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Life Without Gravity /

Authors Purpose and

Mrs. K. Vega

What are our learning goals?

To understand and identify

the different purposes of


To understand how the

authors point of view

affects the text.

What is the purpose?

The authors purpose is the

main reason that he/she

has for writing the

The authors purpose will

be to:


What is the authors

point of view?
When an author writes to

entertain, persuade, or
inform, he/she will have
his/her point of view on
the subject.

Point of view is an

authors opinion about the


How does the authors purpose & authors point

of view go together?
Authors purpose and point of

view go together.

The author will want you to see

the topic from his/her point of

view or through his/her eyes.

For some issues, you will be able

to tell if the author is FOR or

AGAINST something.

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