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Mental Health Series

Therapeutic NursePatient Relationship 2

By Sawiji, S.Kep. Ns., M.Sc.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +6281-328-028-333

Nursing Basic Science Department

Muhammadiyah Gombong Health
Science Institute

Therapeutic Communication

Undertaken to carry out the nursing care plan

Has one or more goals
Aimed at meeting the needs of one of the
Self-disclosure by the interviewer is limited

Social Communication
May not have any specific goal
May not be purposeful
Meets the needs of all the participants
May be significant self-disclosure of all

Aids to Communication
Active listening
Expression of interest
Leaning forward
Nodding head
Verbalizations such as Uh-huh and Go on
Frequent validation
Attempt to fully understand

If you dont know what to say, say nothing
Gives patient time to think
Gives nurse time to think
May allow patient to expand upon what he was
saying or think of a new topic to discuss
As anxiety grows, patient is more likely to say

Trying to get the patient to expand upon a topic
or bring up another topic
Would you tell me more about that?
What else makes you feel that way?

Pt.: I couldnt sleep all night.
Nurse:You couldnt sleep all night. or
You couldnt sleep all night?
Pt.: My husband is very worried about me.
Nurse:Your husband is very worried about
Your husband is very worried about you?

Theme Identification
Ive noticed that in all of the relationships
that you have described, youve been hurt
or rejected by the man. Do you think this is
an underlying issue?

Repeating what the patient says in different
Pt.: Im worried about my operation tomorrow.
Nurse: Youre concerned about tomorrows
surgery. (or ?)

Have you thought about responding to your
boss in a different way when he raises that
issue with you?

Reflecting or validating
- signifies understanding, empathy, interest,
and respect for the patient. It consists of
repeating in fewer and different words the
essential ideas of the patient. (similar to
paraphrasing) Reflection can refer to
content or feelings.

Open-ended questions
Tell me what happened?
How are you today?

Can we continue talking about your mother
right now?

Clarifying, validating
Im having some difficulty. Could you help
me understand?

That gives whole new meaning to the word
nervous, (said with shared kidding between
the nurse and the patient).

-So far we have talked about..

I think you need to know more about how
your medication works.

Non-therapeutic Communication
False Reassurance
Everythings going to be all right.
Youre doing just fine.
Pt.: Im afraid I wont wake up from the
Nurse:Sure you will.

Barriers cont.
Giving approval or disapproval; being
judgmental; agreeing or disagreeing
I wouldnt say that.
Of course; I agree.

Barriers cont.
Giving advice
If I were you
I think you should
It seems to me the best course of action is

Barriers cont.
Pt.: The nurses were very slow
answering my light last night.
Nurse:I dont know how you can say that. This
floor has the best nurses in the hospital.

Barriers cont.
Minimizing feelings
Pt.: Im quite scared about this surgery.
Nurse:Oh, everyone feels that way before an
Pt.: I really hate shots.
Nurse.Dont be silly. Its just a little stick.

Barriers cont.
Changing the subject
Pt.: I hope someone comes to visit me today.
Nurse:Its such a beautiful day today.

Social response
- nurse uses superficial social conversation
that is not client-centered.
- How does the coffee taste today?

Responsive dimensions
Genuineness- the nurse is open, honest,
and sincere.
Respect- unconditional positive regard. The
nurses attitude is nonjudgmental.
Empathy- sensitivity to the pts current
feelings and the verbal ability to
communicate this understanding.

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