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This project is about the fabrication and

concept of four way hacksaw blade machine mainly carried
out for production based industries. This project consists of
a crank and slider mechanism, linear bushing .Today in this
world every task have been made quicker and fast due to
technology advancement but this advancement also
demands huge investment and expenditure, every industry
desires to make high productivity rate maintaining the
quality and standard of the product at low average cost.
These machines can be used in remote places where
electricity is regular. It is designed as a portable one which
can be used for cutting in various places. It can be used for
operating on materials like thin metals, wood.


There are many industrial applications where round bar or square

bars are required to be operated on different machines to make
machine components such as Shafts, Bolts, Screws etc. This needs
more and more number of pieces to be cut for mass production of
those components.

A hacksaw is a fine toothed saw, originally and principally for

cutting metal. They can also cut various other materials, such as
plastic, wood etc.

In present condition many electrically operated power hacksaw

machines of different companies have one and major disadvantage
that those are able to cut single piece of bar at a time.

For industries to achieve the mass production, it is necessary to

cut metal bars with high rate. So, it is impossible to depend upon
conventional single frame power hacksaw machines and need the
improvement in technology and design of such machines.


Theoretical Analysis of Multi-way Power Hacksaw Machine:

Kshirsagar Prashant R, Rathod Nayan,Rahate Prashant P,Halaye Prashant P,
April 2015 :
In his research paper stated that it consist of single phase vertical electric
motor rigidly placed at the center of metallic foundation provided. The shaft of
motor rotates at 90-100 rpm with the power 2HP. The circular disc is mounted on
the shaft of motor with the help of key and key slot arrangement.

Design and Fabrication of Automated Hacksaw Machine:

D.V.Sabariananda,V.Siddhartha,B.Sushil Krishnana,T.Mohanraj, April 2014:
It is known that conventional power hacksaw machine can be replaced
with automated power Hacksaw machine.Automated power hacksaw machine
gives high productivity in short time period in comparison with the conventional
power hacksaw machines. The major advantage of this machine is intervention of
labor is reduced to maximum level. In this rapid emerging industrial section the
use of power Hacksaw machine is wide, time and labor plays a major role in
production process.


An electric motor rigidly placed vertically at the

center of the frame.
A circular disc is mounted on the shaft of motor with
the help of key and key slot arrangement.
The eccentric point on the plane of disc is provided
such that the desired cutting stroke is achieved.
One end of each connecting rod is pivoted at this
eccentric point by the use of suitable bearing.
Another end of each rod is connected to the hacksaw
blade fame with the help of linear bushing.
The hacksaw frame slides on the guide ways provided.


The hacksaw frame slides on the guide ways




Four way hacksaw machines over comes all the

limitations and drawback of conventional
hacksaw machines.
It is also helpful for small scale industries due to
its simple working and operating conditions along
with its compatibility, efficiency and affordable

Future work:

The maximum size of Round or Square bar can be

increased by increasing the motor power and
dimensions of different parts.
Automatic feeding mechanism for material can
be introduced by using limit switches or sensors.
Automatic lifting up mechanism for frame when
cutting operation is finished to introduce next
portion of bar for cutting.


Thus a low cost and simple design four way

hacksaw blade machine reduces the human
effort and hence we dont need spend too much
time to cut the material logs. This simple design
of conventional design which can enhance day
today household needs and daily day to day
purposes and it can be also used in for industrial
applications to make high productivity.


[1].Rishi Anand,Khomesh,Shrawan Kumar,Prof. Alok Verma,

Theoretical Analysis Of Four Way Hacksaw Blade Machine,
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in
Education, ISSN(O)-2395-4396, Vol-2 ,Issue-2 ,April2016 .
[2]. Prof. Nitinchandra R. Patel, Mohammad A. Vasanwala,
Balkrushna B.Jani, Miteshkumar D. Rathwa, Ravi A. Thakkar,
Material Selection and Testing of Hacksaw Blade Based on
Mechanical properties, International Journal of Innovative
Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 23198753, volume 2, Issue6, June 2013.
[3]. D.V.Sabarinanda, V.Siddhartha, B. Sushil Krishnana,
T.Mohanraj , Design and Fabrication of Automated Hacksaw
Machine, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,
Engineering and Tech nology, ISSN (Online):2319-8753, volume 3,
April 2014

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