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Non-alcoholic beverage refers to non-intoxication drinks or soft drinks,
which doesnt have a bit of liquor by volume or yeast is not introduced to
convert sugar into alcohol during fermentation. They are considered as
drinks, which can be have according to the choice and standard. They
are found in the bottle or canned or open liquids to consume in any stage
of the meal or without meal. The bottles or cans are hygienically packed
and sold in the market in the safe manner, e.g. aerated waters, mineral
water, juices, squashes, syrups, etc.
A Non-Alcoholic Beverage (also known as a virgin drink) is defined in
the U.S. as a beverage that contains less than 0.5% alcohol by volume.
Non-alcoholic versions of some alcoholic beverages, such as nonalcoholic beer ("near beer"), are widely available in the market.

Non-Alcoholic beverage is sold and consumes by human according to

their needs and requirement, and no any bar law can restrict its sale as it
doesnt have any intoxicating character. Therefore, soft drinks can be
sold or consumed in any time of the day or night, and any type of the
span of life.
In hospitality industries, the non-alcoholic beverage are essentially
provided and served as a breakfast, lunch, and dinner with or without
meal to the customer. We prefer juice, lassi, squash, tea, coffee, hot
chocolate, soft drinks like coke, sprite, fanta, real etc. as non-alcoholic
Non-alcoholic beverage can also be used while making cocktails and
mocktails. They stimulate the palate & act as an aperitif. It is widely
used for diluting spirits with soft and cold drinks, like rum and coke,
whiskey and soda water, gin and tonic water, etc. It not only adds to the
taste on it but also enhance color & flavor and eye appeal.

Sodas, juices and sparkling cider contain little or no alcohol. However,

non-alcoholic beer and non-alcoholic wine undergo an alcohol-removal
process that may leave a small amount of alcohol because of this, some
states have legal restrictions on non-alcoholic beer and wine.
or Beverages,
are liquids specifically
for human consumption. In addition to basic needs, beverages form part
of the culture of human society. Despite the fact that most beverages,
including juice, soft drinks, and carbonated drinks, have some form
of water in them; water itself is often not classified as a beverage, and
the word beverage has been recurrently defined as not referring to water.



Carbonated drinks refer to drinks which have carbon dioxide

dissolved into them. This can happen naturally through
fermenting and in natural water spas or artificially by the
dissolution of carbon dioxide under pressure.
The first commercially available artificially carbonated drink is
believed to have been produced by Thomas Henry in the late
1770s. Cola, orange, root beer, ginger, and lemon/lime are
commonly used to create non-alcoholic carbonated drinks;
sugars and preservatives may be added later.

Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from the roasted seeds of

several species of an evergreen shrub of the genus Coffea. The

two most common sources of coffee beans are the highly
regarded Coffea arabica, and the "robusta" form of the
hardier Coffea canephora. Coffee plants are cultivated in more
than 70 countries Once ripe, coffee "berries" are picked,
processed, and dried to yield the seeds inside. The seeds are
then roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired
flavor, before being ground and brewed to create coffee.
Coffee is slightly acidic and can have a stimulating effect on

humans because of its caffeine content. It is one of the most

popular drinks in the world. It can be prepared and presented
in a variety of ways.


Fruit juice is a natural product that contains few or no additives.

Citrus products such as orange juice and tangerine juice are familiar
breakfast drinks, while Grapefruit juice, pineapple, apple, grape,
lime, and lemon juice are also common. Coconut water is a highly
nutritious and refreshing juice.
Many kinds of berries are crushed; their juices are mixed with water
and sometimes sweetened. Raspberry, blackberry and currants are
popular juices drinks but the percentage of water also determines their
nutritive value.
Fruits are highly perishable so the ability to extract juices and store

them was of significant value. Some fruits are highly acidic and mixing
them with water and sugars or honey was often necessary to make
them palatable.


