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Jos Luis Islas Tovar

Elisa A Estvez Cruz

Maria Fernanda Olloqui Garansuay

Marlon Sal Terrones Gutirrez

Cesar Chavez was born

on March 31, 1927 near
Yuma, Arizona and died
on April 23, 1993 in
San Luis, Arizona.

He studied Mathematics at the Universidad Nacional Autnoma de

Mxico. In addition he studied the Masters degree in Economics at El
Colegio de Mxico.

Csars parents thought school was important. School was hard for
Csar because the teachers only spoke English and Csar did not
understand English.

Csar learned to read English in school and he learned to read Spanish

from his uncles.

Csar thought some teachers were mean because they would punish
him when he spoke Spanish.

Cesar Chavez was an American

farm worker,labor
leaderandcivil rightsactivist,
who, withDolores Huerta, cofounded theNational Farm
Workers Association

He is one of the most inspiring

heroes in American history

Chvezs family lost its land in the

Great Depression and headed to
work in the fields of Californias
central valley, where he would spend
the rest of his life fighting for the
rights of migrant farmworkers.

He led the creation

of the organization that would
become the United Farm
Workers in 1962.

Chvez inspired Latino

workers in the grape industry
to stand in solidarity with the
strike, which spread rapidly
through the California fields.

Chvez pioneered
unprecedented strategies that
have become invaluable to all
of us in the labor movement.

He led workers in long

marches that crossed the
state of California to raise
awareness of the strike,

He put his body on the line in a

series of hunger strikes.

After the triumph in the grape

fields, the UFW grew dramatically
until it represented more than
50,000 farmworkers,

Chvez continued to lead the

UFW and fight for the rights of
workers, immigrants, and Latinos
until his untimely death in 1993.

He is also famous for

popularizing the slogan "S,
se puede" (Spanish for "Yes,
one can)

His birthday, March 31, has

becomeCesar Chavez Day,
a state holiday in California,
Colorado, and Texas.

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