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1) Badminton is a racquet sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across

a net. Although it may be played with larger teams, the most common forms of
the game are "singles" (with one player per side) and "doubles" (with two
players per side). Badminton is often played as a casual outdoor activity in a
yard or on a beach; formal games are played on a rectangular indoor court.
Points are scored by striking the shuttlecock with the racquet and landing it
within the opposing side's half of the court.
2) Badminton is a sport for two or four people. In this way, the game consists of
either one player against one player or a team of two players against another
team of two players. Players use rackets to hit a shuttlecock over a net.
The aim of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net in a way that the other
player or pair cannot hit it back properly before it hits the floor. Every time this
is done, the player or pair gets one point.
The winner of the rally gets to serve. The first player or pair to reach 21 points
wins a game.The winner of the match is the first to win 2 sets.

3) You know about soccer, basketball, and hockey, but do you know about the
second most played sport in the world? Good afternoon teachers and fellow
students, I am going to be talking about badminton.
4) Badminton was invented by the Duke of Beaufort in 1873. The Duke of
Beaufort held a party and played a game called 'Poona.' Indians invented 'Poona'
by adding a net to a game called 'Battledore and Shuttlecock.' 'Battledore and
Shuttlecock' is played by using a paddle to hit a shuttlecock back and forth. The
Duke of Beaufort called 'Poona' The Badminton Game.

5) First of all, you should play badminton because it gives you more exercise
and fun than most other sports. To play badminton, you need a good badminton
court, a badminton racket, a shuttle cock, a T-shirt, and shorts. Shuttle corks are
feathered objects some people call birdies. A good badminton court should be
on a wood surface, and be 13.4m long and 6.1m wide. A proper badminton net
should be 5 feet tall and at least 6.1m long. Picking a good badminton racket
and shuttlecock is up to you. Different people like different types of rackets and
shuttlecocks. I like light rackets and feathered shuttlecocks because light
rackets are faster and feathered shuttlecocks are a little slower and more
controllable.You know football is a team sport. It requires 11 people to be a
team but badminton is an individual sport. You can only play in singles or
doubles. Here are some of the rules of badminton. You can't stop the shuttlecock
unless you saw your opponent break one of the rules. Only hit the shuttlecock
once or else your opponent gets a point and don't hit the shuttlecock onto the
ceiling otherwise your opponent also gets a point. If you want to win a game,
you obviously have to score some points. To be exact, you have to score 21
points. All you have to do to score a point is to hit the shuttlecock to a place
your opponent can't return it, or to a place your opponent will return it to a
place that is out of bounds. If you win a rally, you serve in the next rally. It is
the same with your opponent. When someone's score reaches 11, both you and
your opponent should take a 1-minute break. Even if you opponent serves, you
can score a point.

The feathers are brittle; shuttlecocks break easily and often need to be
replaced several times during a game. For this reason, synthetic shuttlecocks
have been developed that replace the feathers with a plastic skirt. Players
often refer to synthetic shuttlecocks as plastics and feathered shuttlecocks as
Feather shuttles need to be properly humidified for at least 4 hours prior to
play in order to fly the correct distance at the proper speed and to last longer.
Properly humidified feathers flex during play, enhancing the shuttle's speed
change and durability. Dry feathers are brittle and break easily, causing the
shuttle to wobble. Saturated feathers are 'mushy', making the feather cone
narrow too much when strongly hit, which causes the shuttle to fly overly far
and fast. Humidification boxes are often used, but a simple moist sponge
inserted in the feather end of the closed shuttle tube will work nicely. Water
should never touch the cork of the shuttle. Shuttles are tested prior to play to
make sure they fly true and at the proper speed, and cover the proper distance.
Different weights of shuttles are used to compensate for local atmospheric
conditions. Both humidity and height above sea level affect shuttle flight. A
proper shuttle will generally travel from the back line of the court to just short
of the long doubles service line on the opposite side of the net, with a full
underhand hit from an average player.

The cost of good quality feathers is similar to that of good quality plastics, but
plastics are far more durable, typically lasting many matches without any
impairment to their flight. Shuttles are easily damaged and should be replaced
every three or four games, and sooner if they are damaged and do not fly straight.
This interferes with the game, as the impairment on the flight of the shuttle may
misdirect the direction of the shuttlecock.
Most experienced and skillful players greatly prefer feathers, and serious
tournaments or leagues are always played using feather shuttlecocks of the
highest quality.[4] Experienced players generally prefer the "feel" of feathered
shuttlecocks[citation needed] and assert that they are able to control the flight of
feathers better than that of plastics. In Asia, where feather shuttlecocks are more
affordable than in Europe and North America, plastic shuttlecocks are hardly
used at all.[citation needed]
The playing characteristics of plastics and feathers are substantially different.
Plastics fly more slowly on initial impact, but slow down less towards the end of
their flight. While feathers tend to drop straight down on a clear shot, plastics
never quite return to a straight drop, falling more on a diagonal. Feather shuttles
may come off the strings at speeds in excess of 320 km/h (200 mph) but slow
down faster as they drop. For this reason, the feather shuttle makes the game
seem faster,[citation needed] but also allows more time to play strokes. Because
feather shuttles fly more quickly off the racquet face they also tend to cause less
shoulder impact and injury

