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Special issues: women

Has 2013
antenatal exercises

By: zullfakar
nurdina afini

Being pregnant doesnt mean stopping exercises. On
the contrary, exercises do wonders for mother during
pregnancy. It helps to prepare mother for childbirth
by strengthening her muscles and building
endurance. Moreover, it helps getting mothers body
back in shape, once the baby is born. Of course, not
every form of sport or exercise is safe to do, but
many forms are. Most women will benefit, as long as
they are not advised against exercise (e.g. due to
medical condition) by the doctor).

1. Improved circulation for mother and baby.
2. Reduction in aches and pains of pregnancy e.g. backache, cramps
3. Improved stamina, giving you more energy to cope with growing
demands of pregnancy.
4. Improved posture and body awareness.
5. More controlled weight gain.
6. Improved sleeping patterns.
7. Reduction in minor ailments of pregnancy such as: stiffness,
tension, constipation, sleeplessness.
8. Increased circulation minimizing varicose veins and swelling.
9. Enhanced psychological wellbeing.
10. A beneficial effect on the course and outcome of labour.

Guideline before
If mother has always been active, she can continue her exercise
regime while pregnant, providing her pregnancy isnt considered high
Check with doctor to make sure that activities mother participate is
right for her.
Wear loose fitting, breathable clothing and supportive shoes.
Warm up before exercising.
Keep moving to avoid dizziness.
Avoid overdoing exercise.
If mother feel uncomfortable or have pain, stop immediately.
Drinks a lot of water before, during, and after exercise.
Get up from floor slowly and carefully.
Avoid outdoor activities when its hot and humid.
Cool down.

Antenatal exs.
Walking: keeps mothers fit without jarring her knees and

Jogging or running: most efficient way for mother to work her

heart and body.
Swimming: the best and the safest exs. for pregnant women.
Ideal because it exercises both large ms. groups (arms and
legs, provide good cardiovascular benefits and allows pregnant
women to fill weightless despite the extra weight of pregnancy.

Yoga and stretches: help maintain ms. tone and keep mothers
flexible with little any impact if any impact of her jt. Be careful not
to over do the stretching. Dont hold the stretches for too long or
try to develop mothers flexibility too much.
Pilates: form of exercises which combine flexibility and strength
training with body awareness, breathing and relaxation. The
exercises are based on certain movement pattern performed with
tummy and pelvic floor ms-known as Pilates as stable core or

Pelvic floor exercise: the pelvic floor muscles forms the

base of the pelvis. When strong and working properly they
play an important role in helping prevent stress
incontinence, (so when mother laugh, cough, sneeze or lift
something up no urine or stool accidentally escapes), and
in preventing prolapse, (where the uterus slips down into
the vagina).

Exercising your pelvic floor muscles during the pregnancy is

beneficial when youre giving birth, as toned muscles will be
easier to relax and control.

Exercise to avoid

Water skiing
Horse riding
Rock climbing
Scuba diving

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