Early storage of fruit juices was labor-intensive, requiring the crushing

of the fruits and the mixing of the resulting pure juices with sugars before
Vegetable juice are usually served warm or cold. Different types of
vegetables can be used to make vegetable juice such as carrots,
tomatoes, cucumbers, celery and many more. Some vegetable juices are
mixed with some fruit juice to make the vegetable juice taste better.
Many popular vegetable juices, particularly ones with high tomato

content, are high in sodium, and therefore consumption of them for

health must be carefully considered. Some vegetable juices provide the
same health benefits as whole vegetables in terms of reducing risks
of cardiovascular disease and cancer.


Fruit juice

Largely regulated throughout the world; juice is often protected to be

used for only 100% fruit.
Fruit drink
10 % Fruit is liquefied and water is added.
Fruit squash
Produced using strained 25% fruit juice, 45% sugar and preservatives.
Fruit cordial
All suspended matter is eliminated by filtration or clarification.
Therefore appears clear. This type of drink, is described as flavored
and as no fruit.
Fruit punch
A mixture of 25% fruit juices. Contains around 65% sugar.

Fruit syrups

1 fruit crushed into puree and left to ferment and then heated with sugar
to create syrup.
Fruit juice concentrates
Water removed from 100% fruit juice by heating or freezing.
Carbonated fruit beverages
Carbon dioxide added to fruit drink.
Fruit nectars
Mixture of 30% fruit pulp, sugar and water which is consumed as one
Fruit Sherbets
Cooled drink of sweetened diluted fruit juice.

Tea is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot or

boiling water over cured leaves of the tea plant, Camellia

sinensis. After water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the
world. There are many ways in which tea is prepared for consumption
including adding ingredients such as lemon in Russia, butter in Tibet,
mint in North Africa, cardamom in Afghanistan and milk and sugar in
Great Britain.
They are also served differently; in China they use very small cups,
America often serves it cold (as "iced tea") or with a lot of sweetener
(as "sweet tea", which is commonly drunk in the American South),
Indians boil it with condensed milk and in Australia it is brewed in a
"billy" can.

Tea leaves can be processed in different ways resulting in a

drink which appears and tastes different. Chinese yellow and
green tea are steamed, roasted and dried; Oolong tea is
semi-fermented and appears green-black and black teas are
fully fermented.

Regarded as one of the "original" drinks, milk is the primary source of

nutrition for babies. In many cultures of the world, especially the

Western world, humans continue to consume milk beyond infancy,
using the milk of other animals (especially cattle, goats and sheep) as
a beverage.
Milk is a white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals.
It is the primary source of nutrition for young mammals before they
are able to digest other types of food. Early-lactation milk
contains colostrum, which carries the mother's antibodies to the baby
and can reduce the risk of many diseases in the baby. It also contains
many other nutrients.
As an agricultural product, milk is extracted from mammals during or
soon after pregnancy and used as food for humans.

Worldwide, dairy farms produced about 730 million tonnes of milk in

2011, from 260 million dairy cows. India is the world's largest
producer and consumer of milk. China and Russia are the world's
largest importers of milk and milk products.
Throughout the world, there are more than 6 billion consumers of milk
and milk products. Over 750 million people live within dairy farming
households. Milk is a key contributor to improving nutrition and food
security particularly in developing countries. Improvements in
livestock and dairy technology offer significant promise in
reducing poverty and malnutrition in the world.
Milk must be offered at every meal if a United States school district
wishes to get reimbursement from the federal government. A quarter of
the largest school districts in the US offer rice or soy milk and almost
17% of all US school districts offer lactose-free milk.

Seventy-one percent of the milk served in US school cafeterias

is flavored, causing some school districts to propose a ban

because flavored milk has added sugars.
include sour
cream, yogurt, cheese, buttermilk, viili, kefir, and kumis.

Artificial Mineral Water

Is a beverage made like mimics the properties of mineral water and is
usually given a certain scents materials, as well as preserved by CO2.
These types of drinks known as soft drinks.
Several types of artificial mineral water, among others:
a. Soda water
This drink is a kind of others.
The material is water and CO2.
b. Cola (Pepsi, Coca Cola and RC Cola)
The material is sugar water, chocolate caramel preserved by CO2
c. Ginger Ale
d. Tonic / quinine water
e. Bitter lemon
f. Lemonade
g. Strawberry
Types of artificial mineral water was drunk than usual serves as a
beverage or mixing drinks.

