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Chapter # 6

Integrating Marketing Communications to Build

Brand Equity
Marketing communications are the means by
which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and
remind consumersdirectly or indirectly
about the brands they sell.

Marketing communication play a significant

role to contribute to brand equity.
The New Media Environment
Traditional advertising media such as TV,
radio, magazines, and newspapers seem to be
losing their grip on consumers.
Marketers pour $18 billion into Internet
advertising in 2005. While Web advertising
jumped 20% during this time, spending for TV
ads remained flat.
Challenges in Designing Brand
Building Communication
New media environment create challenge for
marketer to build effective marketing
communication program.
Simplest way to judge advertising or other
communication option is by its ability to
contribute to brand equity.
Simple Test for
Marketing Communications

Current Desired
Brand Brand
Knowledge Knowledge
Challenges in Designing Brand
Building Communication
Information Processing Model of Communication
For a person to be persuaded by any communication, the
following six steps must occur.

Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Advertising any paid form of no-personal
presentation and promotion of idea, goods or
services by an identified sponsor.
A powerful means of creating strong, favorable,
and unique brand associations and eliciting
positive judgments and feelings.
Advertising is controversial because its specific
effects are often difficult to quantify and predict.
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Nevertheless, a number of studies using very
different approaches have shown the potential
power of advertising on brand sales.

Following are the types of advertising medium.

Television powerful advertising medium

because it allow for sight, sound, motion and
reaches a broad spectrum of consumers.
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Through TV marketers effectively demonstrate
product attributes and benefits.
Dramatically portraying user and usage imagery.
Other advantages are
Mass coverage
High reach
Low cost per exposure
Favorable image
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Designing and evaluating an ad campaign,
marketer should distinguish
Message strategy (what the ad attempts to convey about
the brand)
Creative strategy (the way the ad expresses the brand
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Two important concerns in advertising strategy
Defining the proper positioning to maximize
brand equity.
Identifying best creative strategy to convey the
desired positioning.
Copy testing
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Types of advertising medium
Local coverage
Low cost
High frequency
Low production cost
Well segmented audiences
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Audio only
Low attention-getting capabilities
Fleeting message
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Magazines & news paper
Self-paced magazine and newspaper can provide
detailed product information.
Static nature of the visual images make it
difficult to provide dynamic presentation.
Effectively communicate user and usage imagery.
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Direct response
Mail, telephone, internet that create response
from the customer.
High selectivity
Reader control exposure
High information content
Opportunities for repeat exposures
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Direct response
High cost per contact
Poor image (junk mail)
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Direct response
Develop an up-to-date list of current and
potential customers.
Putting forth the right offer in the right manner.
Tracking the effectiveness of the marketing
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Interactive with the growth of internet,
marketers scrambled to build a presence in

Web sites
Online ads
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Web site main advantages to marketing on the
web are the low cost and the level of detail and
degree of customization it offers.
Websites allow consumers to choose the brand
information relevant to his or her needs or
Eye catching, colorful, entertain people.
Online ads
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options

Mobile Marketing
Place advertising also known as out-of-home
advertising. Ads and commercials are showing
up in unusual spots. Available options are
billboards and posters, movies, airlines,
lounges, product placement and point of
purchase advertisement.
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Promotion are short-term incentives to
encourage trial or usage of a product or service.
Carefully designed promotions can build brand
equity through actual product experience that help
to create strong favorable and unique associations.
Disadvantages of promotion decrease brand
loyalty and increase brand switching, decrease
quality perceptions and increase price sensitivity.
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Consumer promotion
Samples, demonstration, Premium,
Trade promotion
Dealer incentives, slotting allowance,
training programs, trade shows, cooperative
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Event Marketing and Sponsorship is public
sponsorship of events or activities related to sports,
art, entertainment, or social causes.
To identify with a particular target market or lifestyle.
To increase awareness of the company or product
To create or reinforce consumer perceptions of key
brand image associations.
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
To enhance corporate image dimensions.
To create experiences and evoke feelings.
To express commitment to the community or on
social issue.
To entertain key clients or reward key employees.
To permit merchandising or promotional
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Choosing sponsorship opportunities.
The event must meet the marketing objectives
and communication strategy.
Designing sponsorship program.
Measuring sponsorship activities.
Supply-side method focus on exposure to the
brand by assessing the extent of media coverage.
Demand-side method focus on reported exposure
from consumer.
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Publicity and Public relations
Publicity is non-personal communication such
as press releases, media interviews, press
conferences, feature articles, newsletters,
photographs, films etc.
Public relation may also include annual
reports, fund raising, special event management
etc. (trying to maintain company image in the
eye of customer)
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Buzz marketing is a viral marketing technique
that is focused on maximizing the word-of-mouth
potential of a particular campaign or product,
whether that is through conversations among
consumers' family and friends or larger scale
discussions on social media platforms.
Overview of Marketing
Communication Options
Personal selling is face-to-face interaction with
one or more prospective purchasers for the
purpose of making sales.
Developing Integrated Marketing
Communication Programs (IMC)
Choose a variety of different communication
options that share common meaning and content.
Mix and Match communication option to build
brand equity.
Developing Integrated Marketing
Communication Programs (IMC)
Criteria for IMC Program
Coverage to what extent do different
communication options reach the designated
target market and the same or different
consumers making up that market?
Contribution is the inherent ability of a
marketing communication to create the desired
response and communication effects from
Developing Integrated Marketing
Communication Programs (IMC)
Commonality is the extent to which common
information conveyed by different communication
options shares meaning across communication
Complementarily describes the extent to which
different associations and linkages are emphasized
across communication options.
Versatility refers to the extent that a marketing
communication option is effective for different
group of consumers.

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