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An Overview of Banks and the FinancialServices Sector

Different Roles of Banks

The Different Kinds of Financial Service Firms

Calling Themselves Banks
Limited Purpose Banks
Bankers Banks


Minority Banks
National Banks
State Banks
Insured Banks
Member Banks
Affiliated Banks
Virtual Banks
Fringe Banks
Universal Banks

What is a bank?
Function it serves
Roles it play
Banks and their principal competitors
Legal basis
Definition by Law

The Different Kinds of Financial Service Firms

Calling Themselves Banks
Commercial Banks
Savings Banks
Cooperative Banks
Mortgage Banks
Community Banks
Money Center Banks
Investment Banks
Merchant Banks
International Banks
Wholesale Banks
Retail Banks

Services offered

The Financial Service Competitors of Banks

Savings Associations
Savings Banks
Credit Unions
Money Market Funds
Mutual Funds (Investment Companies)
Hedge Funds
Security Brokers and Dealers
Investment Banks
Finance Companies
Financial Holding Companies
Life and Property-Casualty Insurance Companies

The Roles of Commercial Banks and

Their Closest Competitors
Intermediation Role
Payment Role
Guarantor Role
Risk Management Role

The Roles of Commercial Banks and

Their Closest Competitors
The Investment Banking Role

Savings/Investment Advisor Role

Safekeeping/Certification of Value Role
Agency Role
Policy Role

Traditional Services Offered By

Carrying Out Currency Exchange

Discounting Commercial Notes and Making

Business Loans
Offering Savings Deposits
Safekeeping of Valuables
Supporting Government Activities with Credit
Offering Checking Accounts
Offering Trust Services

More Recent Services Offered by Banks

Granting Consumer Loans
Providing Financial Advice
Managing Cash
Offering Equipment Leasing
Making Venture Capital Loans
Selling Insurance Policies
Selling Retirement Plans

Offering Security Brokerage and

Investment Banking Services
Underwriting Securities
Offering Mutual Funds and Annuities
Offering Merchant Banking Services
Offering Risk Management and Hedging Services

Trends Affecting Banks and Other

Financial Service Firms Today
Service Proliferation
Rising Competition
Government Deregulation
Increased Interest Rate Sensitivity

Trends Affecting Banks and Other

Financial Service Firms Today
Technological Change and Automation
Consolidation and Geographic Expansion
E-Banking and E-Commerce

Tutorial Week 1
Read about the organisation that is assigned to you (Grameen

Bank, Investment Banks, Offshore Banks, Central Banks, The

Federal Reserves, The World Bank, International Monetary Fund
Find out the date/ place of establishment.
Find out who is the Founder and what inspires the Founder to
create such Bank/ Organisation.
What is the mechanism used by this Bank (How it works).
Each Group shall come up with Pros and Cons of having such
Explain how Malaysian can benefit from this kind of Bank.
Each group select 1 presenter to present for 7 minutes and Q &
A for 3 minutes.

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