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Understanding, Detecting, and

Managing Strabismus
eugene M helveston

Merry CO
FAA 110 009

occurs when both eyes do not look at
the same place at the same time; the
eyes are unable to align properly
under normal conditions
eye(s) may turn in, out, up, or down
can be present in one or both eyes

result of the lack of coordination
between the muscles of the eye
responsible for eye movement
problems with the nerves that transmit
information to the eye muscles
problems with the control center in the
brain that directs eye movement
the lack of coordination prevents proper
binocular vision and keeps both eyes
from gazing at the same point

family historyif relatives have
strabismus, a person is more likely to
develop it
refractive errorsextreme farsightedness
(hyperopia) can develop strabismus due to
the amount of eye focusing necessary to
keep vision clear
medical conditionspeople with Down
syndrome or cerebral palsy and people who
have suffered a stroke or head injury are at
higher risk for developing strabismus

1. One eye can be deviated inwards
(sometimes referred to as being
crosseyed). This is called esotropia.
2. One eye can be deviated outward
(sometimes referred to as a wall
eye). This is called exotropia.
3. One eye can be deviated
vertically,either upwards (hypertropia)
or downwards (hypotropia).

The left eye is
turned inward
note that the light
reflection in the
eyes is not

The right eye is
turned outward
again, not the
light reflection in
the eyes is not

The right eye is
turned upward
light reflection not

The right eye is
turned downwardlight reflection in
eyes is not

How does strabismus

affect vision?
In a person with strabismus, the eyes are looking
at different things; therefore, each eye is sending a
different image to the brain. Depending on the
individual, the brain will manage these two images
in different ways:
Very rarely, the person with squint will see two different
objects in the same place. The images appear to merge
into one, creating what is called visual confusion.
More commonly, the person with acute squint will see
two images, or double. The image from the fixing eye
will appear normal, and the image from the deviated
eye will usually appear blurred.

Strabismus is NOT the same as Amblyopia!!

Amblyopia is also called lazy eye and is a
condition where vision does not develop
normally during childhood
Child may have one weak eye with poor
vision and one strong eye with normal vision
Amblyopia DOES occur commonly with
Strabismus, but is a vision problem, where
strabismus is a muscle problem

A comprehensive eye exam is necessary with focus
on the following:
patient historya comprehensive history is
necessary to assess symptoms, health problems,
and medications
visual acuitymeasurements are taken to assess
extent to which vision is affected
refractionconducted to determine the lens power
necessary to compensate for any refractive error
alignment and focusingassessing how well your
eyes focus, move, and work together
eye health examassessing the structures of the
eye (internal & external) to rule out possible disease

Eye Patch
The stronger eye is patched to
force the brain to interpret
images from the strabismic
eye. Eye patches will not
change the angle of the
strabismus. Typically, eye
patching is used only if
amblyopia is present.

Eyeglass or
Eyeglasses or Contacts are
used to improved the
positioning of the eye(s)
by modifying the patients
reaction to focus.
Eyeglasses and Contacts
can also redirect the line
of sight, which can help
straighten the eye.

Prisms are used to modify the way
light and images hit the eye. The
lenses provide comfort and can help
prevent double vision from

Vision Therapy
A non-surgical method of therapy
that treats the eye and the brain. An
optometrist will oversee the therapy,
which is designed to strengthen or
develop visual skills. The
optometrist may also use eyeglasses,
prisms, eye patches and
computerized medical devices
during the therapy.

Eye Surgery
Surgery may be necessary in an
attempt to align the eyes by
modifying one or more muscles in
the eye. During surgery, the muscle
positions will be changed or the
length of the muscles will be
changed. Surgery may follow a
period of eye patching and then
eyeglasses may be used after surgery
to help treat strabismus.
Surgery on medial rectus muscle of the left eye.

there is no cure for strabismus
with treatment, the effects of
strabismus may be corrected
the goal of treatment is to help the
patient achieve as close to normal
binocular vision as possible in every
direction of gaze and at all distances

The most apparent benefits of

strabismus treatment are:
development or restoration of binocular
vision (binocular depth perception)
elimination of double vision
restoration of normal head posture
increased visual field in patients with
creation of a normal appearance.


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