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“The only person who is

educated is the one who has

learned how to learn . . . . and
change.” Carl R Rogers
”Life is no brief candle for me. It is
a sort of splendid torch which I have
got hold of for the moment, and I
want to make it burn as brightly as
possible before handing it on to
future generations.”
- George Bernard Shaw




- William Arthur Ward

“Education is not the filling of
a pail, but the lighting of a
William Butler Yeats
"Whatever I have tried to do in life
I have tried with all my heart to do
it well; Whatever I have devoted
myself to, I have devoted myself
completely; In great aims and in
small I have always thoroughly
been in earnest."
“Every human life is precious and
that every human being ought to be
able to live his or her life to the
fullness of its potential, in harmony
and fellowship with other human
beings, and in partnership with
“The Central Task of Education is to
implant a will and facility for learning; it
should produce not learned but learning
people.” Eric Hoffer
Charles R Swindoll
“Each day of our lives we
make deposits in the
memory banks of our
“He who controls others may be
powerful, but he who has
mastered himself is mightier
still.” Lao Tzu (c.604 - 531 B.C.)
“National Education is not just
another school subject for
pupils, or another duty for
overworked teachers…… you
(teachers) must feel
passionately for the country and
understand….. Our collective
interests and what we stand for.
Only then can you teach with
conviction, instill pride and
“There is nothing training
cannot do. Nothing is above its
reach. It can turn bad morals
to good; it can destroy bad
principles and recreate good
ones; it can lift men to
angelship.” Mark Twain
“Only the curious will learn and
only the resolute will overcome
the obstacles to learning. The
The man who graduates
today and stops learning
“If you listen to people long
enough they will tell you
what motivates them. .”
“The intuitive mind is a sacred
gift and the rational mind is a
faithful servant.
“The object of Education is to
prepare the young to educate
themselves throughout their
“Man lives more by
Affirmation than by bread.”
Victor Hugo
“The man who doesn’t read
good books has no
advantage over the man who
“Deep in the breast of
everyone there is a drive to
If a child lives with approval,
he learns to live with himself.
“Make the most of the
best and the least of the
worst.” Robert Louis Stevenson
“The whole problem with the world
is that fools and fanatics are
always so certain of themselves,
“As we let our light shine, we consciously
give other people permission to do the
same. As we are liberated from our own
“Those who trust us educate
us.” George Eliot
“It is through the dignity of
the work we do that we
achieve self-esteem in life.”
“Anyone who has never
made a mistake has never
tried anything new.” Albert Einstein
“You must not overlook the
importance of discussions with
knowledgeable people. That is
“Look for Strength in people,
not weakness; good, not
evil. Most of us find what we
“What we want is to see the
child in pursuit of knowledge,
and not knowledge in pursuit of
“Who dares to teach must
never cease to learn.” John Cotton
“I am very determined. If I
decide that something is
worth doing, then I will put
"We aim to develop Physique,
Mentality and Character in our
students; but because the first
two are menaces without the
third, the greatest of these is
“When you appeal to the
highest level of Thinking, you
get the highest level of
“When you sell a man a book you
don’t sell him just twelve ounces
of paper and ink and glue – you
“A teacher affects Eternity;
he can never tell where his
influence stops.” Henry Brooks Adams
“The Primary Consideration of Education is to
help the students to become the best he is
capable of becoming, to become actually
what he deeply is potentially.” Abraham H Maslow
“Every kid is our
kid.” - Unknown
“Efforts for the Future that
come straight from the heart
have the power to change the
“Education’s purpose is to
replace an empty mind with
an Open one.” Malcolm S Forbes
“Do not train children to learn by
force and harshness, but direct them
to it by what amuses their minds, so
“Education is a progressive
discovery of our own
Ignorance.” Will Durant
The trouble with learning
from experience is that you
“I have no special talents. I
am only passionately
People who embrace
challenge view life as a
“Learning is not attained by
chance. It must be sought for
with ardor and attended to with
The inlet of a man's mind is what he
learns; the outlet is what he
“It is the supreme art of the
teacher to awaken joy in
creative expression and
“The whole ground can be
against me, but if I know it is
right, I will do it. That is the
“You must READ. It’s one
way of getting information.
But you got to read what is
“One can succeed at almost
anything for which he has
Enthusiasm.” Charles Schwab
“Nine tenths of Education is
Encouragement.” Anatole France
“Poor is the pupil who does
not surpass his master.”
Leonardo da Vinci
"It takes a whole village to
raise a child."  - Ashanti proverb
“There are admirable potentialities in
every human being.
Believe in your strength and your
“You must have idealism to
succeed, to make people
come with you. You must
"As long as you're green,
you're growing. As soon as
you're ripe, you start to
"To be conscious that you
are ignorant of the facts is
a great step to
"No man ever became great
or good except through
many great mistakes."
"He who stops being
better stops being good."
— Oliver Cromwell
A weed is a plant that has
mastered every survival
skill except for learning
“What you Permit you
Promote.” - Hal Urban
"Everything is in a process
of change, nothing
endures; we do not seek
"The ones among you who will be
really happy are those who have
sought and found how to serve."
“I am just one candle, but I
choose to be the bright light of
"Keep away from people who
belittle your ambitions. Small
people always do that, but the
All I Really Need to
Know I Learned in
Kindergarten Robert Fulghum
"History has demonstrated
that the most notable winners
usually encountered
"The price of success is hard
work, dedication to the job at
hand, and the determination
“The difference between
the impossible and the
possible lies in a man's
It is utterly false and cruelly
arbitrary to put all the learning
into childhood, all the work into
"Imagination is more
important than
knowledge." Albert Einstein
"My own definition of
leadership is this: The
capacity and the will to rally
"Our chief want is someone
who will inspire us to be
what we know we could be."
"Nobody can be
successful unless he
loves his work."
"Enthusiasm is one of the most
powerful engines of Success. When
you do a thing, do it with all your
"Life-transforming ideas have always
come to me through books.” Bell Hooks
"The value of a man resides in
what he gives, and not in
what he is capable of
"Since you get more joy out of
giving joy to others, you should
put a good deal of thought into
"I expect to pass through this world but
once; any good thing therefore that I
can do, or any kindness that I can show
"Education is what remains
after one has forgotten
everything he learned in
"Reading is to the mind what
exercise is to the body.”
Sir Richard Steele
"The Foundation of every State
is the Education of its Youth.”
Diogenes Laertius
"We learn by example and by direct
experience because there are real limits
to the adequacy of verbal instruction.”
"The very spring and root of Honesty and
Virtue lie in good education.” Plutarch
"It's not that some people have
willpower and some don't. It's that
some people are ready to change and
"Change has a considerable
psychological impact on the human
"All I Really Need to Know
I Learned in Kindergarten”
Robert Fulghum
“How wonderful it is that nobody
need wait a single moment before
starting to improve the world.”
"Most people say that is it
is the intellect which makes
"The best and most beautiful
things in the world cannot be seen
"Only passions, great
passions, can elevate the soul
"We aim to develop physique,
mentality and character in our
students; but because the first two
are menaces without the third, the
“Sincerity is Clearly Visible”