Aromatic / Stimulating Water

Is a beverage that has a stimulating scent that can
affect our organs in your body. Several types of
aromatic / stimulating water:
a. Coffee contains caffeine such as coffee or regular
coffee black, Expresso, Ice coffee, etc..
b. Tea for example Hot tea, hot lemon tea, Chinese
tea, ice lemon tea, etc..
c. Chocolate for example: Hot chocolate, chocolate
d. Milk, for example, Hot Milk, Ice milk.

Healthy Drink / Drink

Is a health drink that can increase endurance.

Some brands are usually sold at the bar:

- Kratingdeng
- Livovsan
- M 150
- Bachus On

Is a viscous liquid / solid sugar yield is very high.

Provided at the bar to make drinks mixed material

(mixing drinks). Syrup is usually provided at the
bar include:
- Simple syrup
- Vanilla syrup
- Grenadine syrup
- Melon syrup
- Strawberry syrup

It is vital for living-human being to need H2O

to regulate our bodily functions

It forms the basis for all beverages both nonalcoholic and alcoholic
It is utilized both consumption and other use
e.g. domestic washing

Mineral Water
Mineral water is defined as natural water

tapped from a natural or drilled spring or well

and whose mineral salt content gives it
specific properties which is claimed to be
beneficial to health. Such as: Calcium,
Magnesium, Bicarbonate, Chloride and
Water can be classified into:

- Still
- Sparkling

Natural Mineral Water

Is water that contains minerals and is derived from

the soil or water sources, which have treated the

process as cleaned and sterilized before trading.
There are several kinds of them plus CO2 in inside
which point to preserve and refreshing.
Some brands of mineral water include:

- Perrier and Evian (France)

- Aqua, Ades, Oasis, Vit, Sosro (Indonesia)

Punch is the term for a wide assortment of drinks, both non-

alcoholic and alcoholic, generally containing fruit or fruit juice.

The drink was introduced to England from India in the early
seventeenth century; from there its use spread to other
countries. Punch is typically served at parties in large, wide bowls,
known as punch bowls.
The word punch is a loanword from Hindi (pac), meaning
"five", as the drink was originally made with five
ingredients: alcohol, sugar, lemon, water, and tea or spices.
From there it was introduced into other European countries. When
served communally, the drink is expected to be of a lower alcohol
content than a typical cocktail. The term punch was first recorded
in British documents in 1632.

Today, soft drink manufacturers distribute many types of "fruit

punch" beverages. These are usually red colored drinks. Despite

the name, most brands contain only a small fraction of actual fruit
juice, the major constituents being sugar or corn syrup, citric acid,
and artificial flavors.
Non-alcoholic varieties, typically include a mix of some fruit drink
such as juice, water, and a sweetener like sugar.

A spritzer is a tall, chilled drink, usually made with white

wine and seltzer, club soda or sparkling mineral water. n

the United States, some non-alcoholic carbonated juices are sold
as spritzers. The same type of carbonated juice (actually made
with juice and carbonated mineral water) is known in Germany
as Saftschorle or Fruchtschorle. (Both short for rarely
used Fruchtsaftschorle.) Particularly Apfelschorle (apple juice
spritzer) is one of the most popular soft drinks in Germany. In
Austria Apfelschorle is called Apfelsaft g'spritzt. ... g'spritzt can be
combined with every juice.

Accelerade is a non-carbonated sports drink made by

Pacific Health Laboratories. It is one of few sports drinks which
utilizes protein in order to speed up recovery and improve
hydration rates. A 4:1 ratio of carbohydrates to proteins is
contained in the drink.

