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Tableau Training

Introduction on Tableau
It is a reporting Tool and it is a data visualization tool where
we can see the data in dashboards.
It is very easy to connect to the different data sources like Flat
Files or Database.
It will take less development time and access data much
Connect to your data and perform queries without writing a
single line of code.
Visual analysis in a click -Powerful analytical toolsat your

Introduction on Tableau
Tableau is very easy to learn and easy to use with drag and
drop technology. It is a User friendly interface that creates reports
that look great right of the gate. This encourages business users
to create their own reports.
Stores data In-Memory(which stores the data in RAM or Flash
memory). Processing speed will be much faster than stored in
More than 10,000 organizations get rapid results with Tableau
in the office and on-the-go.
And tens of thousands of people use Tableau Public to share
data in their blogs and websites.
Tableau visualizations are automatically streamlined for
mobile devices (iPad, Android Tablets) thus enabling the mobility
where the data and reports can be accessed from anywhere.

Introduction on Tableau
Connect data in two ways Live Connect or Extract.
Tableau Software offers three main products: Tableau
Desktop, Tableau Server and Tableau Public

Tableau Public

Tableau Online

To create interactive graphs, dashboards, maps and tables from virtually any
data and embed them on website or blog in minutes. No language to learn, no
Flash, no plug-ins, no API required.

This is nothing but Tableau Public Premium. Public Premium is nothing like needs
to purchase it in place of server. It is cloud based hostage service we can
purchase how much memory we need and we no need to install server or no
need to maintain the server.
Everything is done by Tableau.

Tableau Desktop

Tableau Desktop is the rapid-fire authoring environment used to create and

publish views, reports and dashboards to Tableau Server. Using Tableau
Desktop, a report author can connect to multiple data sources, explore
relationships, create dashboards, modify metadata, and publish a completed
workbook or data source to Tableau Server.

Tableau Server

Tableau Server is an enterprise-class business analytics platform that can scale

up to hundreds of thousands of users. It offers powerful mobile and browserbased analytics and works with a companys existing data strategy and security

System Requirements


Microsoft Windows 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, or XP sp3;

or Server 2012 R2, 2012, 2008, or 2003 (on x86 or
x64 chipsets)

iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)

32-bit or 64-bit versions of Windows2

Minimum of an Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Option

Mac Book (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or

Mac Book Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)

2 GB memory

Mac Book Air (Late 2008 or newer)

250 megabytes minimum free disk space

Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)

32-bit color depth recommended

OS X 10.8.1 or later (10.8.6 or later recommended)

2 GB memory
500 MB available disk space

`How does Tableau Works

Tableau is based on three simple concepts.
Connect: Connect Tableau to any data source that you
want to analyze.
Analyze: Analyze the data the way you want, I mean
filter it, sort it, perform aggregations on it, summarize it and
so on.
Share: You can share results with others either by
sharing workbooks with other tableau users, by pasting
results into applications such as Microsoft Office ,printing to
PDF or by using Tableau Server to publish or embed your
views across your organization.

Data into Tableau

Process of development and


Data Roles
Dimensions- Tableau treats any field containing qualitative,
categorical information as dimension. It include, for instance, any
field with text or dates values. All dimensions are indicated by
Blue color.
Measures- Tableau treats any field containing numeric
(quantitative) information as a measure. All measures are
indicated by Green color.

Data Types

Sample Dashboards

Chart Types

Map Chart
Tree Maps
Packed Bubbles
Bullet Chart
Heat Map
Scatter plot
Funnel Chart

8. Water Fall Chart

9. Pareto Chart
10. Highlight table
11. Bar
12. Line
13. Pie
14. Gantt
15. Bubble

Global Map

Tree Map

To show lot of information in a very small amount of area

Useful when we have different measures and dimensions and
when we want to see the most important ones
Above chart depicts how much of profit was contributed by
different product categories across different regions. Left to right
the profit % reduces and regions are grouped by color.

Bubble Chart

Similar to Tree Maps which is useful in depicting lot of

information in a very small amount of area
Size & Color of the bubbles highlight the top performing
product categories.
Status, Technology & Experience

Bullet Charts

Bullet graphs compare a primary measure to one or more other

measures and presents this in the context of defined performance
metrics. Bullet graph tells us instantly how the primary measure is
performing against overall goals.
Based on the technology we can find the employees worked
on which companies

Heat Map

Heat maps are a great way to compare data across two categories
using color. The effect is to quickly see where the intersection of the
categories is strongest and weakest
Inference : To find strong and week employee based on the
selected technologies
X-Axis: experience
Y-Axis : Employee

Scatter Plot

Scatter plots are an effective way to give us a sense of trends,

concentrations and outliers that will direct to where we want to
focus our investigation efforts further.

