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Dream is not what you see in

sleep , dream is the thing which
does not let you sleep

Hockeyis a family ofsports in which

two teams play against each other by
trying to maneuver aball or apuck
into the opponent's goal using
ahockey stick. In many areas, one
sport (typicallyfield hockey orice
hockey) is generally referred to simply
as hockey.
The first recorded use of the word



Games played withcurved sticksand a ball can be found in the histories of many
cultures. In Egypt, 4000-year-old carvings feature teams with sticks and a
projectile,hurlingdates to before 1272 BC inIreland, and there is a depiction from
c.600 BC inAncient Greecewhere the game may have been calledkertzein
orkerhtzein ,because it was played with a horn or horn-like stick .InInner Mongolia,
theDaurpeople have been playingbeikou, a game similar to modern field hockey, for
about 1,000 years.
Most evidence of hockey-like games during theMiddle Agesis found in legislation
concerning sports and games. Similar to Edward's proclamation was the Galway
Statute enacted in Ireland in 1527, which banned certain types of ball games,
including hockey.


Field hockey

Ice hockey

Field hockey, referred to in most countries
simply ashockey, is a team sport of
thehockeyfamily. This sport can be played by
both male and female. The game can be played
on a grass field or a turf field. The game of field
hockey is played between two teams of eleven
players including the goalie. Short sticks made
out of wood or fiber glass are used to hit a
round, hard, rubber like ball. The uniform
consist of shin-guards, cleats, skirts or shorts,
and a jersey. At the turn of the 21st century,
the game is played globally, with particular
popularity throughout Western Europe, Asia,
Argentina and Oceania in addition to being
the national sport ofPakistan. Hockey is
assumed to beIndia's national sport as it is so
in various Indian GK books,etc, however
officiallyIndiadoes not have a National Sport .
The term "field hockey" is used primarily
Europeand other regions of the world where
the sport ofice hockeyis more popular. In
theUnited Statesit has typically--but not
exclusively--been considered a women's/girls'
sport, whileice hockeyis primarily--but not
exclusively--for men/boys.

Standard field hockey balls are hard spherical balls, made of
plastic (sometimes over a cork core), and are usually white,
although they can be any colour as long as they contrast
with the playing surface. The balls have acircumference of
224235mm (8.89.3in) and weigh 156163g (5.55.7oz).
The ball is often covered withindentationsto
reduceaquaplaningthat can cause an inconsistent ball
speed on wet surfaces.

Most hockey field dimensions were originally
fixed using whole numbers ofimperial
measures. Nevertheless, metric
measurements are now the official
dimensions as laid down by the International
Hockey Federation(FIH) in the "Rules of
Hockey". The pitch is a 91.4m 55m
(100.0yd 60.1yd) rectangular field. At
each end is a goal 2.14m (7ft) high and
3.66m (12ft) wide, as well as lines across
the field 22.90m (25yd) from each end-line
(generally referred to as the 23-metre lines
or the 25-yard lines) and in the center of the
field. A spot 0.15m (6in) in diameter, called
the penalty spot or stroke mark, is placed
with its centre 6.40m (7yd) from the centre
of each goal. The shooting circle is 15m
(16yd ) from the base line.

Theshort or penalty corneris awarded:
for an offence by a defender in the
circle which does not prevent the
probable scoring of a goal
for an intentional offence in the circle
by a defender against an opponent
who does not have possession of the
ball or an opportunity to play the ball
for an intentional offence by a
defender outside the circle but within
the 23-metre area they are defending
for intentionally playing the ball over
the back-line by a defender
when the ball becomes lodged in a
player's clothing or equipment while in
the circle they are defending

Hockey uses a three-tierpenalty card system of warnings and suspensions:
Agreen cardis fairly similar to an association-football yellow card: the player does not have to leave the
pitch (although at international standard the player has to leave the field for two minutes), but any further
infractions will result in a yellow or red card.
Ayellow cardis an official suspension similar to thepenalty boxin ice hockey. The duration is decided
by the umpire issuing the card and the player must go to a pre-defined area of the pitch as chosen by the
umpires at the beginning of the match. Most umpires will opt for a minimum of five minutes' duration
without substitution; the maximum time is at the discretion of the umpire, depending on the seriousness
of the offence, for example the second yellow to the same player or the first for danger might be given
ten minutes. It is possible to yellow-card a player for the entirety of a game. (In some modes, including
indoor, shorter periods of suspension are applied, dependent on local rules).
Ared card, just like in association football, is a permanent exclusion from the rest of the game, without
substitution, and it usually results in the player being banned for a certain period of time or number of
matches (this is governed by local playing conditions, rather than the rules of field hockey). The player
must also leave the pitch and surrounding area.

Ice hockeyis a team sport played
on ice in whichskatersuse sticks
toshoota hard rubberhockey
puckinto their opponent's net to
score points. In some countries,
such asCanadaand theUnited
States, it is known as "hockey";
the name "ice hockey" is used in
countries where "hockey"
generally refers tofield hockey.

A team usually consists of four lines of three forwards, three pairs of

defensemen, and two goalies. Five members of each team skate up
and down the ice trying to take the puck and score agoalagainst the
opposing team. Each team has agoaltenderwho tries to stop the puck
from going into the goal
A fast-paced physical sport, hockey is most popular in areas ofNorth
America(particularlyCanadaand northern parts of theUnited States)
andEurope. In North America, theNational Hockey League(NHL) is the
highest level for men's hockey and the most popular. Ice hockey is the
officialnational winter sportof Canada,where the game enjoys
immense popularity. The first organized game was played on March 3,
1875, inMontreal.
162 of 177 medals at theIIHF World Championshipshave been taken
by seven nations:Canada,the Czech
Republic,Finland,Russia,Slovakia,Swedenandthe United States.Of
the 66 medals awarded in men's competition at



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