Lecture 1 Introduction

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Welcome to ENS4240/ENS5240


Lecture 1: Introduction

Procedure Procedure

Edith Cowan University is

committed to reconciliation and
recognises and respects the
significance of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander peoples
communities, cultures and

Emergency Evacuation Procedure

If you hear an Emergency Warning System (whoop-whoop tone)

follow instructions from your Building Warden or Lecturer

evacuate by nearest safe EXIT and move to Assembly Area
Building Warden / Lecture close all doors in area when clear
Lecturer to call Security on 3333
do not re-enter the building until all-clear has been given by Building Warden

Suspicious Packages & Behaviour

do not approach
do not use mobile phones
Lecturer to call Security on 3333 and await further instructions

Fire or other Emergency

remove anyone from danger

close all doors in area
evacuate by nearest safe EXIT and move to Assembly Area
in case of earthquake move under desks, tables, evacuate on instruction only
raise the alarm, use RED break glass alarm (if available)
Lecturer to call Security on 3333
do not re-enter the building until all-clear has been given by Building Warden

Safety & Security with ECU

Your Responsibility as a Student
If the Lecturer does not arrive, inform school secretary as soon as possible.
ECU supports a NON-SMOKING environment.
Hazards should be reported to a staff member or by phoning 6304 5554.
Accidents, injuries and near miss incidents (this is an incident that could have
resulted in an injury) need to be reported to a university staff member as soon as
Be aware of your safety and that of others -If you see suspicious or anti-social
behaviour, observe or are involved in an incident, contact Security immediately call
6304 3333 (JO) 9370 3333 (ML) or use security phones located at various points
on each campus.

Emergency & Support Information

Note the location and use of the Security radio phones on campus.
Note the location of all emergency signage, break glass alarms & EXITs
Security Officers are trained in First Aid.
Note the location and availability of the campus Medical Suite.
24 hour Security Escort Service - call 6304 3333 (JO) 9370 3333 (ML) or use
security phone located at various points on campus
If attending the campus out of hours we encourage you to travel in pairs.

Teaching Staff

Dr Octavian Bass
[email protected]

Telephone: 6304 5582


JO 5.216

Consultation: Open door policy (booking an

appointment advisable)
Lab tutor:

Dr Gary Allwood
[email protected]

Class Times



15:30 17:30
08:30 11:00
11:30 14:00
14:30 17:00
08:30 11:00
11:30 14:00

Lectures run each week.

Labs run each week, starting with the second week.

JO 21.202
JO 23.223

Attendance at all class times is expected (lab attendance is mandatory). You

are responsible for all information (both technical and administrative)
presented during class times. You should establish informal study groups,
which will give you access to information, if for any reason, you do miss a
class session. Students repeating this unit must attend all scheduled sessions
and submit all assessable material (except for laboratory sessions, if they
previously passed the laboratory component), as though they were taking the
unit for the first time. Self-study time will vary from student to student, but you
should expect to spend approximately 6 hours / week in addition to class time.

Students who are repeating the unit but do not need

to repeat the labs

You must have received the email below from CIH. Please respond to it if you are
concerned. Send me an email if you cannot remember your lab mark.
Dear students,
If you are repeating a unit this semester and you passed the lab component of the
same unit in semester 2 of last year then be advised that you can opt to be exempted
from completing the labs this year. If you wish to go ahead with this exemption from
the lab component then please reply to this email indicating the unit code and
title of the unit or units for which you wish this lab exemption to apply. This will
result in you being moved into a dummy lab session timetabled on the weekend,
you will not need to attend at this time, this is just to overcome the fact that the
system requires you to be enrolled into a lab activity in order to confirm your
enrolment in the unit. Your lab marks from your previous attempt will be carried
forward to this semester. Note that if you completed the lab component more than
one year ago then you will not be able to apply for this exemption and will need to
repeat the labs.
If you previously passed the lab component, but wish to repeat the labs this semester
then you do not need to do anything.
Course Information Hub on behalf of Dr Alex Rassau, Associate Dean Teaching 7&
Learning, School of Engineering

Pre-requisite units: Instrumentation and Measurement and Control Systems.
No prescribed textbook - teaching, training and technical reference materials
provided in class and on Blackboard; plenty of relevant online resources.
Website: http://blackboard.ecu.edu.au (Blackboard)
The primary on-line mode of communication. Please make sure you are
familiar with the unit site and you access it regularly for announcements,
along with your student email, which must be the only address used in
communication with the teaching staff.
Updated continuously with important information, including teaching
materials, announcements, assignments and various resources. The main
unit content including undergraduate lecture slides and lab handouts will be
accessible from the Unit Materials link. Assignments will be available under
First Blackboard announcement asked you to study the Professional
Competencies and the Unit Plan under the Unit Overview link.

