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The Hungarian Algorithm

=> solving the assignment problem of a least

cost assignment of m workers to m jobs

1. There is a cost assignment matrix for the m
people to be assigned to m tasks.
(If necessary dummy rows or columns consisting
of all 0s are added so that the numbers of people
and tasks are the same.)
2. All costs are nonnegative.
3. The problem is a minimization problem.

The Hungarian Algorithm

1. For each row, subtract the minimum number from
all numbers in that row.
2. In the resulting matrix, subtract the minimum
number in each column from all numbers in the

Iterative Steps
1. Make as many 0 cost assignments as possible. If
all workers are assigned, STOP; this is the minimum
cost assignment. Otherwise draw the minimum
number of horizontal and vertical lines necessary to
cover all 0s in the matrix. (A method for making the
maximum number of 0 cost assignments and
drawing the minimum number of lines to cover all
0s follows.)
2. Find the smallest value not covered by the lines;
this number is the reduction value.
3. Subtract the reduction value from all numbers not
covered by any lines. Add the reduction value to any
number covered by both a horizontal and vertical

For small problems, one can usually determine the maximum

number of zero cost assignments by observation. For larger
problems, the following procedure can be used:
Determining the Maximum Number of Zero-Cost Assignments
1. For each row, if only one 0 remains in the row, make that
assignment and eliminate the row and column from consideration in
the steps below.
2. For each column, if only one 0 remains, make that assignment
and eliminate that row and column from consideration.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until no more assignments can be made. (If
0s remain, this means that there are at least two 0s in each
remaining row and column. Make an arbitrary assignment to one of
these 0s and repeat steps 1 and 2.)

Again, for small problems, the minimum number of lines required

to cover all the 0s can usually be determined by observation. The
following procedure, based on network flow arguments, can be
used for larger problems:
Drawing the Minimum Number of Lines to Cover All 0s
1. Mark all rows with no assignments (with a ).
2. For each row just marked, mark each column that has a 0 in
that row (with a ).
3. For each column just marked, mark each row that has an
assignment in that column (with a ).
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until no more marks can be made.
5. Draw lines through unmarked rows and marked columns.


First try to make

Draw minimum no of lines
to cover all zeros

Minimum uncovered


2. Find the smallest value not covered by the lines; this
number is the reduction value.
3. Subtract the reduction value from all numbers not covered
by any lines. Add the reduction value to any number covered
by both a horizontal and vertical line

Minimum uncovered

Now no of assignments
are 4

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