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DNA and Chromosomes

Life depends onability of cells to store,

retrieve, and translate the genetic instructions
this hereditary information is passed on from a
cell to its daughter cells at cell division & from
generation to generation in multicellular
organisms through the reproductive cells.
Instructions are stored within every living cell in
its genesthe information-containing elements.
The totality of this information in each cell is
called its genome.
In the 1940srecognition that deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA) was the likely carrier of this genetic
information was done.
In 1953structure of DNA was determined by
James Watson and Francis Crick.

The structure and function

Chromosomesthreadlike structures in the

nucleus of the eucaryotic cellbecome visible

as the cell begins to dividecontain both DNA
and protein
DNAcarries the hereditary information &
protein components of chromosomes
function largely to package and control the
enormously long DNA molecules
Early in the 1950sDNA was examined by Xray diffraction analysisresults indicated that
DNA is composed of two strands wound into a

Dividing cell

Non-dividing cell

Fig. Chromosomes become visible as

cells prepare to divide.

A DNA molecule consists of two

complementary chains of nucleotides
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)two long
polynucleotide chains/strandsEach is composed
of four types of nucleotide subunits, and the two
chains are held together by hydrogen bonds
between the base portions of the nucleotides.
Nucleotidescomposed of a five-carbon sugar
(deoxyribose) to which are attached one or more
phosphate groups and a nitrogen-containing base
(adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), or thymine
(T)nucleotides are covalently linked together in a
chain through the sugars and phosphates, which
thus form a backbone of alternating sugar

Fig. DNA is made of four nucleotide

building blocks.

Fig. DNA double helix

Chemical polarity in DNA strandthe two ends of

the chain, one will have a 3 hydroxyl & the other,
a 5 phosphate thus polarity is indicated by
referring to one end as the 3 end and the other as
the 5 end i.e helix run antiparallel to each other.
Two polynucleotide chains in the DNA double helix
held together by hydrogen-bonding between the
bases on the different strands, bases are therefore
on the inside of the helix, with the sugar
phosphate backbones on the outside
A always pairs with T, and G always pairs with C
i.e. a two-ring base (purine) is paired with a singlering base (a pyrimidine)Each pair is called a base
paireach pair is of similar width thus holding the
sugarphosphate backbones an equal distance

The antiparallel strandstwist around

each other to form a double helix
containing 10 base pairs per helical
Double helix base-pairing requirements
is that each strand of a DNA molecule
contains a sequence of nucleotides that
is exactly complementary to the
nucleotide sequence of its partner
strandan A always matches a T on the
opposite strand, and a C always

The structure of DNA provides a

mechanism for heredity
DNA encodes information in the order, or
sequence, of the nucleotides along each
strand. Each baseA, C, T, or Gcan be
considered as a letter that is used to
spell out biological messages in the
chemical structure of the DNA.
Organisms differ because of their
nucleotide sequences and thus carry
different biological messages. The DNA
messages encode proteins.

The structure of eucaryotic

Each human cell contains about 2 m of DNA; yet the cell
nucleus is only 58 mm in diameter. In eucaryotic cells,
very long double-stranded DNA molecules are packaged
into structures called chromosomes (fit readily inside the
nucleus & can be easily apportioned between the two
daughter cells at cell division.
Packaging DNAaccomplished by specialized proteins that
bind to and fold the DNA in such a way that allows it to
remain accessible to all of the enzymes and other proteins
that replicate it, repair it, and direct the expression of its
genes. Bacteriacarry their genes on a single, circular
DNA moleculeassociated with proteins that condense
DNA, but these proteins differ from the ones that package
eucaryotic DNAthis procaryotic DNA does not have the
same structure as eucaryotic chromosomes.

Eucaryotic DNA is packaged into

multiple chromosomes
DNAdistributed among a set of different
chromosomes. The human genome3.2 x 109
nucleotides parceled out into 24 chromosomes.
Each chromosomeconsists of a single enormously
long, linear DNA molecule associated with proteins
that fold and pack the fine thread of DNA. The
complex of DNA and protein is called chromatin.
Human cells (with the exception of the germ cells &
highly specialized cells that lack DNA entirely)
contain two copies of each chromosome, one
inherited from the mother and one from the father.
The maternal and paternal chromosomes of a pair
are called homologous chromosomes (homologs).

