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The Nature and

Power of Prejudice
Reported by Krizzel Mae M.
Dela Cruz

The Nature and

Power of Prejudice
Reported by Krizzel Mae M.
Dela Cruz

Prejudice is a
learned trait. You're
not born prejudiced;
you're- Charles
R. Swindoll

It is preconceived
negative judgment of a
group and its individual
It is an attitude is a distinct
combination of feelings,
inclinations to act, and


A FFECTS (Feelings)
B EHAVIOR TENDENCY (Inclination to

C OGNITION (Beliefs)

may dislike those different from
self and behave in discriminatory
manner, believing them ignorant
and dangerous

Unjustified negative behavior toward
a group or its members.
It often has its source in prejudicial

A belief about the personal
attributes of a group of people.
It is sometimes over generalized,
inaccurate and resistant to new
information. Such generalizations
could be more or less true.

Prejudice is to
Discrimination is to

An individuals prejudicial attitudes
and discriminatory behavior toward
people of a given race,
Institutional practices (even if not
motivated by prejudice) that
subordinate people of a given race.

An individuals prejudicial attitudes
and discriminatory behavior toward
people of a given sex.
Institutional practices (even if not
motivated by prejudice) that
subordinate people of a given sex.



Today the question would seem
bizarre, because such blatant
disappeared. People of different
races also now share many of
aspirations, notes Amitai Etzioni

So, how great is the progress toward

racial equality? In the United States,
Whites tend to compare the present
with the oppressive past and to
perceive swift and radical progress.
Blacks tend to compare the present
with their ideal world, which has not
yet been realized, and to percive
somewhat less progress.

Subtle forms of prejudice

On paper-and-pencil questionnaires, Janet

Swim and her co-researchers (1995,
1997) have found a subtle (modern)
sexism that parallels subtle (modern)
racism. Both forms appear in denials of
discrimination and in antagonism toward
efforts to promote equality (as in
agreeing with a statement such as
Women are getting too demanding in
their push for equal rights).

Modern prejudice even appears as a

race sensitivity that leads to
exaggerated reactions to isolated
minority personsover praising their
accomplishments, over criticizing their
mistakes, and failing to warn Black
students, as they would White students,
about potential academic difficulty
(Crosby & Monin, 2007; Fiske, 1989;
Hart & Morry, 1997; Hass & others,
1991). It also appears as patronization.


How widespread are automatic prejudiced reactions

to African Americans? Experiments have shown
such reactions in varied contexts. For example, in
clever experiments by Anthony Greenwald and his
colleagues (1998, 2000), 9 in 10 White people took
longer to identify pleasant words (such as peace
and paradise ) as good when associated with
Black rather than White faces. The participants
consciously expressed little or no prejudice; their
bias was unconscious and unintended. Moreover,
report Kurt Hugenberg and Galen Bodenhausen
(2003), the more strongly people exhibit such
implicit prejudice, the readier they are to perceive
anger in Black faces.

Automatic prejudice. When Joshua Correll and his colleagues invited people to react quickly to people holding either a
gun or a harmless object, race influenced perceptions and reactions


Here we consider gender

stereotypes peoples beliefs
about how women and men do

From research on stereotypes, two
conclusions are indisputable: Strong
gender stereotypes exist, and, as often
happen, members of the stereotyped
group accept the stereotypes. Men and
women agree that you can judge the
book by its sexual cover.
Remember that stereotypes are
generalizations about a group of people
and may be true, false, or
overgeneralized from a kernel of truth.