“It is impossible for a man to

learn what he thinks he already
”Good teaching is one-fourth
preparation and three-fourths
theater.” Gail Godwin
"The ability to focus attention
on important things is a
“To educate a person in mind
and not in morals is to educate
a menace to society.” -Theodore Roosevelt
"If you can give your son
or daughter only one
"Good advice is always
certain to be ignored, but
that's no reason not to

If your actions inspire others to

“Leaders don’t force people to
follow – they invite them on a
journey.” Charles S Laucer
“Love comes when manipulation stops; when
you think more about the other person
than about his or her reactions to you.
"Children are likely to live up to
what you believe in them."
Lady Bird Johnson
“As we let our light shine, we consciously
give other people permission to do the
same. As we are liberated from our own
Ellen Goodman
"Everyone who deals with teens seems
to agree that the most important and
toughest job is staying in connection
“Children have more need of
Models than of Critics.” Joseph Joubert
“Never fear spoiling children by making
them happy. Happiness is the
atmosphere in which all good affections
grow.” Ann Eliza Bray
“Cherishing Children is the
mark of a civilized society.” Joan
Ganz Cooney
Audrey Hepburn
“If we are meant to "love thy
neighbor as thyself, then surely
we should love the world's
Erma Bombeck
“A child needs your love
most when he deserves it
“They may forget what you
said but they will never
forget how you made them
“While we want to develop students’
minds, there is nothing more
important than developing their
By holding up high aspirations for
every child, and urging them each to
"There is nothing that makes me
happier than making a child smile."
Keith Haring
“Level with your child by being
honest. Nobody spots a phony
quicker than a child.”
“If a child is to keep his inborn sense of
wonder, he needs the companionship of at
least one adult who can share it,
rediscovering with him the joy, excitement,
Professor Lee Yuan-Tseh, first Taiwanese-born Nobel Prize

“Written exams can only assess certain

aspects of a person’s talent. We have a
responsibility to help young people discover
themselves – what they are good at and
how they can contribute.”
“Great minds discuss ideas,
medium minds discuss events,
and little minds discuss

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