Bonjus, French for good juice, is line of beverages

produced in Lebanon by a company of the same name. The
company was founded in 1962, and is one of the leading beverage
and ice cream producers in Lebanon. Bonjus juice boxes are
uniquely shaped three-sided pyramids, and come in a variety of

Burple is a discontinued drink mix that was packaged in an

expandable accordion-like plastic container. There were two sizes of
Burple available, a lunchbox-size (8 oz) and a full-size (64 oz)
container. It was distributed by Sundale Beverages of Belmont,
California and sold mainly in the Midwest.
The accordion-like bottle was one of its most distinctive features. To
prepare the drink, the container was stretched to expand it to its full
size and water was added to the concentrated liquid in the bottle.
The bottle would then contract again as you drank from it.
The label included instructions for poking a hole in the cap to
convert the container into an ad hoc squirt gun after finishing the
drink. Popular Photography magazine recommended that the bottles
could also be used for darkroom chemicals. Packaging magazine
reported children finding many other uses for the bottle.

Claytons is the brand name of a non-alcoholic, noncarbonated beverage coloured and packaged to resemble
bottled whisky. It was the subject of a major marketing campaign
in Australia and New Zealand in the 1970s and 1980s, promoting it as
"the drink you have when you're not having a drink" at a time when
alcohol was being targeted as a major factor in the road toll.
The jingle was written by Australian social satirist, John McKellar.
Although the product is no longer being actively marketed, the name

has entered into Australian and New Zealand vernacular where it

represents a "poor substitute" or "an ineffective solution to a
problem". It can also be used to describe something that is effectively
in existence but does not take the appropriate name, e.g. a commonlaw couple might be described as having a "Claytons marriage".

Cocaine is a highly caffeinated energy drink distributed by Redux

Beverages. It contains more caffeine than rival energy drinks Red Bull and
Rockstar, symbolized by three and a half steer heads on the label. Aside from
caffeine, the label claims 750 milligrams of taurine, another common
ingredient found in many energy drinks.
The drink is available online and in local beverage stores around the U.S.
The beverage is also available in Europe, where it has always been sold as
Cocaine Energy Drink rather than "No Name" (as it was briefly sold in the
U.S). According to Cocaine's official website, the drink is now being sold in
three varieties: one being Original, one being "Cut" (which lacks the
purported "throat-burning" sensation of Original), and one being "Free",
which contains no sugar. However, on July 9, 2008 Redux Beverages received
a FDA WarninG Letter indicating that they had objection to the fonts that
Redux licensed for the front of their product Cocaine Energy Supplement. The
fonts in question have been removed from production and will be replaced
with new fonts. In addition to the fonts, they have also removed the term Cut
from the mild version of the supplement and have replaced it with a blue can.
They also have another flavor called Spicy (which comes in a Red Can).

Coolatta is a frozen drink served at Dunkin' Donuts stores

since 1997.
Coolattas can be made as a frozen coffee beverage, with coffee and
cream, or as a slush, made with fruit juice. The coffee flavors vary by
store but can include French Vanilla, Caramel, Mocha, and Hazelnut.
Fruit flavors include Strawberry, Tropicana Orange, Grape,
Watermelon, Cherry, and Blue Raspberry. Vanilla Bean is another
flavor and does not fall under either category. Mixtures of different
flavors and whipped cream are possible upon request. The dairy
product in the Coolatta is usually cream, but can be changed to whole
milk or skim milk.
There is now also a new Mountain Dew Coolatta flavor. In July 2012,
Dunkin Donuts introduced two new flavors to their coolatta collection
- an Oreo flavored vanilla bean and an Oreo flavored coffee coolatta.

Crodino is a non-alcoholic bitter aperitif, produced since

1964. From 1995 it is part of Gruppo Campari. It is an orange colored
drink made of herbal extracts and sugar, and it is sold in 10 cl (6 oz)
bottles. It is primarily consumed in Italy and other European
The name Crodino derives from a comune in the province of Verbano
Cusio Ossola, Crodo, Italy, where it has been bottled since 1964.
It is used to make sixteen rum, a cocktail of Piedmont.

Propel Water is a brand of flavored bottled water that is

advertised for having antioxidants, and vitamins. It is a beverage
product of Gatorade and is marketed by PepsiCo.

