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Year 7

Summer Term revision booklet
Name: ______________
Class: ______________

What will
be in the

Your tests will include:

They will cover the following topic areas:

personal description
school (description)
school hours & timetable
school subjects
likes and dislikes
plans for next week(end) sets 1-3 only

But how
will I
Revise by doing! First, you need to make sure you know
the key words. This involves using your memory.
Activity 1
Look at the following list of words and give each one a
number rating 1-5 based on how well you know the word.
Look at the VKS (Vocabulary Knowledge Scale) below:
1. I dont remember having seen this word before.
2. I have seen this word before but I dont know what
it means.
3. I have seen this word before and I think it
4. I know this word: it means.
5. I can use this word in a sentence, e.g.
(ref: Wesche M & Paribakht T.S. (1996) Assessing second language vocabulary
knowledge: depth versus breadth, The Canadian Modern Language Review 53, 1:28)




no me gusta

pienso que..




el horario

los ojos

me encanta



con mis amigos

For a reading or listening test, a number 4 rating is

enough. For a speaking or writing test, you need a 5
rating to be sure of success.

But how do I get

all the words to a
4 or 5?

Activity 2
1. Take the words topic by topic identify a maximum of 7
words that you have rated 1,2, or 3.
2. Use the step-by-step visual memory strategies on the
next two pages.
(If you already have given the words a 4 rating then to
move to a 5 the spelling strategy will be enough.)
3. Get someone in the class (or at home) to test you on
the words.
Now go to your vocabulary book and do the same 3 steps
to learn the words from the following pages. Not all at
once! One topic at a time and only the words that you
rate 1,2,3 you know the others well enough already!
question & question words








days of the week


school subjects




opinions & reasons


Brain researchers have shown many times that the power of

memory is multiplied many times if we connect an association to
the picture asking What does this sound like/remind me of?
An association is simply something that is connected to and
reminds us of something else. Author David Sousa says,
Whenever two events, actions or feelings are learned together
they are said to be associated or bonded, so that the recall of
one prompts the spontaneous recall of the other. The word
Romeo elicits Juliet, Batman gets Robin.
Word-Picture association
1. Choose a word, look at it and say it out loud.
2. What does the sound of the word remind you of? (at this stage dont
think of the real meaning of the word, only what the sound of the word
makes you think of)
3 Now think of the actual meaning of your new word. Create a picture
(looking up and to the side) in your mind of your association and the
real meaning of the word make the mental image as humorous and
detailed as you can and hold the picture in your mind.
4 Now draw the picture use as much colour as you can as this also
enhances memory!

Now write the word under the picture you have drawn.

6 In another colour write the English meaning of the word in the top
corner (right or left depending on where your visual memory is) of the
7 Hold your card up above eye level in your own visual memory position
and say the word and the English meaning several times.
8 Now you are going to be tested on this vocabulary sit as if you are
9 As you are recalling each word, use your visual memory look upward
and to the right/left.

Step by step successful spelling

1. Write the word onto a piece of coloured card, using
different coloured pens to emphasise unique letters
which do not sound as they are spelled.
2. Hold the card up in your visual memory location up to
the left or up to the right.
3. Trace the letters with a finger (still holding card in visual
memory position) and saying the word aloud.
4. Take a mental snapshot of the word imagine a camera
in your brain taking a picture of the word and storing it on
your visual memory screen.
5. Write the word down on your paper. Look up and
remember (visualise) how it looked on the visual
memory screen.
6. Compare what you wrote down with the word card.
Expect success!

So now I know
the words. What
Now you need to practise some test-type questions to see if you
can apply what youve learnt! Try these activities about school.