Professional Competencies

Engineers Australia competencies developed in this unit:

1. PE1.1: Comprehensive, theory based understanding of the underpinning natural and physical sciences and the
engineering fundamentals applicable to the engineering discipline.
2. PE1.2: Conceptual understanding of the, mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics, and computer and information
sciences which underpin the engineering discipline.
3. PE1.3: In depth understanding of specialist bodies of knowledge within the engineering discipline.
4. PE1.4: Discernment of knowledge development and research directions within the engineering discipline.
5. PE1.5: Knowledge of contextual factors impacting the engineering discipline.
6. PE1.6: Understanding of the scope, principles, norms, accountabilities and bounds of contemporary engineering practice
in the engineering discipline.
7. PE2.1: Application of established engineering methods to complex engineering problem solving.
8. PE2.2: Fluent application of engineering techniques, tools and resources.
9. PE2.3: Application of systematic engineering synthesis and design processes.
10. PE2.4: Application of systematic approaches to the conduct and management of engineering projects.
11. PE3.2: Effective oral and written communication in professional and lay domains.
12. PE3.3: Creative, innovative and pro-active demeanour.
13. PE3.4: Professional use and management of information.
14. PE3.6: Effective team membership and team leadership.
Discipline competencies developed in this unit:
1. MEC.9: Has detailed knowledge of industrial control systems and the capacity to design and implement simple PLC
based automation systems.
2. MCT.6: Has detailed knowledge of industrial control systems and the capacity to design and implement simple PLC based
automation systems.
3. EPW.5: Has a broad understanding of communication systems.
4. CHE.9: Has detailed knowledge of industrial control systems and the capacity to design and implement simple PLC based
automation systems.
5. ICA.3: Has detailed knowledge of industrial control systems and the capacity to design and implement simple PLC based
automation systems.
6. COS.8: Has detailed knowledge of industrial control systems and the capacity to design and implement simple PLC9
based automation systems.

Laboratory work
End-of-semester examination


To be eligible to pass this unit, students must:

1) attend all laboratory/workshop sessions, complete all assigned tasks,
and obtain a pass mark for the laboratory component of the assessment
2) pass the end of semester examination

Assessment (cont.)
Laboratory work: There will be five hardware-based practical laboratory
exercises for this unit. Their objective is to put into practice the knowledge
gained from the lectures. The practical sessions require preparation by
studying the lecture materials, active participation and completion of a test at
the end of the session. The report and test will contribute equally to the lab
Project: The objective of the project is to combine all the learning from the
previous lab sessions in order to design and implement an automation
project. The project must be completed and presented both in class and in
Exam (Invigilated): One, three-hour exam, at the end of the course, will
cover all aspects of the unit. The primary emphasis will be to test if the
student has an understanding of the material outlined in this unit, is able to
articulate this understanding and is able to apply this knowledge to solve
engineering problems.


Assessment (cont.)
Marking criteria: The criteria by which each piece of assessment will be
evaluated will be presented and discussed at the presentation of the
assignment or test.
Two main skills you are supposed to develop:
Creative thinking,
Critical thinking.
Please have realistic expectations:
If your work shows only simple reproduction of techniques and solutions
presented and contains no errors, you can expect a minimum passing
To get more credit, your work should indicate high-level analysis and/or
critical and/or creative thinking.
UTEI comment: No compromises, you either study and pass, or you
fail. Non-academic criteria cannot influence the marking.


University Rules: Admission, Enrolment and Academic

Progress Rules
8.1.4. For the avoidance of any doubt, invalid grounds for appealing a
result under Rule 8.1.1 include:
a. issues concerning the learning objectives of the unit;
b. the assessment methods approved for the unit;
c. the level of performance as assessed by the relevant academic
staff member, required to achieve particular grades;
d. personal or medical problems;
e. financial, career or other personal implications of not passing the
f. results received by the appellant or other students in the same or
other units.;
g. the amount of work done by the student; and
h. the penalty imposed for academic misconduct in relation to an item
of assessment where the assessment comprises part of a final unit

English Language Proficiency (ELP)

