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Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)

EOR Screening Concepts

Sudapet H.Q
to 16th May 2013

Khalid Abdulbasit_ RE_


12 th



EOR Screening Methods:

EOR Technical Screening.

EOR Commercial Screening.

Screening Softwares.

EOR Screening will be implemented on the RESERVOIR not the WELL or
the FIELD.
EOR phases are:
1.Selection of the best EOR method (Technical & Commercial).
2.EOR Pilot Design.
3.EOR Study.
4.EOR Full Field Implementation.

EOR Screening
screening is the first step to do

EOR project
implementation in he field.
Screening has two sides: Technical screening &
Commercial screening.

EOR Technical
technical screening is the

process of
evaluating of the available data with the standard
criteria to come up with suitable EOR method(s).
The technical screening depends on all the
available data in the reservoir to select the best
method among the others.
The below data are required (if available) to do a
successful technical EOR screening.

Fluid and Rock Properties:

o Reservoir Depth
o Clay Content
o Reservoir Temperature
o Water Hardness & Water Salinity
o Initial Pressure, Pb & Current Pressure
o Solution GOR
o Oil Density (API)
o Oil Viscosity
o Permeability (Kh & Kv)

Driving Mechanisms
o Active Water Drive Bottom Water
o Gas Cap
o Secondary Injection Rate
OIIP and Recoverable Reserves:
o Net Pay Thickness
o Pool Area
o Porosity
o Connate Water Saturation
o Oil Formation Volume Factor
o OIIP (Oil Initially In Place)
o Recoverable Reserves Cumulative Produced Oil
Remaining Rec.

EOR Commercial
Commercial screening is the

process of
evaluating of the economical benefits of all EOR
methods those have passed the technical

It depends on the COST, INCOME & PROFIT where:

o Profit = Income Cost
o Income is oil production * Oil price
o Cost consists of CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) & OPEX
(Operating Expenditure)

Cash flow diagram is used to decide which one of

the EOR methods to be used and implemented
based on the highest Net Present Value (NPV).


Economical analysis and evaluation is very

important to decide and select which EOR method
will be implemented in the future.

EOR Screening
many softwares can do EOR

There are
screening, the process in all of them targeting the
selection the suitable EOR method(s)
All the softwares can do the same objective but in
different way.

EOR Screening Softwares:

o EORgui Software
o SPE Format
o IOR Predictive SYS 1.0 Software
o SlectEOR Software
SlectEOR Software

SPE Format

EORgui Software

IOR Predictive Software

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