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Lecture 2

Note: Some slides and/or pictures are adapted from Lecture slides / Books of
Dr Zafar Alvi.
Text Book - Aritificial Intelligence Illuminated by Ben Coppin, Narosa Publishers.
Ref Books

Artificial Intelligence- Structures & Strategies for Complex Problem Solving by George F.
Luger, 4th edition, Pearson Education.
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell & Peter Norvig.

Knowledge Representation
Problem solving
Problem solving steps

Knowledge Representation
The representation that is used to
represent a problem is very important.
The way in which the computer
represents a problem, the variables it
uses, and the operators it applies to
those variables can make the
difference between an efficient
algorithm and an algorithm that
doesnt work at all.

Knowledge Representation
There are many ways to represent
Semantic Nets

Semantic Nets
A semantic net is a graph consisting
of nodes that are connected by
The nodes represent objects, and the
links between nodes represent
relationships between those objects.
The links are usually labeled to
indicate the nature of the

Semantic Nets

Semantic Trees
A semantic tree is a kind of semantic net that has
the following properties:
Each node (except for the root node) has exactly one
predecessor (parent) and one or more successors
When searching a semantic tree, we start at the root
Some nodes have no successors. These nodes are called
leaf nodes. One or more leaf nodes are called goal nodes.
These are the nodes that represent a state where the
search has succeeded.
An ancestor of a node is a node further up the tree in
some path. A descendent comes after a node in a path in
the tree.

Semantic Trees
A path is a route through the semantic
tree, which may consist of just one node
(a path of length 0).A path of length 1
consists of a node, a branch that leads from
that node, and the successor node to which
that branch leads.
A path that leads from the root node to a
goal node is called a complete path.
A path that leads from the root node to
a leaf node that is not a goal node is
called a partial path.

Semantic Trees
When comparing semantic nets and semantic trees visually,
one of the most obvious differences is that semantic nets
can contain cycles, but semantic trees cannot.
A cycle is a path through the net that visits the same
node more than once.
In semantic trees, an edge that connects two nodes is called
a branch.
If a node has n successors, that node is said to have a
branching factor of n.
A tree is often said to have a branching factor of n if the
average branching factor of all the nodes in the tree is n.
The root node of a tree is said to be at level 0, and the
successors of the root node are at level 1. Successors of
nodes at level n are at level n + 1.

Semantic Net vs Semantic


Search Tree
Searching a semantic net involves traversing
the net systematically (or in some cases, not so
systematically), examining nodes, looking for a
goal node.
Clearly following a cyclic path through the net
is pointless because following A,B,C,D,A will not
lead to any solution that could not be reached
just by starting from A.
We can represent the possible paths through a
semantic net as a search tree, which is a type
of semantic tree.

Problem Solving
Historically people viewed the
phenomena of intelligence as
strongly related to problem solving.
They used to think that the person
who is able to solve more and more
problems is more intelligent than

Ways of solving a problem

Hit and trail method (classical approach)
Mouse example
Consider that a child is to switch on the light in a
dark room

Technical name given ( generate and test)

where we generate different combinations to
solve our problem, and the one which solves the
problem is taken as the correct solution.
The rest of the combinations that we try are
considered as incorrect solutions and hence are

Generate and test

Problem Representation
The key to problem solving is
actually good representation of a
Natural representation of problems is
usually done using graphics and
diagrams to develop a clear picture
of the problem in your mind.

It shows the problem of switching on the

light by a child in a graphical form.
Each rectangle represents the state of
the switch board.
Goal can be found at different levels

Components of Problem
Problem Statement (The two major
things that we get to know about the
problem is the Information about
what is to be done and constraints to
which our solution should comply)
Problem Solution (Ultimate aim or
Goal State or the state that
represents the solution of the

Components of Problem
Solution space (The set of the start state,
the goal state and all the intermediate states)
Travelling in solution space (travel inside
solution space in order to find a solution to
our problem. The traveling inside a solution
space requires something called operators.
The action that takes us from one state to the
other is referred to as an operator. In case of
the mouse example, turn left, turn right, go
straight are operators

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