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Document #: TX005835



Church History
Chapter 48

Tuning In to God

Chapter Summary
God invites us into a relationship with him.
God is available to us all day, every day, through
We can pray in five ways: petition, blessing,
intercession, praise, and thanksgiving.

and Forms of Prayer
(Handbook, pages 524526)

Prayer is our response

to Gods invitation to be
in relationship with him.
In this lesson we focus
on petition and blessing.


Prayers of Petition
How many times a day
do you ask God for little
things you want? What
are some of these things?
What deeper requests
might you ask of God?
What are some of these


Prayers of Blessing
God bless you! is a real prayera prayer for Gods
loving care for a particular person, place, or activity.

Gustavo Frazao /

We Ask God to Bless . . .

Gather in threes. Make a
list of all the things we can
ask God to bless (people,
places, and things). Share
your list with your group.
All of these blessings
remind us of Gods
goodness and love.


Prayers of Intercession,
Praise, and Thanksgiving
(Handbook, pages 526528)

Intercessions, praise, and

thanksgiving help us express
our dependence on God.


Prayers of Intercession
Any time you pray on
behalf of someone else, it
is a prayer of intercession.
Do you know someone
who needs prayer? Stop
and pray for that person

Prayers of Praise and

A prayer of praise or
thanksgiving is when
we tell God how much
we appreciate who he
is, what he does for us,
and how thankful we are.
At Mass, we praise God
together as one community
of faith. The word Eucharist
means thanksgiving.

l i g h t p o e t /

Learning to Pray
(Handbook, pages 529531)

We learn to pray
through daily prayer,
the liturgy, reading
and hearing the Word
of God, and the virtues
of faith, hope, and love.


Faith, Hope, and Love

The virtues of faith, hope,
and love help us to pray.
Faith is not just belief in God.
It is the belief that God loves
and cares for me personally.
Hope is trust that God wants
my best good, no matter
what my situation is.
Love is the greatest of all,
Gods gift to share with others.

Creativa Images /

Personal Prayer
(Handbook, pages 531532)

Christians throughout history have practiced three major

expressions of prayer: vocal prayer, meditation, and


Vocal Prayer
Vocal prayer uses words
to speak to God.
Vocal prayers can be
memorized prayers. What
vocal prayers do you
know by heart?
Vocal prayers can also be
spontaneous prayers. When
do you pray using your own
words? What is on your mind
and heart now? Talk to God about it.

Meditation uses thoughts,
imagination, and emotions
to get in touch with God.
We can meditate on a
Scripture verse, a
picture, or the Rosary.
In meditation, we focus our
mind and heart on God.

Vinogradov Illya /

Meditation on Scripture
Simple Meditation
One way to meditate is by simply repeating a word or
Scripture verse slowly and silently to yourself. Try it.
Choose a word or verse (for example, the name of
Jesus, peace, or a special verse, such as I am the
light of the world).
Be still. Close your eyes. Slowly breathe in and out.
Repeat your word in your mind for one or two minutes.
Go to next slide.

Simple Meditation, continued

If other thoughts come to mind, gently notice them, let
them go, and go back to your word. Dont fight or
struggle. Stay peaceful.
After two to three minutes, open your eyes.
For the rest of the day, when you have a free moment,
return to your special word. Let it remind you that God is
with you!

Contemplation is wordless
prayer, listening to God in
stillness, resting in God,
experiencing oneness with
him, and just being with God.
Be still now. Take time to
find peace in God.

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