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October 13, 2016
Ale Gonzalez
Alexis Hernandez
Kaci Wickstrom


Johnny Cashwas bornon February26th,1932,inKingsland, Arkansas.His parents

were Ray and CarrieRivers Cash.Johnny andhis 6siblingsworked on their family
farmgrowing and pickingcottonand other seasonalcrops.
The Cash familywere all involved in music, from Johnny's mothers folk songsand
hymns, tothe songs he heard from working out on the fields.All these things inspired
JohnnyCash tobe involved in music. Some of the songs that represent
Johnny'searlyyears are:"Pickin' Time","FiveFeet High and Raising",andLook
atThem Beans".
After livinginDyess Colony, Arkansas for most of his life, after high school Johnny
moved toDetroit in search for work.He ended up in Pontiac, Michigan.He
workedinan automotiveplant, butthat soon ended as he enlisted in theU.S Air
Force.Later onhe was shipped to Landsberg, Germany where he started his first

Discourse Community
#1: Family

As welearned inthe previous slide,JohnnyCash had

aprettybigfamily.Ray and CarrieRivers Cash had 7 children,
Johnny being one of them.Theymoved to Dyess Colonywhen
Johnny was just 3 years old and thats where Johnny spent most
of his earlyyears.
While in basic training for the U.S. Airforce in Texas, Johnny
metVivianLiberto.After beingdischarged from
theAirforceJohnny returned to the states and marriedVivian
Liberto, his first wife.Theylived in Memphiswhere cash worked
many differentjobs to stay afloat.
Johnny Cash has5 kids. 4 girls and 1 boy
The4 girls were from his marriage toVivianLiberto and the only
boy wasfrom his marriage toJune Carter
Aftermaking it in the music businessduring the1950's and
1960's,Cash started to realize that his marriage wasn't great
anymore.Cash and Libertogot divorceddue to Johnny's
hecticschedule.Johnny soon after became addicted to narcotics.
Soon after, Cash married his singingpartnerJune Carter, who
helped him overcome his addiction to narcotics .SadlyJune died
inMay, 2003unexpectedlyand shortly after so
didJohnnyCashfromcomplications with his diabetes.

Discourse Community
#2: Music

Cash'smusic career took off when he was inMemphiswith Vivian,

his first wife.He auditioned fora solo career singinggospel
music.That was turned down by Phillips' Sun Records. Soon after
though Cash got a deal with Sun Studious to record with his
bandThe Tennessee Three.After theirfirst song notmaking it on
the charts they tried again and succeededto get onBillboards
Top20 for"Cry, Cry, Cry".
Thatwasnt the high light of his career though. In1956Cash was
invited to perform at the Grand Ole Opry,themostprestige'splace
to perform than and now.Although everything seemedperfect,
soon after hisdivorceCash got into narcoticswhichjeopardized
In1967Cash managed to overcome his addiction thanks to the help
of his singing partnerJune Carte, whoalso became his wifein1968.
In 1980Johnny Cashbecame theyoungestMusician tobe inducted
into theCountryMusicHall of Fame.The Rock and
RollHallofFamealso inducted him making himone of a handful
ofartistein both organizations.
Five years laterJohnny Cashjoined WillieNelson, WayneJennings
andKrisKristofferson to formTheHighwayman.They did very well
as a group and received manyNo.1hits on the charts

Community #3: Jail
Time/ Arrests

Johnny Cash was arrested 7 times

He was arrest here in El PasoinOctober of 1965
Between the years 1959 to 1968, Johnny Cash was arrested for public
drunkenness, reckless driving, drug possession, and picking flowers
He was arrested and spent nights in jail but never actually spent any time
in prison other than concerts.
He wasat Folsom Prison, Where the album "Folsom Prison" was recorded
The big hit on that album was "Folsom Prison Blues"
He was also at San Quentin, where he recorded the"At San Quentin"
album live.
Hisfirstprisonconcert was in 1958 at San Quentin State Prison
MerleHaggard,20 at the time,wasa San Quentin inmate when
He never spent any lengthy amount of time in jail
Johnny Cash enjoyedpreforming in prisonsbecause he was sympathetic
towards to prisoners
Also preformed at Osteraker Prison in Sweden in 1972


Being know for the " Man in Black", he performed

for inmates around the US. These concerts were
always unpaid. He became a vocal spokesman for
the rights of prisoners'.
Because of this prison inmates, advocates could
be audiences of Johnny Cash
Many who enjoy rock n roll
Country listeners
Music listeners in general


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