Funnel Chart

Funnel charts are a type of chart, often used to represent stages

in a sales process and show the amount of potential revenue for
each stage. This type of chart can also be useful in identifying
potential problem areas in an organizations sales processes.

Waterfall Chart

Pareto Chart

Bar Chart

Line Chart

Difference between .twb and .twbx

The .twb file alone is not

enough to perform any analysis
because it only contains Tableaus
instructions for interacting with a
In actuality, .twb files are XML
files specially tailored to interact
with datasources. They are
custom built to make the
Tableau generates. Here you can
see a picture of a .twb file opened
in Notepad++:

A.twbx file is a Tableau Package.

.twbx files can be considered
analogous to specialized zip
files, in which these zip files
contain all the information
necessary to work in Tableau.d
The primary advantage to
using .twbx files is that analysis
network/internet connections to
your data because your data is
computer in this packaged file.

Publish to Tableau Server

Publish to Tableau Server :
Publish views of your data to Tableau Server by publishing a workbook. When
you publish a workbook you can add it to a server project, hide some of the
sheets, add tags to enhance searchability, specify permissions to regulate
access to the workbook on the server, and choose to embed database
passwords for automatic authentication on the web.
How to Publish Workbooks to the Server:
After you create a workbook, you can publish to Tableau Server by following the
steps below.
To publish a workbook to Tableau Server:
1.Select Server > Publish Workbook.
2. If you are not already logged in to Tableau Server, you see the Tableau Server
Login dialog box.

Type the following into the Tableau Server Logon dialog

Server: The server name or URL (for example,
sales_server, or
User Name: Your user name. If Tableau Server is
configured to use Active Directory,
type your Windows user name (the domain is not
required--except in multi-domain environments where
the user is not in the default domain); otherwise, type
your Tableau Server user name.
Password: Your password.
3. You now see the Publish Workbook to Tableau
Server dialog box.
Specify the following:
Project: A project is like a folder that can contain
workbooks and data sources.
The default project on Tableau Server is named
Default. All workbooks must be published into a
Name: Provide a name for the workbook in the Name
text box.

You can use the drop-down list to select an existing workbook on the server.
In this case, the workbook on the server is overwritten. To do this, you must
have the Write permission for the workbook on the server.
Add Tags: You can type one or more keywords that describe the workbook
into the Tags text box. Tags help users find related workbooks when
browsing the server.
Multiple tags should be separated using either a comma or a space. If any
of the tags contains a space, use quotations (e.g., Sales Quotes).
4. You can specify permissions to allow or deny access to the workbook on
the server. By default all users can interact with the workbook and you, as
the publisher, have all permissions.
See Setting Permissions for details, and see Permissions for information on
the different permissions you can assign to users and groups.
5. Select the sheets you want to share on Tableau Server under Views to
Share. Any sheets that are not selected are hidden on the server.
Showing and hiding worksheets is useful when you want to publish a
complete dashboard without publishing the worksheets that make up the

When you publish extracts to the server you can schedule them to be refreshed
automatically. That way you don't have to republish the workbook every time the
underlying data has updated and you can still get the performance of a data extract.
Go to Publish Work book and select authentication and scheduling to create a
new schedule as desired.

Performance Recording Desktop Level

With the Performance Recording feature in Tableau, you can record performance information
about key events as you interact with workbooks. You then view performance metrics in a
performance workbook that Tableau creates automatically.
Use performance workbooks to analyze and troubleshoot performance issues for below items.

Query execution
Connections to data sources
Layout computations
Extract generation
Blending data
Server blending (Tableau Server only)

To start recording performance, follow this step in Tableau

Help >Start Performance Recording
To stop recording, and then view a temporary workbook
containing results from the recording session, follow this
Help >Stop Performance Recording
You can then save this workbook as a packaged workbook
(.twbx) file, and send it to Tableau support.

Steps to open Tableau

Report in Server
Select option

1. Topic
a) Tableau Introduction
b) Connecting to Data
c) Options in Workbook
d) Joins
2. Topic
a) Formatting
b) Annotations
c) Grouping

3. Topic
a) Filters and Types
b) Bins
c) Reference Lines
d) Combine Fields
e) Hierarchy
4. Topic
a) Table Calculations
b) Sets
c) Various types of Charts

5. Topic
a) Calculated Fields
b) Parameters
c) Different Examples
d) Functions
6. Topic
a) Sample Dashboards
b) Action Filters
c) Navigations

7. Topic
a) Row level security
b) Data Blending
c) Advanced charts
d) Charts with different
8. Topic
a) Publishing Dashboards into
b) Scheduling Dashboards.
c) Performance Tips .


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