ECU has implemented a set of procedures and supports to assist all
students to develop and demonstrate appropriate standards of English
language proficiency. As part of the process, ECU is seeking to ensure that
each student receives feedback on ELP on all written assessments showing
performance against ECU ELP standards. The ECU ELP Measure shows
your written ELP against the ECU standards. The ECU minimum standard
for written ELP which all students should demonstrate by graduation is
moderate proficiency (at least) in both areas of Sentence Structure and
Word Use. Undergraduate students in their second year are expected to be
able to demonstrate moderate proficiency in at least one of these areas. The
feedback you will receive will indicate your demonstrated level of written
ELP in any assessment. You will also receive information describing the
various supports and resources you can access should you need to further
develop your ELP.
Follow ECU announcements on ELP workshops and assignment drop-in

Collaboration Policy:
Discussion Encouraged, Sharing Not Permitted!
We encourage you to discuss assignments in this unit with other
students and with the teaching staff to better understand the
concepts. However, when you submit an assessment under your
name, I assume that you are certifying that the details are
entirely your own work and that you played at least a substantial
role in the conception stage. You should not use results from
other students (from this year or from previous years) in
preparing your solutions. You should not take credit for computer
code or graphics that were generated by other students.
Students should never share their solutions with other students.
Any student caught plagiarizing will be reported to the Head of


Academic Misconduct
Edith Cowan University regards academic misconduct of any form as
unacceptable! Any detected case of any academic misconduct will be
treated very seriously. In accordance with the University Rules these
cases will be reported to the Head of School.
See: http://www.ecu.edu.au/GPPS/governance_services/uni_rules.html
Academic Misconduct means any conduct by a student in relation to
academic work that is dishonest or unfair and includes, but is not limited to:
a) plagiarism;
b) unauthorised collaboration;
c) cheating in assessment; and/or
d) theft of another students work;

Academic Misconduct (cont.)

cheating means dishonest conduct in any assessment;
plagiarism means to knowingly or unknowingly present as ones
own work the ideas or writings of another without appropriate
acknowledgment or referencing. This includes, but is not limited to:
a) paraphrasing or copying text without acknowledgment of the
source; and/or
b) copying, whether identically or in essence, the text of another
students assignment or other students assignments; and/or
c) copying, whether identically or in essence, of visual
representations (for example cartoons, line drawings, photos,
paintings and computer programs).

ECU Values

Rational Inquiry
Personal Excellence


What This Unit Is About: Industrial Automation & Control


Systematic Economic Activity

Services, Manufacturing, Material processing, etc.


Greek words Auto and Matos (self-moving)


Managed or regulated


Industrial Automated Control is a set of

technologies that results in a managed operation
of industrial devices/machines without significant
human intervention and achieves performance
superior to manual operation.

Why Automation?
Process optimisation
Energy, material and time savings
Quality improvement and stabilisation
Reduction of waste, pollution control
Compliance with regulations and laws, product tracking
Increase availability, safety
Fast response to market
Connection to management and accounting
Acquisition of large number of Process Variables, data mining
Personal costs reduction
Simplify interface
Assist decision
Require data processing, displays, data base, expert systems
Human-Machine Interface (MMC = Man-Machine Communication)
Asset optimisation
Automation of engineering, commissioning and maintenance
Software configuration, back-up and versioning
Life-cycle control
Maintenance support
Engineering Tools

Data Quantities in Plants

Power Plant 30 years ago: - 100 measurement and action variables ("points")
- Analogue controllers, analogue instruments
- One central "process controller" for data
monitoring and protocol.
Coal-fired power plant today: 10,000 points,
- 8,000 binary and
analogue measurement points - 2,000 actuation
- 1,000 microcontrollers and logic controllers
Nuclear Power Plant:

- Three times more points than in conventional

power plants.

Electricity distribution network: 100,000 - 10,000,000 points

- Information flow to
the personnel: > 5 kbit/s
- Human processing

Where Is Industrial Control Used?



Oil &




Automation Applications

Power generation: hydro, coal, gas, oil, shale, nuclear, wind, solar.
Transmission: electricity, gas, oil.
electricity, water.
paper, food, pharmaceutical, metal production
and processing, glass, cement, chemical,
refinery, oil &
gas, mining, desalination, waster
Manufacturing: computer aided manufacturing (CIM), robots, flexible
fabrication, appliances, automotive, aircrafts.
silos, elevator, harbour, retail houses, deposits,
luggage handling.
heat, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC),
access control, fire, energy supply, tunnels,
parking lots,
highways, warehouses, airports
Transportation: rolling stock, street cars, suburban trains,
busses, trolley busses, cars, ships, airplanes,
satellites, traffic control, harbours
practically all industries and activity fields...