Stereotypes (beliefs) are not

prejudices (attitudes).
Stereotypes may support
prejudice. Yet one might believe,
without prejudice, that men and
women are different yet equal.
Let us therefore see how
researchers probe for gender


Stereotypes about men also come in

contrasting pairs. Glick and his colleagues
(Glick & others, 2004) report ambivalent
sexism toward menwith benevolent
attitudes of men as powerful and hostile
attitudes that characterized men as immoral.
People who endorse benevolent sexism toward
women also tend to endorse benevolent
sexism toward men. These complementary
ambivalent sexist views of men and women
may serve to justify the status quo in gender

Is gender bias fast becoming extinct
in Western countries? Has the
womens movement nearly completed
its work? As with racial prejudice,
blatant gender prejudice is dying, but
subtle bias lives. One such bias can be
seen in analysis of birth
announcements (Gonzalez & Koestner,
2005). Parents announce the birth of
their baby boys with more pride than
the birth of their baby girls.

In contrast, they announce the birth of their

baby girls with more happiness than the birth
of their baby boys. It seems that even at birth,
parents are already describing their boys in
terms of status and their girls in terms of
relationships. In the world beyond democratic
Western countries, gender discrimination looms
even larger. Two-thirds of the worlds UN schooled children is girls (United Nations,
1991). In some countries, discrimination
extends to violence, even to being prosecuted
for adultery after being raped or to being
doused with kerosene and set ablaze by
dissatisfied husbands (UN, 2006).

But the biggest violence against women

may occur prenatally. Around the world,
people tend to prefer having baby boys.
In the United States in 1941, 38 percent
of expectant parents said they preferred
a boy if they could have only one child;
24 percent preferred a girl; and 23
percent said they had no preference. In
2003 the answers were virtually
unchanged with 38 percent still
preferring a boy (Lyons, 2003; Simmons,

To conclude, overt prejudice against

people of color and against women is far
less common today than it was in the
mid-twentieth century. Nevertheless,
techniques that are sensitive to subtle
prejudice still detect widespread bias.
And in parts of the world, gender
prejudice makes for misery. Therefore,
we need to look carefully and closely at
the social, emotional, and cognitive
sources of prejudice.

What Are the Social Sources


Prejudice springs from several sources. It

may arise from differences in social
status and peoples desires to justify and
maintain those differences. It may also
be learned from our parents as we are
socialized about what differences matter
between people. Our social institutions,
too, may function to maintain and
prejudice. Consider first how prejudice
can function to defend self-esteem and
social position.

Social Inequalities: Unequal Status

and Prejudice
A principle to remember: Unequal status
breeds prejudice. Masters view slaves as
irresponsible, lacking ambitionas having
just those traits that justify the slavery.
Historians debate the forces that create
unequal status. But once those inequalities
exist, prejudice helps justify the economic
and social superiority of those who have
wealth and power.

Peter Glick and Susan Fiskes

distinction between hostile and
sexism extends to other prejudices.
We see other groups as competent or
as likable, but often not as both.
These two culturally universal
dimensions of social perception
likability (warmth) and competence.

Some people notice and justify

status differences. Those high in
social dominance orientation
tend to view people in terms
of hierarchies. They like their
own social groups to be highstatusthey prefer being on the
top. Being in a dominant,
position also tends to promote
this orientation.

social dominance
A motivation to have ones
group dominate other social

our acquired values and attitudes. The
influence of family socialization appears in
childrens prejudices, which often mirror those
perceived in their mothers (Castelli &

others, 2007). Even childrens implicit racial

attitudes reflect their parents explicit
prejudice (Sinclair & others, 2004). Our
families and cultures pass on all kinds of
informationhow to find mates, drive cars,
and divide the household labors, and
whom to distrust and dislike.

Authoritarian personality - A
personality that is disposed to
favor obedience to authority and
intolerance of outgroups and those
lower in status.
ethnocentric - Believing in the
superiority of ones own ethnic and
cultural group, and having a
corresponding disdain for all other


In almost every country, leaders invoke religion to
sanctify the present order. The use of religion to
support injustice helps explain a consistent pair of
findings concerning North American Christianity: (1)
church members express more racial prejudice
than nonmembers, and (2) those professing
traditional or fundamentalist Christian beliefs
express more prejudice than those professing
more progressive
beliefs (Altemeyer & Hunsberger, 1992; Batson &
others, 1993; Woodberry & Smith,

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