Emergency Nursing

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Chapter 71

Emergency Nursing

Copyright 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

At the end of this session the student
should be able to:
1.Define the terms: emergency nurse and
2.Explain the process of triaging;
3.Identify the priority disorders in triaging;
4.Discuss how patients are managed
presenting with emergency disorders.
Copyright 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Scope and Practice of

Emergency Nursing
Emergency management traditionally
refers to urgent and critical care needs.
The ED has increasingly been used for
non-urgent problems
Emergency management has broadened
to include the concept that an
emergency is whatever the patient or
family considers it to be.
The emergency room staff works as a
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The Emergency Nurse

The emergency nurse has had specialized
education, training, experience, and
expertise in assessing and identifying
patients health care problems in crisis
Nursing interventions are accomplished
interdependently in consultation or under
the direction of a physician or nurse
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Priority Emergency Measures for

all Patients
Safety is the first priority
Preplanning to assure security and a safe
Close observation of patient and family members
in event that they respond to stress with physical
Assessment of patient and family psychological
Patient and family focused interventions

Actions to relieve anxiety and provide a sense of security

Allow family to stay with patient, if possible, to alleviate anxiety
Provide explanations and information
Additional interventions are provided depending upon the stage of crisis
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sorts patients
based on the severity of health problems
Takes in account the immediacy with which
these problems must be treated

The triage nurse collects data and classifies

the illnesses and injuries to ensure that the
patients most in need of care do not
needlessly wait.
Protocols may be initiated in the triage area.
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Triage Categories
Three levels
Highest priority
Life threatening conditions
Must be seen immediately

Serious problems
Not immediately life threatening
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Triaging Contd.
Episodic illnesses
Address within 24hrs,

fast track
Simple first aid/primary care
Can be referred

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Five level system

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Triaging Contd.
The obvious first-priority patients are those
with multiple trauma:

Gunshot or stab wounds

Persons involved in motor vehicle accidents
Persons with obvious CVA
Persons with severe chest pain/heart attack
Patients in shock or who have unstable vital

Persons presenting with respiratory

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Principles of Emergency Care

Assess and Intervene

A, B, C
Health history
Head-to-toe assessment

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Principles of Emergency Care

Diagnostic and lab testing
Insertion of monitoring devices

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Airway Obstruction

Head-Tilt-Chin-Lift Maneuver
Jaw-Thrust Maneuver
Oropharyngeal Airway Insertion
Endotracheal Intubation
Alternative Intubation Method

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E- Expose the patient
F- *Full set of vital signs, *five
interventions (cardiac monitor, pulse
oximetry, urinary catheter, NG if not
contraindicated, lab studies)
G- giving comfort measurespain control,
reassurance to patient and family
H- history/ head to toe assessment
I- inspect for hidden injuries-log roll patient
to inspect posterior aspect.
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An unintentional or intentional wound or injury
inflicted on the body from a mechanism
against which the body cannot protect itself
Collection of forensic evidence
A critical role of the nurse!
Documentation may be used in legal proceedings
If criminal activity suspected, bag clothes and
belongings and give to law enforcement; document
the name of officer
If suicide or homicide, must notify medical

Multiple trauma
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Priority management


Restore physical integrity and function of injured
tissue, with minimal scarring and without infection
Wound cleansing
Primary closure
Delayed primary closure

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Management of Patients with

Intra-Abdominal Injuries
Blunt trauma or penetrating injuries
Abdominal trauma can cause massive life-threatening
blood loss into abdominal cavity
Obtain history
Abdominal assessment and assess other body
systems for injuries that frequently accompany
abdominal injuries
Assess for referred pain which may indicate spleen,
liver, or intraperitoneal injury
Laboratory studies, CT scan, abdominal ultrasound
(FAST), diagnostic peritoneal lavage
Stab woundsinography
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Management of Patients with

Intra-Abdominal Injuries

Assure airway, breathing, and circulation

Immobilize cervical spine
Continually monitor the patient
Document all wounds
If viscera are protruding cover with sterile, moist
saline dressing
Hold oral fluids
NG to aspirate stomach contents
Tetanus and antibiotic prophylaxis
Rapid transport
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2010 Wolters
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Priorities of Care for the Patient

with Multiple Trauma
Requires a team approach
Determine extent of injuries and
establish priorities of treatment
Assume cervical spine injury
Injuries interfering with vital
physiologic function have highest
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Priorities in the Management of

the Patient With Multiple Injuries

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Priorities in the Management of

the Patient with Multiple Injuries

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Fluid Replacement
Control of External Hemorrhage
Control of Internal Bleeding

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Fluid replacement
Blood, crystalloids, colloids
If large volume rapid infusion, need to warm fluids to
prevent hypothermia

Control of internal hemorrhage, usually via

emergent surgery; administer PRBCs while
awaiting surgery

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Control of External

Direct Pressure
Compression of pressure points
(arteries, veins)
AVOID tourniquetscan compromise
loss of circulation and loss of limb

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Environmental Emergencies:

Internal core temperature is 35C or less

Elderly, infants, persons with concurrent
illness, the homeless, and trauma victims
are at risk
Alcohol ingestion increases susceptibility
Hypothermia may be seen with frost bite and
treatment of hypothermia takes precedence
Physiologic changes in all organ systems
Monitor continuously
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Management of Patients with


Use ABCs, remove wet clothing, and

Active core rewarming

Cardiopulmonary bypass, warm fluid administration,

warm humidified oxygen, warm peritoneal lavage

Passive external rewarming

Warm blankets and over the bed heaters

Note: Cold blood returning from the

extremities has high levels of lactic acid
and can cause potential cardiac
dysrhythmias and electrolyte disturbances
Copyright 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Management of Patients with


Poison is any substance that when ingested,

inhaled, absorbed, applied to the skin, or
produced within the body in relativity small
amounts injures the body by its chemical
Treatment goals:
Remove or inactivate the poison before it is
Provide supportive care in maintaining vital
organs systems
Administer specific antidotes
Implement treatment to hasten the elimination of
the poison
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Management of Patients with

Ingested PoisonsAssessment

Monitor VS, LOC, ECG, UO
Laboratory specimens
Determine what, when, and how much
substance was ingested
Signs and symptoms of poisoning and
tissue damage
Health history
Age and weight
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Management of Patients with

Ingested Poisons
Measures to remove the toxin or decrease its
Use of emetics
Gastric lavage
Activated charcoal
Cathartic when appropriate (sod. Sulphate,
mag. Sul)
Administration of specific antagonist as
early as possible
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Poision Ingestion: Contd.

Other measures may include
diuresis, dialysis or hemoperfusion
Corrosive agents such as acids and
alkalines cause destruction of tissues by
contact. Do not induce vomiting with
corrosive agents.

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Management Patients with

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Inhaled carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin as
ManifestationsCNS symptoms predominate
Skin color is not a reliable sign and pulse
oximetry is not valid
Get to fresh air immediately
CPR as necessary
Administer oxygen; 100% or oxygen under
hyperbaric pressure
Monitor continuously
Copyright 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Management of Patients with

Food Poisoning
A sudden illness due to the ingestion of
contaminated food or drink
ABCs and supportive measures
Note: Food poisoning, such as botulism or
fish poisoning, may result in respiratory
paralysis and death
Determination of food poisoning
Treat fluid and electrolyte imbalances
Control nausea and vomiting
Clear liquid diet and progression of diet
after nausea and vomiting subside
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Management of Patients with

Substance Abuse
Acute alcohol intoxicationa
multisystem toxin
Alcohol poisoning may result in death
Maintain airway and observe for CNS depression
and hypotension
Rule out other potential causes of the behaviors
before it is assumed the patient is intoxicated
Use nonjudgmental, calm manner
May need sedation if noisy or belligerent
Examine for withdrawal delirium, injuries, and
evidence of other disorders
Copyright 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Crisis Intervention: Rape Victims

How the patient is received and treated in the ED is
important to his or her psychological well-being.
Crisis intervention begins as soon as the patient enters
the facility; the patient should be seen immediately
Goals are to provide support, reduce emotional
trauma, and gather evidence for possible legal
Patient reaction; Rape trauma syndrome
History taking and documentation
Physical examination and collection of forensic
Role of the sexual assault nurse examiner

Copyright 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Psychiatric Emergencies
Overactive patients, violent behavior,
underactive or depressed patients and suicidal
Maintain the safety all persons and gain control of
the situation
Determine if the patient is at risk for injuring
himself or herself or others.
Maintain the persons self-esteem while providing
Determine if the person has a psychiatric history or
is currently under care to contact that therapist

Crisis intervention
Interventions specific to each of the conditions
Copyright 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Family Violence, Abuse and

Clinical manifestations
Physical injuries
Multiple injuries or injuries that are not well explained
Common injuries include bruises, lacerations,
fractures, head injuries

Psychological manifestations
Anxiety, insomnia, vague GI complaints

Usually do not identify abuser

Neglect may manifest as poor hygiene,
dehydration, inattention to known medical needs

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Family Violence, Abuse and



Acute awareness for signs of possible abuse/neglect

Question patient in private, away from possible
Careful documentation
May include quotations and photographs - may be
used in legal proceedings

If abuse or neglect is suspected, primary concern is
for the safety of patient
MD, RN, social worker, authorities
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Family Violence, Abuse and


Mandatory reporting laws

If child or elder abuse is SUSPECTED,

health care workers must report suspicion
to Child or Adult Protective Services
Proof is not required
If report made in good faith, no criminal or
civil liability against HCW

Copyright 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


Emergency Operations Plan

Health care facilities are required to

create a plan for emergency preparedness

and to practice this plan twice a year.
Essential components of the plan:
An activation response
An internal/external communication plan
A plan for coordinated patient care
Security plans
Identification of external resources
A plan for people management and traffic
Copyright 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Emergency Operations Plan


Essential components of the plan:

A data management strategy
Deactivation response
Post-incident response
A plan for practice drills
Anticipated resources
Mass causality incident planning
An education for all of the above
Copyright 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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