Relation to Other Engineering Disciplines







Role of Industrial Control in a Factory

Raw or unfinished materials

Manufacturing process

Finished Product

Manufacturing requires:
Energy, Manpower and Infrastructure

Economic Process

Basic objective of a factory is to make profit through a

systematic economic process:
Profit = (price/unit costs/unit) volume
What affects profit?
Increase profit by reducing costs
Increase profit by producing more
Increase profit by increasing price


Automation and Price




Quality affected by:

- Materials
- Process
- Control


Automation and Cost



Energy Manpower Infrastructure

How does automation affect these costs?


Automation and Volume

Production Volume

Production Material
Idle Time Quality
Handling Time
Assurance Time


Economy of Scale and Automation

Increased production
More effective use of infrastructure
More efficient on energy and pollution
Reduction of manpower
More effective use of materials
Better quality control and standard


Economy of Scope

Present day factory goal is dynamic manufacturing

Life cycle of product

Development, improvement and competition

Rapidly reconfigurable manufacturing systems


Production Systems


Types of Automation Systems

Automation systems






Types of Industrial Control

Motion Control
Controls a motion or position, speed, acceleration,
Servo mechanisms
Fast process
Requires feedback
Process Control
One or more controlled variables
Systems in general react slow to changes
Continuous (raw material continuously flows in and out) or
Batch (exact quantities of raw materials a quantity of product)

Enabling Technologies

Where a lot of technologies that enable operation and

control of modern machines and systems come together
and merge: Instrumentation


Industrial Control vs. Human Body


manufacturing execution system

spinal cord

data networks

ganglions (reflexes) controllers


field buses


sensors and actuators


motors, pneumatic movers


primary equipment (vessels, turbines)


buildings and sites

Automation =
the neural system


Industrial Control Systems

Industrial automation pertains to ways and means by which conditions
of processes (pressure, flow, temperature, level, etc.) are
automatically kept to desired values or within a required range. It is
present in various activity fields such as the food, chemical, oil and
gas, mining, electrical, water industries, etc.
Based on information received from remote stations, automated or
operator-driven supervisory commands can be pushed to remote
station control devices, which are often referred to as field devices.
Field devices control local operations such as opening and closing
valves and breakers, collecting data from sensor systems, and
monitoring the local environment for alarm conditions.
Industrial control system (ICS) is a general term that encompasses
several types of control systems used in industrial production,
including supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems,
distributed control systems (DCS), and other smaller control system
configurations such as skid-mounted programmable logic controllers
(PLC) often found in the industrial sectors and critical infrastructures.37

Hierarchical View



vertical Comm.

SCADA level



Control level

Control Bus (Ethernet)


Fieldbus (IEC 61158 etc)

direct I/O
Field level
Sensor-Actuators bus (ASI..)

transducers / actuators



SCADA refers to the combination of telemetry and data
SCADA encompasses the collecting of the information,
transferring it back to the central site, carrying out any
necessary analysis and control and then displaying that
information on a number of operator screens or displays.
The required control actions are then conveyed back to the


Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) represent state-of-the-art specialized
microprocessor-based electronics that make up technologically advanced
control systems with applications in virtually every segment of industry
where automation is required.
Used for discrete control of machines and manufacturing processes.
Most of the inputs and outputs for discrete control are binary, meaning they
have only two states: on and off, like a switch. Little processing power is
needed for computing on/off signals so PLC tend to be very fast and are
used in machine tool and other industries.
Offer standard hardware solution.
Very economically priced.
They have revolutionized control engineering!

DCS (Distributed Control System) are designed to control processes,
not discrete operations.
As such, a large number of the inputs and outputs are analog like a
4-20mA signal or 0-10V signal. These signals generally represent
temperature, flow, pressure, pH, conductivity or some other process
Complex algorithms are programmed into the DCS to provide
accurate control of processes like food and medicine manufacturing.
Speed isn't as critical as it is with the PLCs but accuracy and
complexity is.


Since the early 90's, microprocessors, memory, speed and everything
else about computers has increased at a fantastic rate.
The distinct line between PLC and DCS is blurring a little and it is not
usual to find a PLC performing simple to moderately hard process
control functions. Analog cards are readily available and software is
available also.
DCS can also perform discrete manufacturing sequences but their
higher cost and complexity make it improbable that someone would
choose a DSC to control a lathe or grinder. But if just a couple of
discrete control steps are needed at a process plant (on/off control for
a tank level) then it can be used.

