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Recount Text

Borobudur Temple



oWhat is recount text?

oWhat is the generic structure of recount
oWhat is the language features of
recount text?

What is Recount Text?

Recount text is a text that tell

about past story, experience or
activity that happened.

Pangandaran Beach
The trip to Pangandaran Beach started on holiday last
semester. My parents decided to go to Pangandaran Beach
by car. That was very interesting tour. I went to
Pangandaran Beach by car from my hometown, Cirebon, with
my father, mother, elder sister, and youngest brother. I felt
excited with this tour.
The tour to Pangandaran Beach began at 9 a.m. We
arrived at Pangandaran Beach at 2 p.m. At beach, we lied
down to stretch our muscle because of 5 hours driving. We
also had lunch under the coconut tree. We ate some foods
that we brought from Cirebon. That was very nice moment
when we spent time together.
After we had enough rest, we started to explore
Pangandaran Beach. We took a walk at the beach and rent a
boat to enjoy the scenery of the sea. Then we snorkeled by
renting some snorkels equipment. We could see many coral
there. We enjoyed Pangandaran Beach for 3 hours. After
that, we went home to Cirebon.
We came back to Cirebon at 5 p.m. We arrived home at
10 p.m. That was very nice experience that I had. I would
never forget that moment.

What is the Generic Structure of

Recount Text?

Pangandaran Beach

Series of


The trip to Pangandaran Beach started on holiday

last semester. My parents decided to go to
Pangandaran Beach by car. That was very interesting
tour. I went to Pangandaran Beach by car from my
hometown, Cirebon, with my father, mother, elder
sister, and youngest brother. I felt excited with this
The tour to Pangandaran Beach began at 9 a.m. We
arrived at Pangandaran Beach at 2 p.m. At beach, we
lied down to stretch our muscle because of 5 hours
driving. We also had lunch under the coconut tree. We
ate some foods that we brought from Cirebon. That was
very nice moment when we spent time together.
After we had enough rest, we started to explore
Pangandaran Beach. We took a walk at the beach and
rent a boat to enjoy the scenery of the sea. Then we
snorkeled by renting some snorkels equipment. We
could see many coralsthere. We enjoyed Pangandaran
Beach for 3 hours. After that, we went home to Cirebon.
We came back to Cirebon at 5 p.m. We arrived
home at 10 p.m. That was very nice experience that I
had. I would never forget that moment.

Generic structure of Recount Text

the reader/listener the
background information needed. Foe example who
was involved, where the events took place, and
when it happened.

Series of Eventstell what happened and in what

sequence.Events are identified and described in
chronological order.
Reorientationconsists of optional-closure of
events/ending, concluding comments express a

personal opinion regarding the events


What is the language features

of recount text?

Language Features

Participant (Mr. Brown, My

father, Our Cat)
Use of personal pronouns (I, we)
of simple past tense (I went, We
took, She smiled)
of action verbs (went, started) and
adverbs (which describe or add more

detail to verbs)
Use of linking items to do with time
(on holiday last semester, then, after,


1.Where did they go?

2.When did they go?
3.How many participants
are in the text?
4.What did they do in the
Pangandaran Beach?
5.How did the writers
feeling about his trip?


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