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Strategies and Future Challenges

Please, enter you full names here Julia, Elli, Aris, Zheng, Joseph,
Zauri Arnaniashvili

HSBC Bank Overview

A highly diversified business in terms of activity and geography, supporting a
unique market position;
The ability to generate robust and sustainable earnings even in difficult
Strong liquidity and capital positions;
By the mid-2016 the reported profit of HSBC: $9.7bn and Adjusted -$10.8bn
Risk Assets $1,082bn, decreased compared with the previous half year
basis (Dec 2015 - $1,103bn, Jun 2015 - $1,193bn);
Total assets, compared to 2015, by the mid-2016, already increased to

HSBC Bank Existing


Data with be provided soon

HSBC Bank Change Methodology

and Models
The acceptance of a new
era(Bridges) Due the impact of the
crisis, some important changes have
been introduced: regulatory/greater
capital and funding

Knowledge (ADKAR):
How to change: (long and short term
Implement skills and behaviours:
Equipping employees to reinforce a
culture grounded in our values and
rewarding positive behaviours

Removing obstacles and

empowering action(Kotters)
by reducing group risk-weighted
assets and optimizing global

Supporting, participating and

engaging the change (Adkar):
Reinforcing responsibility and
accountability and fighting financial crime

Developing a vision and

strategy (Kotters): Restructure of
the group to make it simpler and
leaner. Generating a consistent global
structure, increasing efficiency and

Reinforcement (Proscis): The performance

in 2015 demonstrate the strength, targeting
investment, prudent leading and our
diversified universal baking model helped
us to achieve revenue growth in a difficult
market environment whilst reducing risk
weighted asses.

Establishing sense of urgency

(Kotters) After the banks problems
with investigations for money laundering
in 2012,they got back on track by 2015

Forming a powerful guiding and

coalition (Kotters or Buchanan
& McCalman) persuading and
gaining recruits (Conversion layer)
using the international experience of
other groups in leading banking

Awareness (Proscis ADKAR) for

future changes regarding brexit.
Building scenarios and getting ready
to respond

Attributes of HSBC Change

Respect the others
Know the Priority

Organizational Culture
Open to differences
Responsible for society
Empowering people

Possible Influencing Factors

Internally Generated Change
Management initiative to reduce cost and risk
Competitive strength in Asia

Driving Forces
Development Asias business
Middles class economic growth

Externally Generated Change

UK referendum to leave EU
Sustainable level of Economic Growth in China
Demand for credit for investment slowed
Equity market activity was also markedly lower, particularly in Hong Kong

Strategy Implementation
(External Factors)

Expand in Asian region and become a number one bank in the world through:

Resizing and simplifying the group:

Reducing the Group risk-weighted assets (RWAs) by circa $290bn;
Optimization of the Global Network;
Rebuilding the NAFTA region profitability;
Setting up UK ring-fenced bank;
Delivering $4.5bn-5.0bn cost saving
Actions to redeploy capital and invest:

Deliver growth above GDP from international network;

Asia prioritised and accelerated;
Grow business from renminbi internationalization
Global standards Safeguarding against financial crime

o Domiciling

Strategy Implementation
(External Factors)

HSBC bank is being successfully achieving the main strategy to get to the
Asian Financial Market.

To analyse the success, we have used the PESTEL/SWOT method to assess

the factors:

o Political Factors - no exact issues or threats:

HSBC is the first bank to facilitate overseas institutional investment into the China interbank
bond market;
In the ASEAN region, the HSBC has developed a new automated statutory payments
platform for companies across the region
o Economical Factors:

Increasing the middle-class population in Asia by 2020-2050;

NAFTA expansion perspective;

Increasing the share of adjusted PBT in Asia

Strategy Implementation
(External Factors)
oSocial Factors:

Customer oriented system has enabled to increase the interest towards the bank

oTechnological Factors:

Offering the simplified approach to shorten the time of service;

Improving efficiency and customer experience through process enhancements

and use of digital platforms


China banking restrictions relaxed: New rules further open banking sector to
foreign investors

Banking and public sectors have taken initiatives to promote cross-border

banking activities

Strategy Implementation
(External Factors)

Developing international Network;

Investing in Wealth Management;

Growing the mid-class population in Asian region (2020-2050);

Growth retail business


Rapid world changes;

Ongoing volatility and stress emerging markets, including China

Cyber threat and unauthorised access to systems;

Third-party risk management

Strategy Implementation
(Internal Factors)

Universal Banking Model;

Financially Strong;

Strong liquidity;

Unrivalled global presence


Vulnerable to regulatory, governance and internal control risks due to group size
and complexity;

Change in the risk appetite of the group (got conservative risk profile)

Considering the approaches of resolving the existing problems
and fulfill ongoing and future strategies, the HSBC Bank has fair
possibility to expand into the Chinese and ASEAN Market;
Strategies concerned the NAFTA/ASEAN/China expansion will
help the bank to increase more total asset turnover.
Digitalized system and new approaches into the service standards
can keep the bank more updated and flexible toward the ongoing
rapid world changes.

Thanks for attention

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