4. Read the text and answer the questions in English.

Pienso que mi da favorito es el martes. A las

nueve tengo ingls. Es muy divertido. Puedo
leer y escribir. A las diez menos diez tengo
historia. Me gusta la historia. Pienso que es
interesante. El recreo empieza a las doce
menos veinte. Prefiero ir a la cafetera a
hablar con mis amigos. A las doce tengo
ciencias. Es mi asignatura favorita. A las dos
es la hora de comer. Por la tarde tengo
1. Which is Sandras favourite day?
educacin fsica. Sandra

At what time does she have English?

What does she think of history?
How long is break?
What is her favourite subject?
What does she have in the afternoon?

5. Lee el texto y las frases. Verdad o mentira?

Pienso que es importante

estudiar idiomas. Mi madre
dice Tengo que aprender el
espaol. Mi abuelo piensa
que en Espaa todos hablan
ingls! Mis amigos en
Inglaterra piensan que es
importante pero dificl. Dicen
que es aburrido. En el instituto
en Espaa mis amigos piensan
que es til aprender el ingls
pero dicen que no es fcil.
que hablo espaol muy
1. Adam thinks that it is not important to study
bien. Y t? Qu piensas? Adam

2. His mum says that she has to learn Spanish.

3. His grandfather thinks everyone in Spain speaks
4. His friends in England think it is important and easy
to learn a language.
5. In Spain his friends think it is useful and easy to learn
6. His friends say he speaks English well.

Use the words below to write some sentences in Spanish

giving your opinions for different subjects and the reasons
NB: Check your vocabulary book p. 23 to remind yourself
about the adjective rules.

Practice writing: Try to translate

these into Spanish

1. Cmo es tu colegio? (What is your school like?)

My school is called CVC. It is quite modern and

very big. It has lots of classrooms, a canteen and a
gym. I like my school a lot.

2. Cmo es el horario? (What is your timetable like?)

My school starts at 8.30 and finishes at 2.50. I

have 6 lessons every day. On Monday I have maths,
English, Spanish and science.

3. Cules asignaturas (no) te gustan? Por qu (no)?

Which subjects do you like? Why/why not?

I love Spanish and art because they are fun. I

dont like ICT because it is quite boring. I think that
maths is very important.

1. Cmo es tu colegio? (What is your school like?)

2. Cmo es el horario? (What is your timetable like?)

3. Cules asignaturas (no) te gustan? Por qu (no)?

Which subjects do you like? Why/why not?

Present (reg)
Present (rad ch)
Present (reflex)
Future (ir a)

Try writing a short text

about your school (100
words maximum) Look at
the tick grid below and
make sure you include:
opinions, reasons,
adjectives, sentence(s)
about others not just you,
a question, a negative
sentence, and sentence(s)
about your plans for next
week if you can.


Level 2: short, simple (one or part phrase) responses to 3 of 5 questions.

Spelling is approximate but meaning clear.
Level 3: answers of two phrase length in 3 of 5. Spelling is intelligible. Several
complete sentences.
Level 4: answers of 3 or 4 phrase length spelling generally accurate,
sentences mostly have correct verb forms.
Opinions & reasons included with linking words.
Level 5: Pupils do as for level 4 but include questions and reference to the
future. Evidence of independent learning and adaptation of grammar learnt to
new contexts.
NB: Half levels are also possible.

Year 7 Summer Speaking Assessment: Sets 4 & 5

Your teacher will ask you these questions on school. You

can prepare your answers in advance and practise them.
You can have this sheet with you but NOT any written
answers. Your assessment will last about 1 minute.

Year 7 Summer Speaking Assessment: Sets 1,2,3

You need to prepare to talk about your family and your

school. Your teacher will choose one of the two topics on
the day. You can prepare some answers in advance and
practise them. You will be allowed to start by presenting
what you have prepared but your teacher will also ask you
some questions. The assessment will be a maximum 1
minutes.. You can have this sheet with you but NOT any
written answers or notes.

Habla de tu familia

Habla de tu instituto


planes para la prxima

planes para el fin de semana?

Remember to keep active

when you revise!

RHawkes May 09

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