Calamity and Disaster Preparedness

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Calamity and Disaster


Calamity and Disaster Preparedness

Describe the historical background of
disaster preparedness;
Enumerate the objectives of the
National calamity and disaster plan
and discuss its concept;

Explain the various disaster

coordinating councils;
Enumerate and explain the
preparation in case of disaster; and
Describe the steps for disaster

A disaster is an event, natural or manmade,

sudden or progressive, which impacts with
such severity, that the affected community has
to respond by taking exceptional measures.

It is a serious disruption of the functioning of a

society causing widespread human, material,
financial, and environmental losses which
exceed the ability of the society to cope using
its own resources.

The Philippines is oftentimes subjected

to different natural disasters and
calamities because we are surrounded
by water. It is considered as an
archipelago because our country is
composed of 7000 islands.

These oceans and seas that surrounds

us are considered blessings because
they are the sources of marine wealth.

What are the common types of disaster?

The different disasters that Filipinos experience are:

Volcanic Eruption
Tropical cyclone
Major Accident
Armed conflict and civil Unrest

What are the General Effects of Disaster?

Loss of Life
Damage to and destruction of property
Damage to and destruction of subsistence and cash crops
Disruption of production
Disruption of lifestyles
Loss of Livelihood
Disruption of essential services
Damage to National infrastructure and disruption of
governmental systems
National economic loss, and
Sociological and psychological after-effects

With the different calamities

presented, there is a need for
calamity and disaster preparedness
so that people will be aware of how
they will, at least, manage their
families accordingly these calamities.

What is Disaster Preparedness?

These are measures, which enable

government agencies, organizations,
communities, and individuals to
respond rapidly and effectively to
disaster situations.

What are the General Disaster countermeasures?

Development of possible warning indicators.

Land use regulations
Building regulations
Relocation of communities
Public Awareness and education programs
Evaluation plans and arrangements
Fire prevention regulations
International cooperation in information and

What are the Philippine Approaches to Disaster


Take adaptive action; and
Take corrective action.

What are the components of Disaster

Prevention. These are actions designed to impede the
occurrence of disaster or its harmful effects on
communities and key installations.
Mitigation. These are programs intended to reduce the ill
effects of disaster.
Preparedness. These are measures, which enable
governments, organizations, communities and individuals
to respond rapidly and effectively to disaster situations.
Disaster Impact. This reminds us that the impact of
disaster can vary between different types of disasters.

Responds. These are measures taken

immediately prior to and following disaster impact.
Recovery. This is a process by which
communities and organizations are assessed in
returning to their proper level of functioning
following a disaster.
Development. This provides the link between
disaster-related activities and national

What can Influence Disaster

The following an influence disaster
warning :

The source and timing of warning;

Warning message;
The warning transmission;
The recipients response

What are the Disaster Management Policies?

Self-reliance through self-help and mutual assistance.

Maximum utilization of resources in the affected areas.
Planning and operation to be done on the barangay level,
in an interagency, multi-sectoral basis to optimize
existing resources.
Documentation of plans of DOC members.
Local leadership to take charge at their respective levels.
National government to support local government efforts.
Exercise and periodic drills to be conducted, principally at
the barangay level, to ensure readiness by all concerned.

Who are the Members of the council?

The chairman is the secretary of the department of
National Defense.
The members are:
Department of public works and highways (DPWH).
Department of Transportation and communication (DOTC).
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).
Department of Agriculture (DA).
Department of Education, culture and Sports (DE(S)- now
it is the Department of Education (DepEd).
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).

The different coordinating counsels

have personnel stationed in their
respective operation centers,
composed of the following:

Damage Assessment and Needs

Analysis Unit.
Emergency Management Information
Service Unit.
Vulnerability Risk Reduction
Management Unit.
Plans and Operation Unit; and
Resource Unit.

Each council shall provide operating units for:

1. Communication, Transportation
Service and Early Warning Device,
2. Health Services,
3. Auxiliary Fire and Police Service,
4. Relief and Rehabilitation Services,
5. Publi9 Information Services, and
6. Rescue, Evacuation, and
Engineering Services.

What are the Objectives of Disaster


1. To avoid or reduce physical and

economic losses,
2. To reduce human personal sufferings
and personal losses,
3. To achieve rapid and durable

What does the National Disaster Management

Program contain?

Disaster preparedness,
construction of disaster reduction
Disaster response and short-term
Public information
Research and development

What are the Suggestions to Enhance

Community Preparedness?

Appreciation of the fact that any

disaster can occur with or without
Awareness on the characteristic and
corresponding effects of calamities.
Identification of vulnerable and
disaster prone areas in the locality,

Readiness in responding to the

threats of natural and man-made
Capability to do and what must be
done and when to do it in case
disaster strikes, and
Application of counter-measures to
cushion the impact of the calamity.

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