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Freshwater Ecosystems
Lakes, Rivers and Streams


Be able to describe the factors that

determine where an organism lives in an
aquatic ecosystem
Be able to describe the littoral zone and
benthic zone that make up a lake or pond
Be able to describe 2 environmental
functions of wetlands
Be able to describe one threat against
river ecosystems

Aquatic Ecosystems

The types of
organisms that live in
an aquatic ecosystem
is determined by the
waters salinity
Salinity is the amount
of dissolved salts the
water contains.

Freshwater= <0.5 ppt

Saltwater= 30-50 ppt

Aquatic Ecosystems
are divided into
Freshwater and
Saltwater or Marine

Freshwater vs Saltwater


Lakes and Ponds-Slow

Rivers and Streams-Fast
Wetlands-water logged
Marshes and Swamps

Saltwater or Marine

Marshes and SwampsCoastal

Coral Reefs
Deep Oceans

Characteristics of Aquatic Ecosystems

Aquatic Ecosystems are characterized by

Sunlight Depth
Oxygen Concentration
Available Nutrients

Aquatic Organisms are grouped by their

location at water depths and adaptations

Plankton-Surface, provide most of food, producers

Nekton-Free swimming organisms

Zooplankton-microscopic animals
Phytoplankton-microscopic plants

Fish, Turtles, Whales

Benthos-Bottom dwelling organism, lived

attached to hard surfaces

Mussles, worms and Barnacles

Lakes and Ponds

Form naturally where ground

water reaches the Earths
Humans and animals like
beavers create lakes and ponds
by interrupting water flow
Lake structure-2 zones

Littoral Zone-Surface, Sunlight

Benthic Zone-Bottom, Dark

Aquatic Plants and Animal

Bacteria, Decomposers, Bottom
Feeding Fish

Animal Adaptations-Whiskers on
Catfish to find food on the
bottom, Amphibians burrow into
the mud in winter to avoid

Nutrients in Lakes

Lakes with an abundant

amount of nutrients, causing
overgrowth of plants, algae
and bacteria are known as
Eutrophic Lakes
Depletion of oxygen in these
lakes called Eutrophicationkills off oxygen requiring
Rainwater runoff carrying
sewage, fertilizers and
animal wastes from land
into the water accelerates


Areas of land covered by water

for part of the year
2 Types of Wetlands

Marshes-contain nonwoody plants

such as cattails, low, flat lands,
characterized by salinity-ex. Florida
Swamps-dominated by woody plants
such as cypress trees, low, poorly
drained land, good habitat for
amphibians- ex. Louisiana bayou

2 Purposes of Wetlands

Filter and absorb water-prevents

pollutants from entering ground
Control Flooding-absorb river
Homes and nesting area for
migratory birds
Cranberry, crawfish production

Wetlands are protected in many



Originate from snow melt in

the mountains of Minnesota
1475 ft above sea level
2320 miles long, flows
southward in meanders,
terminating 95 miles below
New Orleans at sea level or
O ft.
4th longest river in the world
Changes with the land and
climate through which it

Higher altitudes-cold, narrow,

fast, oxygen rich-Head Waters

Trout, Minnows, Moss

Lower altitudes-warmer, wider,

slower and decreased
dissolved oxygen-Ends in a fan
shape called the Delta

Plankton, Carp, Catfish

Arrowhead, Crowfoot

Threats to River Systems

Industries use river water in manufacturing

processes and release waste into the waters.
People dispose of sewage and garbage in
Pollutants and toxins produced have killed
river organisms and made river fish inedible
Water runoff from land carries pesticides,
fertilizers and manufacturing chemicals into
the river coating sediment with toxic waste
Pollutants enter ground water and human
drinking water resources in rural areas.

What Do You Know?-60

1.Why are aquatic ecosystems divided into freshwater

and saltwater?

2. Freshwater ecosystems include what 7 bodies of


3. Summarize the 4 factors that characterize where

organisms live in aquatic ecosystems?

4. Compare the littoral zone and benthic zone of lakes.

5. Describe 2 environmental functions of wetlands.

Trace the path of the Mississippi river, where does it

start and end?

6. Discuss the importance of one threat against river

Answer the questions and complete the tasks above.
All of the answers can be found in the PowerPoint
Write the questions.
Answer each question using complete sentences.

Black History Month Extra Credit

110 points

Who founded the first settlement of

When was this person born?
Where was he born?
Who were his parents?
Who did he marry?
What were the names of his children?
Name the river upon which the settlement
was founded.
What was his occupation?
When did he die?
Where is he buried?
What Chicago Public School and Museum is
named after this person?

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