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Software Development Life Cycle


Terms to be defined
1. Software Development Life Cycle
2. Software Development Life Cycle Model
3. Deliverables

Software Development Life Cycle

SDLC can be defined as a well-defined,
structured sequence of stages in software
engineering to create the intended software

SDLC Model
Is a pattern which is unique depending on the
type in which the steps of the software
development life cycle are carried out in order
to ensure the success of the process in software

This is the term used to describe a
tangible or intangible object produced
as a result of the project that is to be
delivered to the customer.
It could be a report, a document , a
work package, software etc.

Waterfall Model
This model was the first process model to be

It is the simplest model of the software development
process and is therefore very easy to understand and use.
It is called as such because the model develops
systematically from one phase to another in a downward
fashion, like a waterfall.

Waterfall Model Contd

Each step in this type of model has to be
completed fully before the next stage can
It can most likely be used for very small

Stages of the Waterfall


Requirement and Analysis

System Design
Deployment of system

Diagram of Waterfall Model

Stages of the Waterfall

Requirement and Analysis
This is where the programmer meets with the
user or customers to gather the information
required for creating the software product. The
technique that can be used to execute this phase
is an interview wherein the following questions
can be asked:
1. Who will be using the software?

Stages of the Waterfall

Model Contd
2. How will they use the software?

3. What data should be inputted into the software?

4. What data should be outputted from the software?
5.How the user interface should work?
A feasibility study is carried out. This is where requirements
are analysed for validity and to see if they are realistic
enough to be incorporated in a software. At the end of this
study a requirement specification document is produced.
Deliverables: Feasibility Study and Requirement
Specification Document

Stages of the Waterfall Model Contd

In this phase system and software design is
prepared from the requirement specifications
studied in phase 1. It is where the details on how
the system will work is produced. This can be
represented using tools such as DFD and the ER
diagrams. At the end of this phase a system design
specification document is produced.
Deliverable: Design Specification document

Stages of the Waterfall

Model Contd
This is the longest phase of the SDLC and is therefore
where most of the focus in placed.
On collecting the system design document from the
design phase, the work is divided into modules/units and
coding is started. Programming tools and techniques will
be utilized in this phase for e.g. compilers, interpreters,
debuggers etc. and programming language with respect
to the type of software being created. At the end of this
phase the actual software product is produced.
Deliverable: Software Product

Stages of the Waterfall

Model Contd
This is where the code developed from the
coding phase is tested against the requirements
to ensure that it is doing what is was required to
do from the requirements phase. The tools that
are utilized in this phase are test plans and trace
Deliverable: Updated test plans

Stages of the Waterfall

Model Contd
Deployment of System
After the code as been tested successfully the
software product is delivered to the customers or
users for their use.
Deliverable: User Manuals, Completed

Stages of the Waterfall

Model Contd
During this stage the software product is
maintained in order to ensure that the software
continues to perform as desired. It also involves
making changes to the software in order to
correct defects and deficiencies found during
usage as well as the addition of new functionality
to improve the softwares usability and

Advantages of the Waterfall

It is well known amongst the software
developers therefore it is easy to use and
understand .
In this model one phase must be completed
before proceeding to the next. Therefore , if an
error is detected at that phase the software will
seal off for correction.
Works well for smaller projects where
requirements are well understood.

Disadvantages of the
Waterfall Model
No working software is produced until late
during the life cycle.
Poor model for complex and object oriented
Poor model for long and ongoing projects.
Poor model where requirements are at a
moderate to high risk of changing.

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