A Shuttlecock shall have 16 feathers fixed in a cork base covered in kid leather.
Interestingly, the best Badminton Shuttlecocks are made from feathers from the
left wing of a goose.
The feathers shall be measured from the tip to the top of the base and each shuttle
shall be of the same length. This length can be between 62mm and 70mm. The
shuttle shall weigh between 4.74 to 5.50 grams.Shuttles are usually graded
according to speed. If you have reached a certain level and can hit from baseline
to baseline, use standard speed shuttlecocks. If your strength is not there yet, you
can use shuttlecocks of a slightly faster speed.
You will enjoy the game more if you can send the shuttles to the baseline.
The speed at which the shuttle travels is also affected by the weather, altitude and
temperature. When it's hot, the shuttle will fly faster. When it's cold, the shuttle
will move slower. If you are playing in an air-conditioned hall, use a slightly
faster shuttle. If you're playing at high altitude, use a slower speed shuttle.

To test the speed of a shuttle, use a full underhand stroke which makes contact
with the shuttle over the back boundary line. You shall hit the shuttle at an
upward angle and in a direction parallel to the side lines.
A shuttle of correct speed will land not less than 530 mm and not more than
990mm short of the Badminton Court back boundary line as in the diagram
If you find the shuttle is too fast or too slow but you don't have shuttles of
different speed, you can try tipping the shuttlecock. Tipping the feathers of the
shuttles outward will slow it down. Tipping the feathers of the shuttles inward
will speed it up.
Feather for good shuttlecock comes from goose. Only 6 feathers in each wing
can be used to make a shuttlecock. In China, the feathers come from 4 regions
of China. The best grade feathers comes from the Northeast region of China,
where the weather is colder and the feathers are thicker. Other regions where
feathers come from are Sichuan Province, Shandong Province and Anhui
Province. Feathers from these 3 regions are of sub par quality. The feathers are
generally picked before the goose is slaughtered.

Speed of the shuttles is decided by a number of factors. Weight is the major

one. Most shuttlecock has a number marked on the tube: 76 ~ 79 or 1 ~ 5 or
48~52. The smaller the number, the lighter the shuttlecock, the slower it flys.
The following table compares their classification.
1 48 75 slow, for use in highland
2 49 76 slow, medium slow, for use in hotter area
3 50 77 slow, medium, most sea level area
4 51 78 slow, medium fast, cold area5
5 52 79 slow, fast, cold area, below sea level
The shuttles were traditionally divided into 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 according to the
weight of the shuttles. 49 weights 4.9g, 50 means 5.0g, 51 means 5.1g and so
on. Such rating was inaccurate and therefore was difficult to classify. It was
changed to use Speed 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 instead. There is a 30cm distance
between each speed. Shuttle speeds are ideal for different parts of the world.
For example, shuttles with Speed 76 are used in China during the summer and
77 during the winter months. Speed 75 are good for Thailand. Speed 76 ,77 for
Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia, Speed 77, 78 for U.S.A., Speed 78,79 for
Finland, Canada, Korea and Japan. Speed 79, 80 for Australia in winter. Speed
73-74 would only be played in high altitude area as Yunnan Province in China
and Colorado Springs in U.S.A. ; high temperature area as Johannesburg in
South Africa.

(1)Nylon Shuttlecock
(2)Feather Shuttlecock
A feather shuttle is made of natural duck feather (Left Wing Only) with solid
cock base. Shape of shuttlecock is designed in such way so that its give high
aerodynamic effect during its flight. Feather Shuttlecock is treated as best for
professional badminton games.Nylon shuttlecock are made of synthetic
material (Nylon) and give durable performance. For day to day practise nylon
shuttle are the best as it ill give you an economical option over feather
shuttles.While we select the shuttlecocks for game its important to understand
the difference between nylon and feather shuttlecock.

For anyone who is interested, come to me so we can organize a badminton club at
our school to teach children how to play badminton the right way and mostly to
have fun. Also, you won't learn badminton unless you practice. Like the experts
say, "Practice makes Perfect!"
All in all, badminton is a very interesting sports. It is a fitness games. It not just
for healthy, if you are really interesting, you will learn the skills and thinking why
just a small shuttlecock will produce a huge influenced on human to play
badminton. As we knew, badminton is a quite famous game in Malaysia especially
our Datuk Lee Chong Wei is the first seed of single man player.
These are the basic information that i mentioned before which are the definition of
badminton, history of badminton, and about shuttle. I hope the badminton fans
will love it especially for beginner.
At last but not least, I always keep emphasizing that we have to do warm-up first
once we want to play badminton. After that, you all have to warm-down due to it
can release the muscle strength and it wont easier to get injured in the long term

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