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In-motion Electronic

Complied by
Deepesh Sharma
Junior Engineer (C&W)
Ahmedabad Division,
Western Railway
Type Of Weighing system
In Static weighing system :
Each wagon has to be uncoupled
from wagons adjacent to it.
Wagon has to be carefully positioned
on to the weighbridge
And then the weight is recorded.
Loss of time / Delays
Spare Locomotive
Spare manpower is required
Operator error
They need to be constantly
maintained and calibrated to ensure
their accuracy.
In - motion Electronic Weighbridges are
classified in two types i.e.
1.Partial Weighing System
2.Full Draft Weighing system.
Partial Weighing System
In a Partial weighing system each axle
is weighed and after summing up of
the wagon axles the Gross weight of
the wagon is displayed on the screen
of the Machine and P.C. Monitor.
Full Draft Weighing Systems
In a Full Draft system all the axles of
the wagons are weighed at a time and
the Gross weight of the wagon is
displayed on the machine Screen and
P.C. Monitor
Generally the Partial weighing
system is used for weighing solid
commodity and
Full Draft system is used for
weighing Liquid and Gases .
Use of IMEWB
In Indian Railway mostly the Partial weighing
system is used and being installed at loading /
originating points.
The commodity which is being weighed is
generally loose commodity or the commodity
which is not packed in standard bags.
As per Rly brd. Letter no. TC-I/2006108/4 pt.
dated 05/06/2007 ( Rate circular 61/2007)
weighment is exempted to beg consignment
loaded in standard weight.
Advantages of the IMEWB
Traffic Department :
Increase in the traffic of Goods trains
Better turnaround of goods rake.
Minimum detention of goods rakes as
minimum failures of wagons, engine
and track
Minimum accidents and unusual
Advantages of the IMEWB

Commercial Department :
Rise in the revenue earn by the
Better accountability,
Curtailment in malpractices.
Engineering of the IMEWB
Department :
Minimum maintenance of the
Minimum failures of the track
and formation.
Enhancement in the life of the
Minimum accidents.
Curtailment in the maintenance
Advantages of the IMEWB
Mechanical Department
Minimum maintenance of the
Enhancing the life of the wagon
Minimum equipment failures.
Minimum accidents.
Curtailment in the cost of
Advantages of the IMEWB

Overall the installation of In-motion electronic

weighbridge on Indian railways has benefited in lot of
ways such as the life of the track and wagon has been
The overloading of wagons has been curtailed thus
creating more demand for the empty wagon stock.
Accidents occurring due to overloading have also
been curtailed thus saving the innocent passengers
life and financial losses occurring due to it.
Working of IMEWB
In all the above type of weighing machine
the strain gauges are embedded on the weigh
rails which are called as load cell. In these
strain gauges the deflection of the weigh rail
causes the change in the resistance of the
strain gauges. This change of resistance is
displayed in the digital form on the screen and
P.C. monitor in a form of Gross weight. These
strain gauges are assembled in a circuit of a
Wheatstone bridge.
Principle of strain gauge

A load cell is an electronic device and is classified

as a force transducer. This device converts force or
weight into an electrical signal.
The electrical resistance of a wire is directly
proportional to its length.
So the electrical resistance of the wire will vary in
direct proportion to the strain in the wire.
Strain is directly proportional to the applied stress.
Thats the principle upon which the strain gauge
As the surface to which the
gauge is attached becomes
strained, the wires stretch or
compress changing their
resistance proportional to the
applied load.
One or more strain gauges are
used in the making of a load cell.
Items affecting working of IMEWB

