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Multimedia Mining

Classification of Multimedia:
Text Data: .txt, .doc, .docx, etc. Or even textual data from
websites, messages, mails etc.
Image Data: .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .png, etc. Image data can be
used in art work and pictures with text still images taken by a
digital camera.
Audio Data: .mp3, .wav, .wma, etc. Audio data contains sound,
MP3 songs, speech and music.
Video Data: .mp4, .mkv, etc. Video data include time aligned
sequence of frames, MPEG videos from desktops, cell phones,
video cameras
Electronic and Digital ink: Electronic and Digital ink, its
sequence of time aligned 2D or 3D coordinates of stylus, a light
pen, data glove sensors, graphical, similar devices are stored in a
multimedia database and use to develop a multimedia system.

The multimedia data mining is classified into two broad
categories as static media and dynamic media.
Static media contains text (digital library, creating SMS
and MMS) and images (photos and medical images).
Dynamic media contains Audio (music and MP3 sounds)
and Video (movies).
Multimedia mining refers to analysis of large amount of
multimedia information in order to extract patterns
based on their statistical relationships.


Text Mining:
Text Mining also referred as text data mining and it is
used to find meaningful information from the
unstructured texts that are from various sources.
Text is the foremost general medium for the proper
exchange of information.
Text Mining is to evaluate huge amount of usual
language text and it detects exact patterns to find
useful information.

Image Mining:
Image mining systems can discover meaningful
information or image patterns from a huge collection of
Image mining determines how low level pixel
representation consists of a raw image or image
sequence can be handled to recognize high-level spatial
objects and relationship.
It includes digital image processing, image
understanding, database, AI and so on.

Video Mining:
Video mining is unsubstantiated to find the interesting
patterns from large amount of video data; multimedia
data is video data such as text, image, and metadata,
visual and audio.
The processing are indexing, automatic segmentation,
content-based retrieval, classification and detecting
It is commonly used in various applications like security
and surveillance, entertainment, medicine, sports and
education programs.

Audio Mining:
Audio mining plays an important role in multimedia
applications, is a technique by which the content of an
audio signal can be automatically searched, analyzed
and rotten with wavelet transformation.
Band energy, frequency centroid, zero crossing rate,
pitch period and band-width are often used features for
audio processing.
It is generally used in the field of automatic speech
recognition, where the analysis efforts to find any
speech within the audio.

Multimedia Data Mining


Multimedia Data Mining


Data Collection is the initial stage of the learning system;

Pre-processing is to extract significant features from raw
data, it includes data cleaning, transformation,
normalization, feature extraction, etc.
Learning can be direct, if informative types can be
recognized at pre-processing stage.
Complete process depends extremely on the nature of
raw data and difficultys field.
The product of pre-processing is the training set. Specified
training set, a learning model has to be selected to learn
from it and make multimedia model is more constant.




Classification is a technique for multimedia data analysis, can learn
from every property of a specified set of multimedia. It is divided into a
predefined class label, so as to achieve the purpose of classification.
Classification is the process of constructing data into categories for its
better effective and efficient use, it creates a function that well-planned
data item into one of many predefined classes, by inputting a training
data set and building a model of the class attribute based on the rest of
the attributes. Decision tree classification has a perceptive nature that
the users conceptual model without loss of exactness. Hidden Markov
Model used for classifying the multimedia data such as images and
video as indoor-outdoor games.


Rule Association Rule is one of the most important data
mining technique which helps to find relations between
data items in huge databases. There are two different
types of associations in multimedia mining: association
between image content and non-image content features.
Mining the frequently occurring patterns between
different images becomes mining the repeated patterns
in a set of transactions. Multi-relational association rule
mining is used to display the multiple reports for the
same image. In image classification also multiple level


Cluster analysis divides the data objects into multiple
groups or clusters. Cluster analysis combines all objects
based on their groups. Clustering algorithms can be
divided into several methods they are hierarchical
methods, density-based methods, grid-based methods,
and model based methods, k-means algorithm and graph
based model. In multimedia mining, clustering technique
can be applied to group similar images, objects, sounds,
videos and texts.


Modeling Statistical mining models are used to
regulate the statistical validity of test parameters and
have been used to test hypothesis, undertake correlation
studies and transform and make data for further analysis.
This is used to establish links between words and
partitioned image regions to form a simple co-occurrence

Content based retrieval and Similarity search Content based retrieval
in multimedia is a stimulating problem since multimedia data is required for
detailed analysis from pixel values. We considered two main families of
multimedia retrieval systems i.e. similarity search in multimedia data.
Description-based retrieval system created indices and make object
retrieval, based on image descriptions, for example keywords, captions, size,
and time of creation.
Content-based retrieval system supports retrieval on the image content,
for example color histogram, texture, shape, objects and wavelet transforms.
Use of content-based retrieval system: Visual features to index images
and promotes object retrieval based on feature similarity; it is very desirable in
various applications. These applications which include diagnosis, weather
prediction, TV production and internet search engines for pictures and ecommerce.

Multidimensional Analysis In order to perform multidimensional
analysis of large multimedia databases, multimedia data cubes may be
designed and constructed in a method similar to that for traditional data
cubes from relational data. A multimedia data cube can have additionaldimensions and measures for multimedia data, such as color, texture,
and shape. A multimedia data cube has several dimensions.
Examples are: size of the image or video in bytes; width and height of
the frames, creating two dimensions, date on which image or video was
created or last modified, format type of the image or video, frame
sequence duration in seconds, Internet domain of pages referencing the
image or video, the keywords like a color dimension and edge
orientation dimension.

Mining Associations in Multimedia Data Association
rules involving multimedia objects have been mined in
image and video databases. Three categories can be
1. Associations between image content and non-image
content features
2. Associations among image contents that are not related to
spatial relationships
3. Associations among image contents related to spatial

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