons.

Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

The Structure of Benzene
In benzene, the actual bond length (1.39 ) is
intermediate between the carboncarbon single bond
(1.53 ) and the carboncarbon double bond (1.34 ).

Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Nomenclature of Benzene Derivatives
To name a benzene ring with one substituent, name the
substituent and add the word benzene.

Many monosubstituted benzenes have common names

which you must also learn.

Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Nomenclature of Benzene Derivatives
There are three different ways that two groups can be
attached to a benzene ring, so a prefixortho, meta, or
paracan be used to designate the relative position of
the two substituents.

or 1,2-dibromobenzene

or 1,3-dibromobenzene

or 1,4-dibromobenzene

Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Nomenclature of Benzene Derivatives
If the two groups on the benzene ring are different,
alphabetize the names of the substituents preceding the
word benzene.
If one substituent is part of a common root, name the
molecule as a derivative of that monosubstituted


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Nomenclature of Benzene Derivatives
For three or more substituents on a benzene ring:
1. Number to give the lowest possible numbers around the ring.
2. Alphabetize the substituent names.
3. When substituents are part of common roots, name the
molecule as a derivative of that monosubstituted benzene. The
substituent that comprises the common root is located at C1.


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Nomenclature of Benzene Derivatives
A benzene substituent is called a phenyl group, and it can be
abbreviated in a structure as Ph-.

Therefore, benzene can be represented as PhH, and phenol

would be PhOH.


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Nomenclature of Benzene Derivatives
The benzyl group, another common substituent that contains a
benzene ring, differs from a phenyl group.

Substituents derived from other substituted aromatic rings are

collectively known as aryl groups.


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Interesting Aromatic Compounds
Benzene and toluene, the simplest aromatic hydrocarbons
obtained from petroleum refining, are useful starting materials
for synthetic polymers. They are also two of the components of
the BTX mixture added to gasoline to boost octane ratings.
Compounds containing two or more benzene rings that share
carboncarbon bonds are called polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs). Naphthalene, the simplest PAH, is the
active ingredient in mothballs.


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Interesting Aromatic Compounds
Figure 17.3
Benzo[a]pyrene, a
common PAH

When ingested or inhaled, benzo[a]pyrene and other similar

PAHs are oxidized to carcinogenic products.

Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Interesting Aromatic Compounds

Figure 17.5
Selected drugs that contain
a benzene ring


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Stability of Benzene
Consider the heats of hydrogenation of cyclohexene, 1,3cyclohexadiene and benzene, all of which give cyclohexane
when treated with excess hydrogen in the presence of a metal


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Stability of Benzene
Figure 17.6 compares the hypothetical and observed heats of
hydrogenation for benzene.
Figure 17.6

A comparison between the

observed and hypothetical
heats of hydrogenation
for benzene

The huge difference between the hypothetical and observed heats

of hydrogenation for benzene cannot be explained solely on the
basis of resonance and conjugation.

Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Stability of Benzene
The low heat of hydrogenation of benzene means that benzene is
especially stableeven more so than conjugated polyenes. This
unusual stability is characteristic of aromatic compounds.
Benzenes unusual behavior is not limited to hydrogenation.
Benzene does not undergo addition reactions typical of other
highly unsaturated compounds, including conjugated dienes.
Benzene does not react with Br2 to yield an addition product.
Instead, in the presence of a Lewis acid, bromine substitutes for
a hydrogen atom, yielding a product that retains the benzene


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

The Criteria for AromaticityHckels Rule
Four structural criteria must be satisfied for a compound
to be aromatic.
[1] A molecule must be cyclic.

To be aromatic, each p orbital must overlap with p orbitals

on adjacent atoms.

Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

The Criteria for AromaticityHckels Rule
[2] A molecule must be planar.
All adjacent p orbitals must be aligned so that the
electron density can be delocalized.

Since cyclooctatetraene is non-planar, it is not aromatic,

and it undergoes addition reactions just like those of other


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

The Criteria for AromaticityHckels Rule
[3] A molecule must be completely conjugated.
Aromatic compounds must have a p orbital on every atom.


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

The Criteria for AromaticityHckels Rule
[4] A molecule must satisfy Hckels rule, and contain
a particular number of electrons.
Hckel's rule:

Benzene is aromatic and especially stable because it

contains 6 electrons. Cyclobutadiene is antiaromatic
and especially unstable because it contains 4 electrons.


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

The Criteria for AromaticityHckels Rule
Note that Hckels rule refers to the number of
electrons, not the number of atoms in a particular ring.


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

The Criteria for AromaticityHckels Rule
Considering aromaticity, a compound can be classified in
one of three ways:
1. AromaticA cyclic, planar, completely conjugated
compound with 4n + 2 electrons.
2. AntiaromaticA cyclic, planar, completely conjugated
compound with 4n electrons.
3. Not aromatic (nonaromatic)A compound that lacks
one (or more) of the following requirements for
aromaticity: being cyclic, planar, and completely


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

The Criteria for AromaticityHckels Rule
Note the relationship between each compound type and a similar
open-chained molecule having the same number of electrons.


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

The Criteria for AromaticityHckels Rule
The protons on sp2 hybridized carbons in aromatic
hydrocarbons are highly deshielded and absorb at 6.5-8
ppm, whereas hydrocarbons that are not aromatic
absorb at 4.5-6 ppm.


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Examples of Aromatic Rings
Completely conjugated rings larger than benzene are
also aromatic if they are planar and have 4n + 2
Hydrocarbons containing a single ring with alternating
double and single bonds are called annulenes.
To name an annulene, indicate the number of atoms in
the ring in brackets and add the word annulene.


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Examples of Aromatic Rings
[10]-Annulene has 10 electrons, which satisfies
Hckel's rule, but a planar molecule would place the two
H atoms inside the ring too close to each other. Thus,
the ring puckers to relieve this strain.
Since [10]-annulene is not planar, the 10 electrons
cant delocalize over the entire ring and it is not


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Examples of Aromatic Rings
Two or more six-membered rings with alternating double and
single bonds can be fused together to form polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs).
There are two different ways to join three rings together, forming
anthracene and phenanthrene.

As the number of fused rings increases, the number of

resonance structures increases. Naphthalene is a hybrid of three
resonance structures whereas benzene is a hybrid of two.


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Examples of Aromatic Rings
Heterocycles containing oxygen, nitrogen or sulfur, can also be
With heteroatoms, we must determine whether the lone pair is
localized on the heteroatom or part of the delocalized system.
An example of an aromatic heterocycle is pyridine.


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Examples of Aromatic Rings
Pyrrole is another example of an aromatic heterocycle. It
contains a five-membered ring with two bonds and one
nitrogen atom.
Pyrrole has a p orbital on every adjacent atom, so it is
completely conjugated.
Pyrrole has six electronsfour from the bonds and two from
the lone pair.

Pyrrole is cyclic, planar, completely conjugated, and has 4n + 2

electrons, so it is aromatic.

Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Examples of Aromatic Rings
Histamine is a biologically active amine formed in many tissues.
It is an aromatic heterocycle with two N atomsone which is
similar to the N atom of pyridine, and the other which is similar
to the N atom of pyrrole.


Benzene and Aromatic Compounds

Examples of Aromatic Rings
Both negatively and positively charged ions can be aromatic if
they possess all the necessary elements.

We can draw five equivalent resonance structures for the

cyclopentadienyl anion.

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