Response Time and Hierarchical Level


(Enterprise Resource

Execution System)



(Supervisory Control
and Data Acquisition)



Control System)


Logic Controller)








Complexity and Hierarchical Level


Reaction Speed




Command level

Group Control

Individual Control







Data Quantity & Quality and Hierarchical Level

Higher Levels
When ascending the control hierarchy, data are reduced: higher level
data are created (e.g. summary information).
Processing and decisions become more complicated (requires using
Timing requirements are slackened. Historical data are stored.
SCADA level
Presentation of complex data to the human operator, aid to decisions
(expert system) and maintenance.
Requires a knowledge database in addition to the plant's database
Lower Levels
Lowest levels (closest to the plant) are most demanding in response
Quantity of raw data is very large.
Processing is trivial (was formerly realized in hardware).
These levels are today under computer control, except in emergency
situations, for maintenance or commissioning.

Operation and Process Data Base

Consideration of human intervention breaches this hierarchy.
Normally, the operator is only concerned by the supervisory level, but
exceptionally, operators (and engineers) want to access data of the lowest
The operator sees the plant through a fast data base, refreshed in
background. This database is the pivot for logging and simulation.
knowledge base







process data


What Can You Expect From This Unit?

In this unit you will become familiar with industrial automation systems
and you will gain practical knowledge of PLC and SCADA systems.
The Schneider Electric Automation and Control Laboratory will allow
you to become conversant with PLC and SCADA systems. This will be
accomplished with the help of Schneider Electric's latest
engineering and processing technology and equipment. The aim of
the laboratory activities is to integrate the basic principles acquired
during lectures by designing small-scale systems that can be found in
the real world. Through practical examples, you will learn how to
program, connect, operate, and troubleshoot different configurations.
Your learning experience in this unit can be the first step of a
successful career!

The semester schedule provides a tentative guideline on the topics covered each week.
This information may be updated and amended during the semester. To ensure you
have the correct schedule, please check the announcements on Blackboard and on your
student email.



Lab exercises

Assignment due

25, 26, 27 July


1, 2, 3 August

PLC Programming

Lab 1

Lab 1

8, 9, 10 August

SCADA Systems

Lab 2

Lab 2

15, 16, 17 August


Lab 3

Lab 3

22, 23, 24 August

Ladder Programming

Lab 4

Lab 4

29, 30, 31 August

Ladder Logic

Lab 5

Lab 5

5, 6, 7 September

Timers & Counters


12, 13, 14 September

Ladder Design


19, 20, 21 September






3, 4, 5 October

Field Devices



10, 11, 12 October

Industrial Data Communications



17, 18, 19 October

Guest Lecture / Review



25, 26 October




What Form Might a Controller Have?

We could wire up electrical
circuits in which the closing or
opening of switches would result
in motors being switched on or
valves being actuated.
In the traditional form of control
system, the rules governing the
control system and when actions
are initiated are determined by
the wiring. When the rules used
for the control actions are
changed, the wiring has to be


Microprocessor-Controlled Systems
Instead of hardwiring each control circuit for each control situation,
we can use the same basic system for all situations if we use a
microprocessor-based system and write a program to instruct the
microprocessor how to react to each input signal from, say, switches
and give the required outputs to, say, motors and valves.

By changing the instructions in the program, we can use the same

microprocessor system to control a wide variety of situations.
As an illustration, the modern washing machine uses a
microprocessor system.

Brief History of PLC

Initiated by General Motors in 1968 to eliminate large cost associated with relay
based machine control systems. Hardwired panels were very time consuming to wire,
debug and change.
GM identified the following requirements for computer controllers to replace
hardwired panels:
Solid-state not mechanical
Easy to modify input and output devices
Easily programmed and maintained by plant electricians
Be able to function in a harsh industrial environment
No hard-drive, battery back-up
Could start in seconds
Created by Bedford Associates and spawned into a new company called MOdular
DIgital CONtroller (MODICON) currently owned by Schneider Electric. Other
manufacturers of the most popular PLCs include Allen-Bradley, Siemens and a
bunch of others.
The terminology "PLC" is interesting in itself. When they started becoming popular in
the 1970s they were often called "relay replacers" since the logic for on/off type
operations was done with relays arranged in a digital logic format. It was thought that
calling them a computer would turn off many electricians and would scare people
away from buying them.

The Programmable Logic Controller

Is a special form of microprocessor-based controller designed to be operated by
engineers with perhaps a limited knowledge of computers and computing languages.
The designers of the PLC have pre-programmed it so that the control program can
be entered using a simple, rather intuitive form of language.
Uses a combination of logic software and electronic input and output modules.
The term logic is used because programming is primarily concerned with
implementing logic and switching operations. The PLC uses a programmable
memory to store instructions and specific functions that include On/Off control,
timing, counting, sequencing, arithmetic, and data handling.
Input devices (i.e., sensors such as switches) and output devices (motors,
valves, etc.) in the system being controlled are connected to the PLC.
The operator enters a sequence of instructions, a
program, into the memory of the PLC. The controller
then monitors the inputs and outputs according to
this program and carries out the control rules
for which it has been programmed.