Enviga was a Nestea carbonated canned green-tea drink. Enviga

is a trademark of Nestl licensed to Beverage Partners Worldwide, a
joint-venture between Coca-Cola Company and Nestl. It is available in
three flavors: Green tea, Tropical Pomegranate and Mixed
Berry. According to Coca-Cola, Enviga burns 60 to 100 calories per
three 12-oz.(330 ml) cans due to its high EGCG and caffeine content.
This is disputed by some researchers and public advocates.
A can of Enviga has 5 calories, 100 mg of caffeine, 35 mg of sodium, and
20% of the daily recommended calcium based on a 2,000 calorie diet. It
is sweetened with aspartame and has no carbohydrates, fat, or protein.
Lawsuits over health claims
In February 2007, the watchdog group Center for Science in the Public
Interest (CSPI) filed a lawsuit over company claims that Enviga acts as a
calorie-burning and weight-loss product, as a "negative calorie" drink.

Froster is a brand of iced frozen carbonated beverage sold at Mac's

Convenience Stores in Canada and Circle K in the United States.
The official Froster website lists the flavours:
FantaWild Cherry
Fanta Watermelon
Fanta Pineapple
Fanta Grape
Strawberry Crme
Canada Dry Gingerale
Minute MaidOrange
Blue Ice Poweraid
Fanta Banana
Fanta Lime
Sour Cherry
Barq's Root Beer
Atomic Wedgie
Cherry Coke
Coke Classic

The Gatorade Company, a brand of

sports-themed beverage and food products, built around its signature
line of sports drinks. Gatorade is currently manufactured
by PepsiCo and distributed in over 80 countries.
The beverage was first developed in 1965 by a team of researchers
at University of Florida, to replenish the combination of water,
carbohydrates, and electrolytes that the school's student-athletes lost
in sweat during rigorous athletic competitions. Originally produced
and marketed by Stokely-Van Camp, the Gatorade brand was
purchased by the Quaker Oats Company in 1983, which itself was
bought by PepsiCo in 2001. As of 2010, Gatorade is PepsiCos 4thlargest brand, on the basis of worldwide annual retail sales.
It competes with Coca Cola's Powerade and vitamin water brands
worldwide, and with Lucozade Sport in the United Kingdom. Within
the United States, Gatorade accounts for approximately 75 percent
market share in the sports drink category.

Hoppy ( Hoppii ) is a beer-flavored almost non?

alcoholic drink (0.8% alcohol) that Kokuka Beverage Company

began producing and selling in Japan in 1948; it is currently most
available in and associated with Tokyo. Kokuka subsequently
changed its name to Hoppy Beverage Co., Ltd. Hoppy is currently
a registered trademark of Hoppy Beverage Co., Ltd.
Despite its beer-like flavor, Hoppy contains no purine bases.
At the time of its launch, Hoppy mixed with shch (a Japanese
distilled beverage) was considered a substitute for beer, which was
beyond the reach of ordinary people. The mixed drink is referred to
as Hoppy as well. It is still a staple among some Tokyo residents,
and have experienced a retro revival of late. [1] It is a popular item
at izakaya (Japanese-style pubs), especially within the suburban
old town area along the Keisei Main Line.

Special K2O Protein Water is a beverage released

in September 2006 by the Kellogg Company. It is produced in several
flavors, and has been marketed as a weight-control and weight-loss
product. The product was re-launched in 2007 by the Kellogg Company.
The product is also manufactured in a powdered drink mix form.

Brisk is a tea and juice brand managed by the Pepsi Lipton

Partnership, a joint venture formed in 1991 between
PepsiCo and Unilever. In 2012, PepsiCo announced Brisk had surpassed $1
billion in annual revenue, making it one of the 22 billion-dollar PepsiCo

Matte Leo (English: Lion Matte, in this case Mat is purposely

written wrong, the correct Portuguese spelling for the herb is "Mate") is a
Brazilian tea brand, owned by The Coca-Cola Company. Matte Leo offers
a range of over 100 types of teas, which are ready for use.

Milo /malo/ is a chocolate and malt powder which is

mixed with hot or cold water and/or milk to produce a beverage
popular in many parts of the world. Produced by Nestl, Milo was
originally developed by Thomas Mayne in Sydney, Australia in
1934. " It is marketed and sold in many countries around the
Most commonly sold as a powder in a green tin, often depicting
various sporting activities, Milo is available as a premixed
beverage in some countries, and has been subsequently developed
into a snack bar and breakfast cereal. Its composition and taste
differ in some countries.

