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Language and

Literature Assessment

OAssessent of learning

complements teaching. It
looks into how the learner
utilizes and arranges new
information and how she
integrates new information
to existing knowledge.

Link of Testing to
O Testing is useful at the beginning of

the academic year

O Can encourage students to selfevaluate and promote autonomy in
O Can give students a better sense of
where their competence has
O Can give feedback on how effective
you are as a teacher

Purposes of Test for Teachers

and Administration
O Can help in promotion and retention

of decisions
O Results are important devices to
share information withe the board of
education, parents and the general
O Results are useful tools for
measuring the effectiveness of the

Basic Concepts
O Test an instrument or systematic procedure

for measuring a sample of bbehavior

O Assessment an on-going process which is
incidental or intended
O Measurement obtaining numerical
description of how mush an individual
possesses a characteristic
O Evaluation the process of collecting,
analyzing, and interpreting information to
determine the extent to which learners have
achieved the objectives

Kind of Test
O Proficiency Test
O Diagnostic Test
O Placement Test
O Achievement Test
O Aptitude Test

Language Testing

Characteristics of a good
language test
O It should have a positive effect of

learning and teaching

O Should improve learning habits
O Should locate areas of difficulties
O Should locate which parts of the
program cause difficulties
O Should provide opportunity for
students to show their ability to
perform certain language task

The four major skill areas found

in a good test consist of the
O Oral test
O Written test
O Listening test
O Reading test

Types of test according to

O Placement test
O Diagnostic test
O Achievement test
O Proficiency test

Types of test according to

O Knowledge test
O Performance test

Types of test according

to scoring procedure
OObjective test
OSubjective test

Types of test according

to the element of language
O Phonology test
O Vocabulary or lexicon test
O Grammar test

Types of test according

to language skills
O Listening test
O Speaking test
O Reading test
O Writing test

Types of test according to

coverage/ time of test
OFormative test
OSummative tets

Types of test according

to response type
OProductive test
OSelective test

Types of test according

to interpretation of test results
ONorm-refereced test
OCriterion reference test

Phases of Language Test

O Phase I
O Phsae II
O Phase III
O Phase IV
O Phase V
O Phase VII
O Pahse VIII


Communicative Language
O Measures how test-takers are able to

use language in real-life situations

O In testing the productive skills,
emphasis is on appropriateness of
responses rather than on the ability
to form grammatically correct
O There is subjective element to this

Communicative Language
O In testing receptive skills,

emphasis is on the
communicative intent of the
reader rather than picking out
specific details.
O Rubrics are needed to evaluate

O Requires actual demonstration

of skills or creation of product

based on real world situations

Forms of Performance-Based
O Problem-solving
O Oral or Psychomotor Skills with

a product
O Written or Psychomotor Skills
with a product

Alternative Assessment
O Important means of getting a

general picture of students

academic and linguistic
O Procedures and techniques
which can be used in instruction
and incorporate it into the daily
classroom activities

Criteria of Alternative
O Focus on individual strudent

O Emphasis on the students
O Consideration is given to
learning styles, culture, and

Five categories of alternative

O Non-verbal assessment

O KWL chart
O Oral performances or
O Oral and written products
O portfolio

Computer-Based Testing
O Test available on websites
O Test-takers perform or gives

responses on a computer
Computer technology introduced
the Computer Adaptive Test (CAT).

Literature Testing

What is the aim

of literature testing?
OThe aim of literature testing

is to institutionalize certain
conceptsand facts which
are part of the literary
learning to direct attention
the the relatively more
important literary skills.

Two main categories

of questions
O Questions that do not require

contact with the text

O Questions that do require
contact withe the text

Two categories
of literature tests
OTests of literary information
OTest of literary appreciation

Steps in Creating
a Literature Test
O Identify the context
O Write the TOS
O Select texts
O Group skills
O Match texts to tasks
O Write test items
O Clarify marking criteria

What is a good literatute

O Valid
O Practicable
O Cover a balance and approopriate

sample areas that have been taught

O Meets objectives of teachers
O Ensure the learners are familiar to
the text used

Guidelines for selecting texts

for the literature test
O The text may be seen or unseen
O The text may be an excerpt or ful-

O The texts should exemplify different
O The text should be representative of
the chosen theme, topic, or issue
O The text should match the cognitive
level of the examinees
O The text shoul be of meaningful

What does a literatute

test measure?

Literary information
1. Literary terms
2. Literary concepts
3. Stylistic devices
4. Elements of each literary

5. Kinds of short story/novel

Literary interpreatation
1. Interpreting symbols
2. Interpreting theme
3. Interpreting character
4. Interpreting POV
5. Interpreting setting
6. Interpreting conflicts
7. Interpreting style
8. Interpreting tone

God Bless!

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