Advantages of PLC Control Systems


Faster response time

Less and simpler wiring

Solid-state - no moving parts

Modular design - easy to repair and expand

Handles much more complicated systems

Sophisticated instruction sets available

Allows for diagnostics easy to troubleshoot

Less expensive

Eliminates much of the hard wiring that was associated with conventional
relay control circuits

The program takes

the place of much of
the external wiring
that would be required
for the control of a


Once a program has been written and tested it can be downloaded to
other PLCs.

Since all the logic is

contained in the
PLCs memory, there
is no chance of
making a logic wiring
error. Conversely...


Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) can provide system updates for
a process by simply sending out a new program.

It is easier to create
and change a
program in a PLC
than to wire and
rewire a circuit.
End-users can
modify the program
in the field.

Originally PLCs were designed to replace relay control logic. The cost
savings using PLCs have been so significant that relay control is
becoming obsolete, except for power applications.

Generally, if an application
requires more than about 6
control relays, it will usually
be less expensive to install
a PLC.


A PLC can communicate with other controllers or computer equipment.

They can be networked to

perform such functions as:
supervisory control, data
gathering, monitoring
devices and process
parameters, and
downloading and
uploading of programs.

Response Time
PLCs operate in real-time which means that an event taking place in the
field will result in an operation or output taking place.

Machines that process

thousands of items per
second and objects that
spend only a fraction of
a second in front of a
sensor require the PLCs
quick response capability.

PLCs have resident diagnostic and override functions allowing users to
easily trace and correct software and hardware problems.

The control program

can be watched in
real-time as it
executes to find
and fix problems.


Components of a PLC


Modular/Rack Design


M340 PLC: Product Positioning


M340 PLC Hardware: The Components


M340 Rack Backplanes

When a module slides into the rack, it makes
an electrical connection with a series of
contacts - called the backplane. The
backplane is located at the rear of the rack.


Power Supply
Supplies DC power to other modules that
plug into the rack.
In large PLC systems, this power supply
does not normally supply power to the field
In small and micro PLC systems, the power
supply is also used to power field devices.


M340 PLC Power



Processor (CPU)
Is the brain of the PLC. Consists of a
microprocessor for implementing the logic and
controlling the communications among the modules.
Designed so the desired circuit can be entered in
logic form.
The processor accepts
input data from various
sensing devices,
executes the stored user
program, and sends
appropriate output
commands to control


M340 Processors


M340 Processor Diagnostics


Input and Output (I/O) Configuration

Modular I/O configuration, divided by compartments
into which separate modules can be plugged.
This feature greatly increases your options and the
units flexibility. You can choose from all the
modules available and mix them in any way you
The I/O modules provide the interface between the
PLC system and the outside world, allowing for
connections to be made through I/O channels to
input devices (e.g., sensors) and output devices
(e.g., motor).
Every I/O point has a unique address that can be
used by the CPU (like a row of houses along a road:
number 10 might be the house used for an input
from a particular sensor, whereas number 45 might
be the house used for the output to a particular


PLC I/O Modules

The input/output channels provide
isolation and signal conditioning
functions so that sensors and actuators
can often be directly connected to them
without the need for other circuitry.
Electrical isolation from the external
world is usually by means of
optoisolators (the term optocouplers is
also often used).
Signal conditioning in the input/output
channel, with isolation, enables a wide
range of input/output signals to be
supplied to/by the PLC.


Sourcing and Sinking

It is important to know the type of input or output concerned so that it can be

correctly connected to the PLC: sensors with sourcing outputs should be
connected to sinking PLC inputs and sensors with sinking outputs should be
connected to sourcing PLC inputs. The interface with the PLC will not
function and damage may occur if this guideline is not followed.

PLC Input Modules

Forms the interface by which

input field devices are
connected to the controller.
The terms field and real
world are used to distinguish
actual external devices that
exist and must be physically
wired into the system.

PLC Output Modules

Forms the interface by

which output field devices
are connected to the


PLC Output Modules (cont.)