Kool-Aid is a brand of flavored drink mix owned by Kraft

Original 6 flavors Cherry, Grape, Lemon-Lime, Orange, Raspberry,
Singles flavors Black Cherry, Tropical Punch, Lemonade, Pink
Lemonade, Cherry, Watermelon, Orange, Summer Punch
Sugar-Free flavors Double Double Cherry, Triple Awesome Grape,
Lemonade, Soarin' Strawberry Lemonade, Tropical Punch, Raspberry,
Watermelon, KiwiLime
Water flavors Jamaica, Mandarina-Tangerine, Mango, Tamarindo,

Other flavors worldwide or previously

Apple, Berry Blue, Bunch Berry, Blastin' Berry Cherry, Blue Berry Blast,

Candy Apple, Cherry, Cherry Cracker, Chocolate, Cola, Eerie Orange,

Frutas,Vermelhas, Golden Nectar, Grape, Grape Blackberry, Grape Tang,
Melon Mango, Strawberry Splash, Great Blueberry, Great Blue-dini, Groselha,
Guaran, Ice Blue Raspberry Lemonade, Incrediberry, Kickin-Kiwi-Lime,
Kolita, Lemon, Lemonade, Lemonade Sparkle, Lemon-Lime, Lime, Man-oMangoberry, Mango, Mountainberry Punch, Oh-Yeah Orange-Pineapple,
Orange, Orange Enerjooz, Peach, Pina-Pineapple, Pink Lemonade, Pink
Swimmingo, Purplesaurus Rex, Rainbow Punch, Raspberry, Roarin' Raspberry
Cranberry, Rock-a-Dile Red, Root Beer, Scary Black Cherry, Scary Blackberry,
Sharkleberry Fin, Slammin' Strawberry-Kiwi, Soarin' Strawberry-Lemonade,
Strawberry, Strawberry Falls Punch, Strawberry Split, Strawberry-Raspberry,
Sunshine Punch, Surfin' Berry Punch, Tangerine, Tropical Punch, WatermelonCherry, Shaking Starfruit, Watermelon, Solar Strawberry-Starfruit, Arctic
Green Apple, Swirlin' Strawberry-Starfruit, Lemon Ice

Nestea is a brand of iced tea manufactured by Nestl and

distributed by Nestl company's beverage department in theUnited
States and by Beverage Partners Worldwide (BPW), a joint venture
between The Coca-Cola Company and Nestl, in the rest of the world.
It competes with Unilever/PepsiCo's Lipton Iced Tea. It provides a
variety of tea products, in regular and diet forms, including liquid and
powdered tea concentrates, refrigeratable teas, and ready-to-drink
bottles dispensed by vendor or vending machine. The beverage comes
in several flavors, depending on the country.
In January 2012, it was announced that the joint venture between
Coca Cola and Nestl would be phased out by the end of the year.
Nestl retained the right to the Nestea brand name, while Coca Cola
continues to manufacture the same drink under another brand, Fuze.
Nestea was featured in the NBC's Ctrl webseries as the basis for
Stuart's magic keyboard.

Red Bull is an energy drink sold by Austrian company Red Bull

GmbH, created in 1987. In terms of market share, Red Bull is the most
popular energy drink in the world, with 5.387 billion cans sold in 2013.
It was first invented and sold in Thailand. He took this idea, modified the
ingredients to suit the tastes of westerners, and, in partnership
with Chaleo Yoovidhya, founded Red Bull GmbH in Austria.
In Thai, daeng means red, and krating is the reddish-brown musclebound bovine called a "gaur", an animal slightly larger than the bison.
Red Bull is sold in a tall and slim blue-silver can; in Thailand and in
some parts of Asia. it is sold in a wider gold can with the name of
Krating Daeng or Red Bull Classic. The two are different products,
produced separately.
The Red Bull company slogan is "Red Bull gives you wings"


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