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Contempt of Court


Media Law & Ethics

The origin of the law of contempt in India can be traced to the

English law .
The first Indian statute on the Law of Contempt, i.e., the
Contempt of Courts Act was passed in 1926.
replaced by the Contempt of Courts Act, 1952
Contempt of Courts Act,1971
It contains 24 sections
The jurisdiction to punish for contempt touches upon two
important fundamental rights of the citizens, namely, the right to
personal liberty and the right to freedom of expression.
Non applicability of Cr.PC and IPC ( Art 129 & 215)
It extends to the whole of India except Jammu & Kashmir

Contempt of court
Contempt of court is a court ruling which, in the

context of a court trial or hearing, deems an individual

as having been disrespectful of the court, its process,
and its invested powers.
A finding of contempt of court may result from a
failure to obey a lawful order of a court, showing
disrespect for the judge, disruption of the
proceedings through poor behavior, or publication of
material deemed likely to jeopardize a fair trial.
A judge may impose sanctions such as a fine or jail
for someone found guilty of contempt of court.

contempt of court means civil

contempt or criminal contempt;

civil contempt means willful

disobedience to any judgment, decree,

direction, order, writ or other process of a
court or willful breach of an undertaking
given to a court;
Punishment: fine or civil prison


criminal contempt means the publication (whether by words,

spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or
otherwise) of any matter or the doing of any other act
whatsoever which
(i) scandalizes, or tends to scandalize, or lowers or tends to
lower the authority of, any court; or ( defamatory remarks
against judges, court as a whole)
(ii) prejudices, or interferes or tends to interfere with, the due
course of any judicial proceeding; or ( media trial, threats,
private communication, comments on character of the
(iii)interferes or tends to interfere with, or obstructs or tends
to obstruct, the administration of justice in any other manner;
( suppressing facts, false evidence)

Innocent publication and distribution of matter is

not contempt.
Fair and accurate report of Judicial proceeding is
not contempt.
Fair criticism of judicial act is not contempt
Complaint against presiding officers of
subordinate courts is not contempt
Now Truth is a defence, amended in 2006

Power of High Court to punish contempts of

Every High Court shall have and exercise the same
subordinate courts

jurisdiction, powers and authority, in accordance with

the same procedure and practice, in respect of
contempts of courts subordinate to it as it has and
exercises in respect of contempts of itself:
Provided that no High Court shall take cognizance of
a contempt alleged to have been committed in
respect of a court subordinate to it where such
contempt is an offence punishable under the Indian
Penal Code

Power of High Court to try offences committed or

offenders found outside jurisdiction

A High Court shall have jurisdiction to inquire

into or try a contempt of itself or of any court

subordinate to it, whether the contempt is
alleged to have been committed within or
outside the local limits of its jurisdiction, and
whether the person alleged to be guilty of
contempt is within or outside such limits.

Punishment for contempt of court

(1) Save as otherwise expressly provided in

this Act or in any other law, a contempt of

court may be punished with simple
imprisonment for a term which may extend to
six months, or with fine which may extend to
two thousand rupees, or with both:

Provided that the accused may be discharged

or the punishment awarded may be remitted

on apology being made to the satisfaction of
the court.

Contempt Procedure
(1)When it is alleged, or appears to the Supreme Court or the

High Court upon its own view, that a person has been guilty of
contempt committed in its presence or hearing, the court may
cause such person to be detained in custody, and, at any time
before the rising of the court, on the same day, or as early as
possible thereafter, shall(a) cause him to be informed in writing of the contempt with
which he is charged.
(b) Afford him an opportunity to make his defence to the charge;
(c) After taking such evidence as may be necessary or as may
be offered by such person and after hearing him, proceed,
either forthwith or after adjournment, to determine the matter of
the charge; and
(d) Make such order for the punishment or discharge of such
person as may be just.

in the case of an appeal to a Bench of the High

Court, within thirty days;

in the case of an appeal to the Supreme Court, within
sixty days, from the date of the order appealed

Limitation for actions for contempt

No court shall initiate any proceedings of

contempt, either on its own motion or

otherwise, after the expiry of a period of one
year from the date on which the contempt is
alleged to have been committed.

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