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A Presentation on Vocational

Training at NSPCL,BHILAI
Presented By:


Basic Layout
Coal Handling Plant
Demineralization Plant
Boiler Section
Alternator & Turbine
Cooling Towers
Switch Yard & Control Room

NSPCL (NTPC-SAIL Power Co. Private Limited)
Joint Venture started at March 2002.
NSPCL,Bhilai commissioned 2X250 MW coal
fired Bhilai Expansion power plant.
Generating voltage is 11.5KV which is further
stepped up to 33KV.
Other branches are situated at Rourkela &
All these are CAPTIVE power plant.
All these are Coal based Thermal Power Plant.

Basic Layout of the Coal

Handling Plant

Demineralization Plant

Boiler Section

Air Pre-heater
It is a device used in steam boilers to transfer
heat from the flue gases to the combustion air
before the air enters the furnace.
Also known as air heater, air-heating system but
it is kept at a place near by where the air enters
in to the boiler.
The purpose of the air pre-heater is to recover
the heat from the flue gas from the boiler to
improve boiler efficiency by burning warm air
which increases combustion efficiency, and
reducing useful heat lost from the flue.

Super Heater
A device which removes last
traces of moisture.
It helps in reduction in
requirement of steam quantity.
steam being dry reduces the
mechanical resistance of turbine.
No corrosion at the turbine

Cooling Towers

Remove heat from the water discharged from the condenser so

that the water can be discharged to the river or re circulated
and reused.
Air can be circulated in the cooling towers through natural draft
and mechanical draft.


Switch Yard Components

Power Transformers
Circuit Breaker
Current Transformer
Potential Transformer
Isolator(line & bus)
Interconnecting Transformer
Bus Coupler
Lightning Arrestors

Bus Coupler
different bus sections
of two
different power transformers are connected by
means of a bus coupler.
The bus coupler becomes useful when one of
the power transformers fails or a fault occurs in
either of the bus sections.


overhead line conductors should be supported on the
poles or towers in such a way that currents from conductors
do not flow to earth through supports i.e., line conductors must
be properly insulated from supports. This is achieved by securing
line conductors to supports with the help of INSULATORS.
The insulators provide necessary insulation between line
conductors and supports and thus prevent any leakage current
from conductors to earth.

Lightning Arrester
A lightning arrester is a device used on electrical power systems
and telecommunication systems to protect the insulation and
conductors of the system from the damaging effects of lightning.
The typical lightning arrester has a high-voltage terminal and a
ground terminal.
When a lightning surge (or switching surge, which is very similar)
along the power line to the arrester , the current from the surge
is diverted through the arrestor, in most cases to earth.

Circuit Breaker & Relays

A circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch
designed to protect an electrical current from damage
caused by overload or short circuit.
Its basic function is to detect a fault condition and, by
interrupting continuity, to immediately discontinue electrical flow.
The circuit breaker works along with the relays which give a
tripping signal in case of any irregularity or the faults.
The circuit breaker then opens to open the circuit such
that other instruments of the system can be protected.


It is used to make sure that an electrical circuit can be completely deenergised for service or maintenance.
It allows isolation of apparatus such as circuit breakers and transformers,
and transmission lines, for maintenance.
GODs are provided to facilitate isolation of breakers supplying power to
various feeders. In 220kv Switchyard, they are designed as 29A, 29B,
29C & 29E as follows
29 A main bus side GOD.
29 B - Equipment side GOD.
29 C - Transfer bus side GOD.
29 E - Earth GOD.

Current & Voltage

or voltage instrument transformers

necessary for isolating the protection, control and
measurement equipment from the high voltages of
a power system, and for supplying the equipment
with the appropriate values of current and voltage generally these are 1A or 5 for the current coils, and
120 V for the voltage coils.


Line Diagram

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