The only non-homologous chromosome pairs

sex chromosomes in males, where a Y
chromosome is inherited from the father and
an X chromosome from the mother.
Human chromosomes can be distinguished
each chromosome can be painted a different
color using sets of chromosome-specific DNA
molecules coupled to different fluorescent
dyes. This involves the technique of DNA
hybridization OR stain the chromosomes with
dyes that bind to certain types of DNA
Human karyotypeA display of the full set
of 46 human chromosomes

Chromosomes contain long strings

of genes
Genesegment of DNA that contains the instructions for
making a particular proteinsome genes direct the production
of an RNA molecule, instead of a protein which perform a
diverse set of structural and catalytic functions in the cell like
Correlation exists between the complexity of an organism and
the number of genesless than 500 for a simple bacterium to
about 25,000 for humans.
Chromosomes from many eucaryotes (including humans)
contain, in addition to genes, a large excess of interspersed
DNA, the majority of which does not seem to carry critical
information. This DNA is sometimes called junk DNA,
because its usefulness to the cell has not yet been clearly
demonstrated. Comparisons of the genome sequences from
many different species reveals that a portion of this extra DNA
is highly conserved among related species

Although gene number is roughly correlated with

species complexity, there is no simple
relationship between gene number, chromosome
number, and total genome size. The human
genome, for example, is 200 times larger than
that of the yeast S. cerevisiae, but 30 times
smaller than that of some plants and at least 60
times smaller than some species of amoeba.
Furthermore, how the DNA is apportioned over
chromosomes also differs from one species to
another. Humans have 46 chromosomes, but a
species of small deer has only 6, while some carp
species have more than 100. Even closely related
species with similar genome sizes can have very
different numbers and sizes of chromosomes.

Chromosomes exist in different

states throughout the life of a cell
To form a functional chromosomea DNA
molecule must be able to be replicated,
and the replicated copies must be
separated and partitioned reliably into
daughter cells at each cell division. These
processes occur through an ordered
series of events, known collectively as
the cell cycle.
During interphasethe chromosomes
are extended as long, thin, tangled




Fig: The replication and segregation of

chromosomes occurs through an ordered cell cycle

One type of nucleotide sequence acts as

a replication origin, where duplication
of the DNA begins. Eucaryotic
chromosomes contain many replication
origins. Another DNA sequence forms
the telomeres found at each of the two
ends of a chromosome. Telomeres
contain repeated nucleotide sequences
that enable the ends of chromosomes to
be replicatedalso cap the end of the
chromosome, preventing it from being
mistaken by the cell as a broken DNA

M phasethe DNA coils up (compact

structure) ultimately forming mitotic
chromosomes, state in which
chromosomes are most easily
Duplicated chromosomes can be readily
separated when the cell divides. Once
the chromosomes have condensed, it is
the presence of the third specialized
DNA sequence, the centromere, that
allows one copy of each duplicated
chromosome to be apportioned to each

Fig. Three DNA sequence elements are needed to

produce a eucaryotic chromosome that can be
replicated and then segregated at mitosis.

Interphase chromosomes are

organized within the nucleus
Nuclear laminaa network of protein filaments that
forms a thin layer underlying and the inner nuclear
Inside the nucleusthe interphase chromosomesare
nonetheless organized in various waysFirst, each
tends to occupy a particular region of the nucleus, In
addition, specific regions of chromosomes are attached
to sites on the nuclear envelope or the nuclear lamina.
Example of chromosome organization in the interphase
nucleus is the nucleolussite where the parts of the
different chromosomes carrying genes for ribosomal
RNA cluster together. Here, ribosomal RNAs are
synthesized and combined with proteins to form
ribosomes, the cells protein-synthesizing machines

The DNA in chromosomes is highly

Human Chromosome 22contains about 48 million
nucleotide pairs; stretched out end-to-end, its DNA
would extend about 1.5 cm. Yet, during mitosis,
Chromosome 22 measures only about 2 mm in length
that is, nearly 10,000 times more compact than the
DNA in its extended form. This remarkable feat of
compression is performed by proteins that coil and
fold the DNA into higher and higher levels of
organization. The DNA of interphase chromosomes,
although less condensed than that of mitotic
chromosomes still packed tightly, with a compaction
ratio of about 500-fold. Chromosome packaging must
be flexible enough to allow rapid, localized, ondemand access to the DNA.