Relay type: the signal from the PLC output is
used to operate a relay and is able to switch
currents of the order of a few amperes in an
external circuit. The relay not only allows small
currents to switch much larger currents but also
isolates the PLC from the external circuit. Relays
are, however, relatively slow to operate. Relay
outputs are suitable for AC and DC switching.
They can withstand high surge currents and
voltage transients.
Transistor type: uses a transistor to switch
current through the external circuit. This gives a
considerably faster switching action. It is,
however, strictly for DC switching and is
destroyed by overcurrent and high reverse
voltage. For protection, either a fuse or built-in
electronic protection is used. Optoisolators are
used to provide isolation.
Triac outputs: with optoisolators for isolation, can
be used to control external loads that are
connected to the AC power supply. It is strictly
for AC operation and is very easily destroyed by
overcurrent. Fuses are virtually always included
to protect such outputs.


M340 Discrete Input / Output Modules


Discrete Inputs

A discrete input is an input that is either on or

Pushbuttons, toggle switches, limit switches,
proximity switches, and contact closures are
example of discrete sensors which are
connected to the PLCs digital inputs.
In the ON condition a discrete input may be
referred to as a logic 1 or a logic High. In the
OFF condition a digital input may be referred
to as a logic 0 or a logic Low.
A normally open pushbutton is used in this
example. Many PLCs require a separate
power supply to power its inputs; however, this
example is for a PLC that powers its own
inputs. One side of the pushbutton is
connected to the first PLC input. The other
side of the pushbutton is connected to an
internal 24 Vdc power supply. With the
pushbutton in the open state, no voltage is
present at the PLC input. This is the OFF
condition. When the pushbutton is depressed,
24 Vdc is applied to the PLC input. This is78the
ON condition.

Discrete Outputs
A discrete output is an output that is either
on or off.
Solenoids, contactor coils, and lamps are
examples of actuator devices connected to
discrete outputs.
In this example, a lamp can be turned on or
off by the PLC output it is connected to.
A simple lamp circuit is useful to illustrate
discrete I/O control. For example, the lamp
is off when the switch is open and on when
the switch is closed.
To accomplish this task, a switch is wired to
an input terminal of the PLC and an
indicator light is wired to an output terminal:
Next week you will develop a simple
program that allows the toggle switch to
control the lamp


M340 Analogue Input / Output Modules


Analog Inputs
An analog input is a continuous, variable signal.
Typical analog inputs may vary from 4 to 20mA, or 0 to
10V. Analog signals are used to represent changing
values such as speed, temperature, weight, and level.
In this example, a level transmitter monitors the level
of liquid in a tank. Depending on the level transmitter,
the signal to the PLC can either increase or decrease
as the level in the tank increases.
In order to process an input of this type, a PLC must
convert the analog signal into a digital representation.
This means that a module capable of converting the
analog signal into digital representation must be used.
The digital values are transferred to the PLC for use in
word locations.
The number of bits in the output from an analog-todigital converter determines the resolution, and hence
accuracy, that is possible.
Conversion from analog to digital takes time and, in
addition, the use of a multiplexer means that an
analog input card of a PLC only takes snapshot
samples of input signals. For most industrial systems,
signals from a plant rarely vary so fast that this
presents a problem. Conversion times are typically a
few milliseconds.


Analog Outputs

An analog output is a continuous variable

The output may be as simple as a 0 10
Vdc level that drives an analog meter.
Examples of analog meter outputs are
speed, weight, and temperature. The output
signal may also be used on more complex
applications such as a current-to-pneumatic
transducer that controls an air-operated
flow-control valve.
Analog outputs are used in applications
requiring control capability of field devices
which respond to continuously varying
voltage or current levels. For example,
analog outputs may be used as a variable
reference for control valves, chart
recorders, electric motor drives, analog
meters, and pressure transducers.
Like analog inputs, analog outputs are
generally connected to a controlling device
through a transducer. The transducer takes
the voltage signal, and, depending on the
requirement, amplifies, reduces, or
changes it into another signal which
controls the device.

Analog Inputs and Outputs: Application Example

A scale is connected to a load cell
converting a value of weight from 0 to 500
pounds into a 0 10 Vdc output connected
to the input of an PLC analog module. The
analog value applied to the PLC can be
used in various ways. E.g., the actual
weight can be compared to a desired
weight for a package or group of packages.
This example can be expanded to include a conveyor system with a gate to
direct packages of varying weight. As packages move along the conveyor
they are weighted. A package that weighs at or greater than a specified
value is routed along one conveyor path. A package that weighs less than a
specified value is routed along another conveyor path, where it will later be
inspected for missing contents. All of this functionality can be controlled by
an PLC.


