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Medical Coding 101
Boost your career

Leesa A. Israel, CPC, CUC, CMBS

Executive Editor, Inhealthcare, LLC
Editor/Writer, Urology Coding Alert

 What Is Medical Coding? Why is it

 Is there really a difference between

billing and coding?

 4 Steps to Successful Coding

 Alphabet Soup: CPT, HCPCS, and

 ‘Golden Rules’ of Coding
What Is Medical Coding?

 Most healthcare providers in the United States file health

insurance claims on behalf of their patients. Without submitting a
claim, your practice won’t get paid.
 Medical coding is basically assigning codes to diagnoses and
procedures in the patient’s medical record to tell the payer (and
others) about the encounter.
 We use a universal system of coding so that every number you
assign on a claim has specific meaning so that other entities can
decipher what the doctor did and why.

Why is coding important?

Without proper coding, providers cannot
obtain reimbursement from insurance
What Is Medical Coding?

There’s more to coding than payment

Medical classification systems are used for a variety of
applications in medicine and healthcare information,
 Statistical analysis of diseases and therapeutic actions

 Reimbursement

 Knowledge-based and decision support systems

 Surveillance of epidemic or pandemic outbreaks

 Evaluate processes and outcomes in healthcare

 Internal and external quality management

 And more!
Coding vs. Billing

Though similar, billing and coding

are separate functions in a practice.

Coder Biller
 Assigns specific codes to  Transmits the claim to
identify procedures and the insurance company
 Follows up on claims to
 Reads encounter
documentation and ensure proper payment
assigns appropriate  Researches, amends,
universal codes resubmits, and/or appeals
 Enters the codes on the denied claims
claim form or in an
electronic system
Four Steps to Coding Success –

1. Review the Record

2. Extract the Appropriate Procedure/Service
3. Assign a Diagnosis Code
4. Determine the Exceptions
Four Steps to Coding Success –
Step 1: R

Review the Record

 The medical record is THE source for all of your
coding information.

 Read the record and determine the

services/procedures performed and the diagnoses
the provider rendered – then choose your codes.

 The documentation verifies that the codes you

report are appropriate for that encounter.

Golden Rule #1:

If it’s not documented, it didn’t happen.
Four Steps to Coding Success –
Step 2: E

Extract the Appropriate Procedure/Service


 After reviewing the documentation, determine

the procedure and service codes you should

 You’ll use CPT (Current Procedural

Terminology) and/or HCPCS (Healthcare
Common Procedure Coding System ) codes for
this step.

 CPT converts medical procedures and services into

five-digit alphanumeric codes.

 Covers every sort of procedure or service a healthcare

practitioner can provide.

 Divided into six major sections – Evaluation and

Management Services, Anesthesia, Surgery,
Radiology, Pathology/Laboratory, and Medicine – plus,
two supplemental sections: Category II and Category
III codes

 Maintained by the American Medical Association.

 Updated every January 1st , with occasional small

updates during the year.

 Refers to medical supplies and/or procedures that

are not listed in the CPT.

 HCPCS codes are alphanumeric – they start with a

letter and end with four numbers.

 Maintained by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid

Services (CMS).

 Updated every January 1st, with smaller, quarterly

updates during the year.

Golden Rule #2:

Stay up to date on code changes.
Four Steps to Coding Success –
Step 3: A

Assign a Diagnosis Code

 Discern the reason for the procedure or service –

either the patient’s signs or symptoms or the final
diagnosis the provider documented.

 You’ll use ICD-9 (International Classification of

Diseases 9th Revision Clinical Modification) codes
for this step.
 ICD-9 uses numeric or alphanumeric codes of three, four, or five

 Classifies symptoms, sickness, and causes of injuries or diseases.

 Divided into three volumes – Volume I (Tabular), Volume 2

(Alphabetic Index), and Volume 3 (Procedure codes for facilities)

 Maintained by the World Health Organization.

 Updated every October 1st , with occasional updates during the


Golden Rule #3:

Never guess at a diagnosis code.
Four Steps to Coding Success –
Step 4: E

Determine the Exceptions

 Just because there are CPT, ICD-9, or HCPCS codes

for the procedures or services in the documentation,

that doesn’t always mean you can code them.
 You need to review several things, including:

 Coding rules/regulations

 Payer policies

 AMA guidelines

 Code bundling rules, such as Correct Coding

Initiative (CCI) edits
 Modifier necessity

 And more.
e Need More Basic Coding Training?
Check out these upcoming ‘101’ audioconferences:
• Medical Coding 101: The Need-to-Know for CEOs – June 22
• Urology Coding 101 Series
 August 18 – Session 1: Laparoscopy for Urologists
 September 22 – Session 2: Office Coding
 October 20 – Session 3: Nephrectomy and Related Procedures

Or order these just-finished audioconferences on CD:

• Ob-gyn Anatomy 101 for Coders
• Anesthesia Coding 101

Sign up today and get $50 off

these conferences or any other! Save
Enter coupon code SCWEB6150 at $50!

Have Questions?

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