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Chapter 3: Tutorial

Problems Statement


(3.33/3.33) Fill out the following table for substance

P [kPa]

T [ oC]





v [m3/kg]



(3.34/3.34) Place the four states a-d listed in Problem

3.33/3.33 as labeled dots in a sketch of the P-v and T-v


(3.41/3.42) A sealed rigid vessel has volume of 1 m3

and contains 2 kg of water at 100oC. The vessel is now
heated. If a safety pressure valve is installed, at what
pressure should the valve be set to have a maximum
temperature of 200oC?


(3.42/3.44) Saturated liquid water at 60oC is put under

pressure to decrease the volume by 1% while keeping
the temperature constant. To what pressure should it
be compressed?


(3.48/3.43) Saturated water vapor at 200 kPa is in a

constant pressure piston/cylinder assembly. At this

state the piston is 0.1 m from the cylinder bottom.
How much is this distance and what is the
temperature if the water is cooled to occupy half the
original volume ?


(3.53/3.59)A boiler feed pump delivers 0.05 m3/s of

water at 240oC, 20 MPa. What is the mass flow
rate (kg/s)? What would be the percent error if
the properties of saturated liquid at 240oC were
used in the calculation? What if the properties of
saturated liquid at 20 MPa were used?


(3.56/3.49)A glass jar is filled with saturated water

at 500 kPa of quality 25%, and a tight lid is put
on. Now it is cooled to -10oC. What is the mass
fraction of solid at this temperature?


(3.57/?) Saturated (liquid + vapor) ammonia is 60oC

contained in a rigid steel tank. It is used in an
experiment, where it should pass through the
critical point when the system is heated. What
should the initial mass fraction of liquid be ?


(3.60/3.55)A sealed rigid vessel of 2 m3 contains a

saturated mixture of liquid and vapor R-134a at
10oC. If it is heated to 50oC, the liquid phase
disappears. Find the pressure at 50oC and the
initial mass of the liquid.


(3.62/3.61) A pressure cooker has the lid screwed on

tight. A small opening with A = 5 mm2 is covered with a
petcock that can be lifted to let steam escape. How
much mass should the petcock have to allow boiling at
120oC with an outside atmosphere at 101.3 kPa?



(3.72/3.76) A vacuum pump is used to evacuate a

chamber where some specimen are dried at 50oC.
The pump rate of volume displacement is 0.5 m3/s
with an inlet pressure of 0.1 kPa and temperature
50oC. How much water vapor has been removed
over a 30-min period?



(3.73/3.75) A 1-m3 rigid tank has propane at 100

kPa, 300 K and connected by a valve to another tank
of 0.5 m3 with propane at 250 kPa and 400 K. The
valve is opened and the two tanks come to a uniform
state at 325 K. What is the final pressure?



(3.80/3.86) Argon is kept in a rigid 5 m3 tank at

-30oC and 3 MPa. Determine the mass using the
compressibility factor. What is the error (%) if the
ideal-gas model is used?



(3.82/3.89) A new refrigerant R-125 is stored as a

liquid at -20oC with a small amount of vapor. For a
total of 1.5 kg R-125 find the pressure and volume.



(3.97/3.103)Consider two tanks, A and B,

connected by a valve. Each has a volume of 200 L,
and tank A has R-12 at 25oC, 10% liquid and 90%
vapor by volume, while tank B is evacuated. The
valve is now opened and saturated vapor flows
from A to B until the pressure in B has reached that
in A, at which point the valve is closed. This
process occurs slowly such that all temperatures
stay at 25 C throughout the process. How much has
the quality changed in tank A during the process?



V1 200 L
T1 Tsat 25o C



(3.99/Q) A 1 m3 rigid tank has air at 1500 kPa and

ambient 300 K connected by a valve to a
piston/cylinder. The piston of area 0.1 m2 requires 250
kPa below it to float it. The valve is opened and the
piston moves slowly 2 m up and the valve is closed.
During the process, air temperature remains at 300 K.
What is the final Pressure in the tank?



(3.101/Q) A piston/cylinder arrangement is loaded with

a linear spring and the outside atmosphere. It contains
water at 5 MPa, 4000C with the volume being 0.1 m3. If
the piston is at the bottom, the spring exerts a force such
that Plift = 200 kPa. The system now cools until the P
reaches 1200 kPa. Find the mass of water, the final state
(T2,V2) and plot the P-v diagram for the process.



(3.103/Q) A container with liquid nitrogen at 100 K has

a cross sectional area of 0.5 m2. Due to heat transfer,
some of the liquid evaporates and in one hour the liquid
level drops 30 mm. The vapor leaving the container
passes through a valve and a heater and exits at 500 kPa,
260 K. Calculate the volume rate of flow of nitrogen gas
exiting the heater.



(3.105) A cylinder/piston arrangement contains water at

105C, 85% quality with a volume of 1 L. The system is
heated, causing the piston to rise and encounter a linear
spring as shown in Fig. At this point the volume is 1.5
L, piston diameter is 150 mm, and the spring constant is
100 N/mm. The heating continues, so the piston
compresses the spring. What is the cylinder temperature
when the pressure reaches 200 kPa?



(3.111/Q) A piston cylinder arrangement contains air at

250 kPa, 3000C. The 50 kg piston has a diameter of
0.1 m and initially pushes against the stops. The
atmosphere is at 100 kPa, 200C. The cylinder now cools
and heat is transferred to the ambient. a) At what
temperature does the piston begin to move down? b)
How far the piston has dropped when temperature
reaches ambient?



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