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m m 


Lt Cdr Ong Khye Liat RMN

2 Mac 2010



Phase current = line current. Phase current = line current/я3


 ãelta-delta Connection
 ãelta-wye Connection
 Wye-delta Connection
 Wye-wye Connection

 wt is mainly used in emergency situation when 1 of
the delta-delta connection becomes defective and
has to be removed.


 Open delta connection
is seldom used as the
load capacity of the
installed transformer
bank is only 86.6% of
the installed
transformer capacity.


Mransformers for 3-phase circuits can be constructed
2 ways.

 3 single phase transformer connected in a 3 phase

 Make 3 phase transformer consisting of 3 sets of
windings wrapped on a common core.


 Mhe majority of three phase transformers are
mostly in the form of core-type construction. A
small or medium rated transformer is usually of
three-legged core-type.

 gnder balanced condition,
the currents in 3 phases are
equal in magnitude, with
angles 120° apart.
Accordingly, the vector form
fluxes in three phases are
120° apart and summed to
zero at the yoke.
 Mhere is no need of a return
path for the flux.


 wf there is some unbalance in the
terminal voltage, the sum of the 3
phase fluxes (residual flux), will
not be zero and it has to return
through a path out of the
transformer magnetic core.
 Mhis means the residual flux at the
top yoke has to pass through a
huge air gap and the tank to the
bottom yoke.


 Mhe path through the air gap and
the tank has low permeability
and, thus, high magnetic
 wn order to overcome the
shortcoming of three-legged
transformers in unbalanced
condition, a fourth leg is added to
the transformer core.


 Mhe fourth leg provides a path for the
zero-sequence magnetic flux.
 For a four-legged transformer, the
zero sequence magnetic reluctance is
small and the zero sequence
impedance is large.


 Mhe top and bottom yokes
generally are designed to
carry one per unit of zero
sequence flux in the fourth
 wn order to reduce the height
of the yoke on a large rated
transformer for
transportability, a fifth leg is
added to the four-legged
 Mhe zero sequence performance of a
five legged transformer is similar to
that of a four-legged transformer,
which is approximately the positive
sequence leakage impedance
between the windings until the
applied voltage saturates either the
yokes or the end legs.


 A 3-phase transformer always cheaper and smaller
than 3 single phase transformer for the same

 ²ame way as for a single-phase transformer.
 ²teps as following:
 Assume that the primary and secondary windings are
both connected in wye. wn wye connection the
impedance per phase is understood to be the line-to-
neutral impedance. Mhe voltage per phase is simply the
line voltage divided by ¥3 and the current per phase is
equal to the line current.

 Consider only single phase of this transformer bank.
 Primary voltage of this single phase transformer is the
line-to-neutral voltage of incoming line.
 ²econdary voltage of this transformer is line-to-neutral
voltage of the outgoing line.
 Mhe nominal power rating of this transformer in  the
rating of the 3 phase transformer bank.
 Mhe load on this transformer is  the load on the
transformer bank.


 ²olving circuits containing transformers can be
quite a tedious operation because of the need to
refer all the different voltage levels on different
sides of the transformers in the system to a
common level.
 Mhe per unit system can simplify the calculation.


 Mhe per unit system can simplify the calculation.


 A transformer has no effect on the base apparent
power of the system, since the apparent power into
a transformer equals the apparent power out of the
 Mhe per unit system applies just as well to 3 phase
transformers as to single phase transformer.


 wf the total base voltampere value of the
transformer bank is called ²base, then the base
voltampere value of one of the transformer, ²1Ø,base,

 With primary voltage held constant at its rated value,
the voltage regulation (in %) is

ENL = secondary voltage at no load
EFL = secondary voltage at full-load


 wf the transformer equivalent circuit is in the per-
unit system, then voltage regulation can be
expressed as

 Mhe relationship between the base line
voltage/current and base phase voltage/current of
the transformer depends on the connection of
 wf the windings are connected in delta, VL,base = VØ,base
and wL,base = ¥3 wØ,base.
 While the windings are connected in wye,
VL,base = ¥3 VØ,base and wL,base = wØ,base.


 Multi systems are used in large electronic
converter stations, in special electric controls and
control power flow over transmission lines.


 As we slide contract P form
phase B toward phase C,
voltage EAP changes both in
amplitude and phase.
 Mhis simple phase shifter
only can only be used in
small load application.

 By moving the contract
P, we obtain the same
open circuit voltages
and phase shifts
whether the
delivers a current to the
load or not.


 Contract P1, P2 and P3
move in tandem enables
to create a 3 phase
source whose phase
angle changes stepwise
and the voltages
magnitude vary from Eline
to 0.5 Eline.

! M  
 A special 3 phase autotransformer shifts the phase
angle between incoming and outgoing line without
changing the voltage ratio.
 Mhe angle may be leading or lagging, and is
usually variable between zero and 20o.

Mhe basic power rating of this transformer depends upon the apparent
power carried by the transmission line and the phase shift. For angles
than 20o,
²M = 0.025 ²L Įmax

²M = basic power rating of 3 phase transformer bank (VA),

²L = apparent power carried by the transmission line (VA),

Įmax = maximum transformer phase shift (o),

0.025 = an approximate coefficient.


 Mhe basic principle of obtaining a phase shift is to
connect 2 voltages in series that are generated by 2
different phases.


 Mhus, voltage E1b generated by phase B is connected
in series with EPN generated by phase A. Mhe values of
EPN and E1b are selected so that the output voltage is
equal to the input voltage while obtaining the desired
phase angle.


Mhe voltages in a 2 phase system are equal but

by 90o.

 gse a single phase autotransformer having taps at
50% and 86.6%
Mhe ratio of transformation is fixed and given by EAB/EAM =
100/86.6 = 1.1547 .

 gse scott connection
 Consists of 2 identical single phase
transformers, one having a 50% tap
and other 86.6% tap on primary.
 Mhe ratio of transformation is given
by EAB/E12.
 Has advantage of isolating the 3
phase and 2 phase systems.




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