Communication Modules
I/O modules communicate with the
PLC CPU in one of 3 ways:
Backplane - The I/O modules can be
located in the same rack or station.
Communication then takes place
across the backplane or within the
Backplane extension modules allow
I/O modules to be located in racks or
stations which are separated from
the controller.
Device network - Modules can
communicate with a controller over a
network. Industrial networks are
used to interconnect field level
devices with controllers. Common
I/O networks are FieldBus, Profibus,
and DeviceNet. Note the NOC0401
communication module that acts as a


What You Need To Do Before Your Next Class

To study the material presented in this lecture, and be able to:
access and be responsible for all information (both technical and
administrative) presented in this unit (both in class and on-line)
define and explain the role of industrial control
describe the hierarchical levels of an industrial control system
relate the advantages of PLC systems to their characteristics
identify and describe the hardware components of the PLC rack in
the lab
answer the review questions on the following slides
Lookup task: Google programmable logic controllers on the Internet
and look at the forms and specifications of PLCs available from various

Review Questions

Describe the term industrial control.

What is economy of scale and how does industrial control affect it?
What is economy of scope and how does industrial control affect it?
What does PLC stand for? What does DCS stand for? Compare PLCs
and DCSs.
5. Draw a block diagram showing in very general terms the main units of
a PLC.
6. PLCs were originally designed as replacements for
a. microcomputers
b. relay control panels
c. analog controllers
d. digital controllers
7. Basically, the function of a PLC is to
a. amplify various weak signal sources
b. control a high voltage output with a low voltage input
c. control the speed of motors
d. make logical decisions and provide outputs

Review Questions (cont.)

8. Modifying relaytype process control circuits usually involves changing the
a. circuit wiring
b. input circuit modules
c. output circuit modules
d. circuit operating voltage levels
9. The basic difference between a PLC and a relay control system is that
a. different types of input devices are used
b. different types of output devices are used
c. different input and output voltage levels are used
d. one uses relay control logic and the other uses programmed instructions
10. The central processing unit
a. looks at the inputs, makes the decision provided by the program, and
sets the outputs
b. looks at the outputs, makes the decision provided by the program, and
sets the inputs
c. serves only to store the program in memory
d. understands no programming language

Review Questions (cont.)

11. The input interface module
a. conditions the signal received from a field device
b. allows the programmer to input the program
c. allows the CPU to input messages to a screen
d. provides inputs to motor controllers and similar field devices
12. The output interface module connects to
a. sensing devices such as switches or pushbuttons
b. load devices such as lamps or solenoids
c. the programming device that controls the machine process
d. the tape or disc drive circuits
13. Field devices refer to
a. input devices only
b. output devices only
c. load devices only
d. all devices that are physically wired to the PLC

Review Questions (cont.)

14. A switch or a pushbutton is a
15. A lamp is an example of a


16. PLCs convert analog signals into a

format for processing.

17. Decide whether each of these statements is true (T) or false (F): A
transistor output channel from a PLC:

Is used for only DC switching.

(ii) Is isolated from the output load by an optocoupler.

Which option best describes the two statements?
A. (i) T (ii) T
B. (i) T (ii) F
C. (i) F (ii) T
D. (i) F (ii) F

Review Questions (cont.)

18. Which of the following is most likely to be the voltage level used internally
in a PLC, excluding the voltage levels that might occur during conditioning
in input/output channels?
A. 5V
B. 24V
C. 110V
D. 240V
19. Decide whether each of these statements is true (T) or false (F): The
reason for including optocouplers on input/output units is to:
(i) Provide a fuse mechanism that breaks the circuit if high voltages or
currents occur.
(ii) Isolate the CPU from high voltages or currents.
Which option best describes the two statements?
A. (i) T (ii) T
B. (i) T (ii) F
C. (i) F (ii) T
D. (i) F (ii) F

What You Need To Do For The Lab Next Week

To understand that you are given the opportunity to work in a world-class lab
facility and to learn skills that can get you your next job, therefore you are
expected to have an absolutely professional, focused, serious attitude.
To be aware of the following conditions for attending the lab session:
You must prepare for the lab by studying these lecture slides and the lab
handout (preparation will be monitored, tested and assessed)
You must follow the instructions in the announcement for week 2 and in the
lab handout (both will be available on Blackboard)
You must attend your scheduled lab session and be on time (if you arrive
after the teaching staff, and the lab has started, you are late and you will not
be given access to the lab)
You must have a hard copy of the lab handout and a USB pen drive
(scanned for viruses and malware, containing only
materials for this unit) on you
You need to ask permission to leave the lab
You must turn off your mobile phone
You must wear enclosed footwear
No food or drinks

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