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Kerangka konseptual

Prof Dr Saemah Rahman

Kerangka konseptual
Konsep, andaian, jangkaan, kepercayaan
dan teori yang menyokong dan
menerangkan kajian anda
Menerangkan dalam bentuk grafik atau
naratif perkara-perkara utama dalam kajian
anda faktor utama, konsep/pembolehubah
dan andaian tentang hubungan antaranya
(Miles & Huberman, 1994)

Merujuk kepada tentatif teori anda

mengenai apakah yang anda fikir
sedang berlaku dan mengapa

Apakah fungsi teori dalam kajian

anda ?
Memberitahu anda tentang
keseluruhan rekabentuk kajian anda
Membantu anda menilai matlamat anda
Membantu anda membina dan memilih
Soalan kajian dan metodologi kajian
yang relevan

Mari kita buat kerangka konseptual

kajian anda .

Where does the conceptual framework

Preparing a conceptual framework can be likened to planning a
The purpose of the pre-planning of the holiday is to:
Know how to get to, and return from, your holiday destination.
Know what to do when you are at the destination.
To be better prepared, and able to make the most of your
holiday, because you can be guided by your previous
experiences and by any information provided by others.
But is this pre-planning metaphor applicable to both quantitative
and qualitative research in terms of the conceptual framework
and the research process?

Where does the conceptual framework

fit in - quantitative?
Research problem:

The issue of theoretical or practical



Aims and objectives:

Literature review:
Conceptual framework:

Research questions:
Data collection and
Interpretation of the
Evaluation of the research:

The philosophical assumptions about

the nature of the world and how we
understand it - positivism.
What we want to know and how the
answer may be built up.
A critical and evaluative review of the
thoughts and experiences of others.
Provides the structure/content for the
whole study based on literature and
personal experience
Specific questions that require answers.
Methodology, methods and analysis.
Making sense of the results.
Revisit conceptual framework.

Where does the conceptual framework

fit in - qualitative?
Research problem:

The issue of theoretical or practical



Aims and objectives:

Literature review:
Research questions:
Data collection and
Interpretation of the

Evaluation of the research:

The philosophical assumptions about

the nature of the world and how we
understand it e.g. interpretivism.
What we want to know and how the
answer may be built up.
A critical and evaluative review of the
thoughts and experiences of others.
Specific questions that require
Methodology, methods and analysis.
Conceptual framework develops as
participants views and issues are
gathered and analysed.
Revisit conceptual framework.

Qualitative research - the position of

the conceptual framework

Normally qualitative work is described as starting from an inductive

position, seeking to build up theory, with the conceptual framework
being emergent, because existing literature/theories might

However, Miles and Huberman (1994) note that:

Researchers generally have some idea of what will feature in the
study, a tentative rudimentary conceptual framework, and it is
better to have some idea of what you are looking for/at even if
that idea changes over time. This is particularly true for
inexperienced and/or time constrained researchers.
Qualitative research can also be confirmatory. Yin (1994), for
example, identified pattern matching and explanation building.
Pattern matching starts with existing theory and tests its
adequacy in terms of explaining the findings. Explanation
building starts with theory and then builds an explanation while
collecting and analysing data.

Membina kerangka
Cuba jawab soalan-soalan ini:
Pada pendapat anda apakah yang sedang
berlaku mengenai isu yang anda ingin tangani
Apakah teori, kepercayaan dan dapatan kajian
lepas yang memberitahu anda mengenai
apakah yang sedang berlaku sekarang?
Apakah pengalaman peribadi anda, kajian
lepas dan dapatan dari literatur yang akan
anda gunakan dalam kajian anda mengapa?

What inputs go into developing a

conceptual framework?
Experiential knowledge
Technical knowledge.
Research background.
Personal experience.
Literature review:
Prior related theory concepts and relationships
that are used to represent the world, what is
happening and why.
Prior related research how people have tackled
similar problems and what they have learned.
Other theory and research - approaches, lines of
investigation and theory that are not obviously
relevant/previously used.

How might a conceptual framework be

The pieces of the conceptual framework are borrowed
but the researcher provides the structure. To develop
the structure you could:
Identify the key words used in the subject area of
your study.
Draw out the key things within something you have
already written about the subject area literature
Take one key concept, idea or term at a time and
brainstorm all the other things that might be related
and then go back and select those that seem most
Whichever is used it will take time and a number of
iterations and the focus is both on the content and the

Bentuk-bentuk kerangka
There are also different kinds of concept maps, with
different purposes; these include the following:
a. An abstract framework mapping the relationship
among concepts
b. A flowchart-like account of events and how you think
these are connected
c. A causal network of variables or influences
d. A treelike diagram of the meanings of words (e.g.,
Miles & Huberman, 1994, p. 133)
e. A Venn diagram, representing concepts as overlapping
circles (e.g., Miles & Huberman,1994, p. 249)

You can use more than one of these in a given

study; the bottom line is their usefulness

An example of a (generic) conceptual

If we look at the project in the example above of
developing research questions, the conceptual
framework might look something like this:

If we now add the theoretical componentthe learning theory, we get something

like this:

Terima kasih

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