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UNIT II- Nursing

Management Functions

why is it imperative that planning
become a major element in any
manager’s job description?
Pre- determining a course of action in order
to arrive at a desired result.

An integral step in the nursing process.

A continuous process of assessing,

establishing goals & obj., implementing and
evaluating them, and subjecting these to
change as new facts are known.
Principles of Planning
Planning is always based and focused on
the vision, mission, philosophy, and
clearly defined objectives of the

Planning is a continuous process.

Provision of proper analysis is done to
make it effective
Planning utilizes all available resources.

Planning should be pervasive within the

entire organization.

Planning must be precise in its scope

and nature. Should be realistic and
focused on expected outcomes.
Planning should be time bounded. Short
and long term basis.

Projected Plans must be documented for

proper dissemination to all concerned for
implementation and evaluation as to the
extent of its achievement.
Importance of Planning
Leads to achievements of goals and

Gives meaning to work.

Effective use of available resources

and facilities.

Helps in coping with crises.

Cost effective.

Based on past and future activities.

Leads to realization of the need for


Basis for control.

Necessary for effective control.

Major Aspects of Planning
Should contribute to objectives.

Precedes all other processes of


Pervades all levels.

Should be efficient.
The effectiveness of a plan is enhanced by
the environment in which the nursing
personnel work.
“ A positive climate promotes good
working relationships and leads
toward achievement of identified
Types of Planning
A. Strategic Planning
is a systematic process that emphasizes
assessment of the environment
(economic, political, social, and
technological) both internally and
It can be issue- based, scenario-based
and goal- based.
Requires a multidisciplinary approach.
Strategic Planning Process
External assessment
Internal assessment
Strategic- organization
Operational- Department/ unit
B. Project Planning

entails planning for a project.

One- time effort.

Identify the problem that the project will
ultimately address.
Name the project.
Determine the goals.
Specify tasks for each member.
Identify resources needed.
Indicate timelines for completion.
Implement the project.
Evaluate the project.
Responsibilities of Project
Clarify the Purpose of the Project.
Identify the Roles and Responsibilities of
each members.
Help overcome barriers to the project’s
Provide the necessary financial and
human resources to accomplish the
Recognize members for job well done.
C. Operational Planning

It is a blueprint by which the objectives of

a department/ unit are put into measurable

Used to identify the responsibilities and

resources needed to accomplish the
department/ unit priorities.
It includes:

assessment of the environment,

identification of goals and objectives,
strategies needed to implemented to
accomplish the plan,
expected outcomes
Tools in Operational Plan:

Gantt Chart ( Finkler & Kovner, 2000)

Critical Path Method ( Baker 2006)

Program Evaluation and review

technique ( Mcguffin 1999)
Gantt Chart
- assess how long a project should take
- lay out the order in which tasks need
to be carried out.
- determine the resources needed.
- it helps monitor the progress and stay
on track.
- useful when working with multiple
Gantt control chart
weeks 1 2 3 4 5

Project X X
Project X X
Project X X X
Project X X
Project X
Critical Path Method
- monitor the achievement of
project goals and take remedial
action if the project is not going
- consist of diagrams that depict
the activities and time required.
Critical Path Method

Step 3 Assess
Orient Strengths
Step 2
Step 1 Staff

ent Staff
Program Evaluation and Review
- calculates a realistic timeframe
by using the shortest possible time
each activity will take, likely time and
the longest time.
- Shortest time+4 × likely time+ longest time
A. Setting the Vision, Mission,
Philosophy, Goals and
- statement that outlines the
agency’s purpose and reason
for existing ( organization/
institution, client and the services
- statements identify the Future of
the organization.
- states where the organization is
going, the ultimate position that
the organization plans to achieve.
What is the primary function of the
Philippine Department of Health?
Vision of the Philippine Department
of Health

Health is a basic human right.

A continuous set of services must
be provided to assure the
enjoyment of this right especially
by the poor.
The Department of Health shall work to
make the enjoyment of the right to health a
reality by

Making services available;

Mobilization resources;
Providing the means to better health;
Arousing community awareness
Quirino Memorial Medical Center
Is a government operated, tertiary medical
center, under the Department of Health,
committed to serve the public in pursuit of
high quality Healthcare services, through
an effective, responsive, and integrated
referral and networking system with other
health agencies, not only in Quezon City
and its catchment areas throughout the
The Medical Center envisions itself to
become a Center of Excellence
providing holistic approach to health
care services. A center of wellness,
the services provided shall enable the
people to improve their health and
increase control over it.
The Medical Center, as a public, terteriary
hospital is so maintained as the people’s
partner and improved to provide
accessible, quality, cost effective,
preventive, promotive, curative,
rehabilitative health care services to the
general public, especially the destitute.
The institution is also committed to
medical, nursing, and allied health
education, training and research.
 Recognize your organization’s Vision

and Mission Statement.

 Identify your department strength and

 Discuss the relationship between Goals

and Objectives.

 Describes the vision.

 A statement of beliefs and values that direct
one’s life or one’s practice.
 A sense of purpose of the organization and
the reason behind its structure and goals.
 Gives direction toward the attainment of the
set goals and objectives.
Philosophy of Quirino Memorial
Medical Center

1. The Hospital is committed to assume a

vital role in health promotion. Disease
prevention, curative, rehabilitative, and
primary health care in partnership with
public health counterparts, the clients,
families, and communities.
- Are more general and cover a
broad area.
- It may be short term ( week,
month, or a year) Or long term
( 5- 10 years)
- statements that make goals more
specific and measurable and give
managers the ability to evaluate goal
Goal: Increase patient awareness of
department services.

 Objectives:
Within 8 weeks,
1. develop and print brochure
2. Provide brochure to patients on
3. Explain to patients which services are offered
within the department and the hospital.
B. Forecasting
 Why is forecasting provide the basis for
planning? Define forecasting.
C. Budgeting

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