Nucleosomes are the basic units of

eucaryotic chromosome structure
In eucaryotic chromosomes, the proteins that bind to
the DNAthe histones and the non-histone
chromosomal proteins. The complex of both classes
of protein with nuclear DNA is called chromatin.
Histonesresponsible for the chromatin packing, the
When interphase nuclei are broken openmost of
the chromatin is in the form of fibersIf this is
subjected to treatments that cause it to unfold
partially, it can then be seen as a series of beads
on a string. The string is DNA, and each bead is a
nucleosome core particle that consists of DNA wound
around a core of proteins formed from histones.

Fig. this electron micrograph shows a

length of a chromatin fiber that has been
experimentally unpacked, or decondensed,
after isolation to show the

The structure of the nucleosome core particle was

determinedafter digestion, only the exposed DNA b/w
the core particles, the linker DNA.
Nucleosome core particlecomplex of eight histone
proteinstwo molecules each of histones H2A, H2B, H3,
and H4and the double-stranded DNA, 147 nucleotide
pairs long, that winds around this histone octamer
making 1.7 turns in a left-handed coil.
The linker DNAcan vary in length from a few nucleotide
pairs up to about 80.
The formation of nucleosomes converts a DNA molecule
into a chromatin thread approximately one-third of its
initial length, and it provides the first level of DNA
All four of the histonessmall proteins with a high
proportion of positively charged amino acids (lysine and

The positive charges help the histones bind

tightly to the negatively charged sugar
phosphate backbone of DNA. Each of the core
histones also has a long N-terminal amino acid
tail, which extends out from the nucleosome
core particle These histone tails are subject to
several types of covalent chemical modifications
that control many aspects of chromatin structure.
The histoneshighly conserved of all known
eucaryotic proteins: there are only two
differences between the amino acid sequences of
histone H4 from peas and cows, for example.
This extreme evolutionary conservation reflects
the vital role of histones in controlling eucaryotic
chromosome structure.

an H3

DNA double helix

Fig. The structure of the nucleosome core

particle, as determined by X-ray diffraction
analysis, reveals how DNA is tightly

Chromosome packing occurs on

multiple levels
The nucleosomes are further packed upon one
another to generate a more compact structure, the
30-nm fiber. This packing depends on a fifth histone
called histone H1, which is thought to pull the
nucleosomes together into a regular repeating array.
This linker histone changes the path the DNA takes
as it exits the nucleosome core, allowing it to form a
more compact structure. The 30-nm fiber is folded
into a series of loops, and that these loops are
further condensed to produce the interphase
chromosome. Finally, this compact string of loops is
thought to undergo at least one more level of
packing to form the mitotic chromosome.

Fig. Chromatin isolated directly from

an interphase nucleus appears in the
electron microscope as threads 30-nm

Fig. DNA packing occurs on several

levels in chromosomes

The regulation of chromosome

Changes in nucleosome Structure allow access to
chromatin-remodeling complexesprotein machines
that use the energy of ATP hydrolysis to change the
position of the DNA wrapped around nucleosomes. By
pushing on the tightly bound DNA as they move along,
these complexes can loosen (decondense) the
underlying DNA, making it more accessible to other
proteins in the cell. During mitosissome of the
chromatin-remodeling complexes are inactivated
Another way of altering chromatin structure relies on the
reversible chemical modification of the histones. The
tails of all four of the core histones are particularly
subject to these covalent modifications.

For example, acetyl, phosphate, or methyl groups can

be added to and removed from the assembled
nucleosome by enzymes that reside in the nucleus.
These modifications of the histone tails have little direct
effect on the stability of an individual nucleosome. But
some seem to directly affect the stability of the 30-nm
chromatin fiber and the higher-order structures.
Different patterns of histone tail modifications attract
different proteins, some of which cause further
condensation of the chromatin, whereas others facilitate
access to the DNA by decondensing chromatin. Like the
chromatin-remodeling complexes, the enzymes that
modify histone tails are tightly regulated. The histonemodifying enzymes work in concert with the chromatinremodeling complexes to condense or decondense
stretches of chromatin, allowing local chromatin
structure to change rapidly according to the needs of
the cell.


Fig. Chromatin-remodeling complexes

reposition the DNA wrapped around

Interphase chromosomes contain both condensed

and more extended forms of chromatin

The chromatin in these chromosomes is not

uniformly packed. Regions of the chromosome that
contain genes that are being expressed are
generally more extended, while those that contain
quiescent genes are more compact.
The most highly condensed form of interphase
chromatin is called heterochromatinmakes up
about 10% of an interphase chromosome. The
formation of the most common form of
heterochromatin is induced by a particular set of
histone tail modifications, including the
methylation of lysine residue 9 in histone H3.

These modifications attract a set of

heterochromatin-specific proteins, which then
induce the same histone tail modifications in
adjacent nucleosomes. The new tail
modifications in turn recruit the same set of
heterochromatin-specific proteins, causing a
spreading wave of condensed chromatin to
propagate along the chromosome. In this
manner, an extended region of
heterochromatin is established along the DNA.
Most DNA that is permanently folded into
heterochromatin in the cell does not contain
genes. Because heterochromatin is so compact,
genes that accidentally become packaged into
heterochromatin usually fail to be expressed.

Such inappropriate packaging of genes in heterochromatin can

cause disease: in humans, the gene that encodes -globin
which forms part of the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin molecule
is situated next to a region of condensed chromatin. If,
because of an inherited DNA deletion, that region of
heterochromatin spreads, the -globin gene is poorly
expressed and the person develops a severe form of anemia.
Perhaps the most striking example of the use of
heterochromatin to keep genes shut down, or silenced, is found
in the interphase X chromosomes of female mammals. Female
cells contain two X chromosomes, where male cells contain one
X and one Y. Because a double dose of X-chromosome. products
would be lethal, female mammals have evolved a means of
permanently inactivating one of the two X chromosomes in
each cell. At random, one or other of the two X chromosomes in
each cell becomes highly condensed into heterochromatin
early in embryonic development. Thereafter, the condensed
and inactive state of that X chromosome is inherited in all of
the many descendants of those cells.

The rest of the interphase chromatin

is called euchromatin. Although the
term is used to refer to chromatin
that exists in a more extended state
than heterochromatin, it is now clear
that both euchromatin and
heterochromatin are composed of
mixtures of different chromatin
structures, each established and
maintained by different sets of
histone tail modifications that attract
distinct sets of non-histone proteins

Changes in chromatin structure can

be inherited
When a cell replicates its genome, each daughter DNA helix
receives half of its parents histone proteins. With those
histone proteins come the covalent modifications associated
with the type of chromatin structure that was present in
each particular region of that parental chromosome. Thus,
each daughter chromosome will initially contain an
intermixed set of two types of nucleosomes: those that
contain the modified histones inherited from its parent
chromosome, and those that contain newly synthesized
histones, which have not yet been modified. At this point,
proteins that recognize the modified histones may bind to
the parental histones and deposit the same type of
modification on the nearby virgin histones, re-establishing
the pattern of chromatin structure found in the parent

The ability to inherit localized chromatin

structure helps eucaryotic cells to
remember whether a gene was active in
its parental cell, a process that appears to
be critical for the establishment and
maintenance of different cell types, tissues,
and organs during the development and
growth of a complex multicellular organism.
This type of inheritance does not involve
passing along specific DNA sequences from
one cell generation to the next, but instead
depends on passing along specifically
modified histone proteins. It is an example
of epigenetic inheritance.

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