The main items which affect the working of the

In-motion electronic weighbridge are summed up
Track Parameters
Speed of the Train
Driving Skill of the Driver
Proper voltage of the electronic power supply.
Proper working of the P.C and Printer.
Any scrap below the weigh rail to restrict the
deflection of the rail.
Track Parameters
Track on which the weigh rail is installed should
be maintained as per the standards of mainline
Due care should be taken that the track gauge
is not too tight which will cause the wheel flange to
rub with the rail causing excessive friction and thus
creating erroneous weighment readings.
The cross level should be maintained in such a
way that the Centre of Gravity of the wagon will not
get shifted.
Requirement for Track
As per the Standards of Weight & Measures
(General ) Rules 1987 Heading 'D' Annexure 'B'
and Para 11.12 : Rail alignment : If exemption from
the alignment calibration is required alignment of +/-
1 mm must be demonstrated to the satisfaction of
the Metrological authority by means of
Survey by authority.
Submission of independent survey results.
Other mutually acceptable procedure
Special care Parameters
should be taken while
preparing the formation below the
weigh rail. The sleepers adjacent to
the load cells on the weigh rails
should be firm and should.
These pair of sleepers should be
always in square to each other for
proper functioning of the load cells
and for easy calibration of the
Track Parameters
Care should also be taken that the packing
below the sleepers is rigid enough to avoid the
pumping of the sleepers.
There should be no gradient in the line and as
far as possible the line should be laid straight.
Gradient allowed is 1: 400{As per the Standards
of Weight & Measures (General ) Rules 1987
Heading 'D' Annexure 'B' and Para 2(2)(i)(a)}.
As per Rly bd. JPO PWI shall maintain level
gradient not exceeding 1 in 300 for 100 meters on
either side of weigh rail.
The joints of the rails along with the weigh rail
should be very rigid. Also proper insulation of
weigh rail should be done to avoid damage to the
weigh rail sensor from the electric surges .
Different lengths of weigh rails provided by manufactures

Schenck Process India Ltd. : The length of the

weigh rail is exactly 3250 mm and is thermit wielded
with the end rails.
Rice Lake weighing System Ltd. : The length of the
weigh rail is exactly 4000 mm and is block jointed with
the end rails.
Avery India ltd. : The length of the weigh rail is
exactly 4200 mm and is block jointed with the end
Digital weighing system ltd. The length of the weigh
rail is exactly 55oo mm and is block jointed with the
end rails :
Now as per the latest STR : WD-29-Misc-05 the
length of Weigh rail should be 5.5 meters
Speed of the Train
Speed of the train plays a vital role in the accuracy
of the weighment. When the wheel passes over the
weigh rail, it gets deflected causing change in the
resistance of the strain gauges. Consequently
sinusoidal type of signals are generated and after
nullifying the disturbances and sound the peak value
is acquired and stored to display the weight of the
wagon. Now if the speed of the train is excessive
than the normal speed then the data acquisition time
will be very less which may cause errors in the
acquired data/signals.
Speed of the Train
The range of speed the WB 15
is fit is from 0 KMPH to 15 KMPH
(STR WD-29-Misc-05)
The best speed on which the
weighment results are better is 8 to
10 KMPH (Railway Boards Letter
No. 99/ Dev. Cell /IDEI/1 Vol. 6
dated 30.11.2006)
Drivers Skill
The driving skill of the driver also plays a very
important role in the error free and proper weighment
as the jerky movement of the wagons may make the
load shift from one wagon to other wagon causing
erroneous weighment in wagon gross weight accrued.
As the smooth movement of the wagon over the
weigh bridge will make the data accusation in a better
way causing errorless and near to exact weighment.
Also care should be taken that the rake being weighed
is moved at least 50 to 100 meters away from the
weigh line for getting uniform speed.
A Board indicating the Weighbridge ahead should be
available at 300 meters away of weigh line. (As per
JPO of Rly bd. No. 92/Dev. Cell/IDEI/2 Vol. dated
06.08.2004 )
Electrical Requirement
There should be no voltage fluctuation in the
incoming power supply.
As the fluctuations may cause the damage to
the equipment and the weigh rail. This damage
to the equipment will be of such nature that
system will become beyond repair. Thus non
fluctuating main power supply should be
available to the equipment. Also the earthing
provided should be proper and well connected to
avoid the damages being caused due to surges
resulting from line transients and lightening.
General Requirement
Before carrying out the weighment
care should be taken that the display
is showing Zero" and there is no
scrap or ballast below the weigh rail
sensor which may restrict the full
deflection of the weigh rail.
Types of Failures
Software problem. The software can only be installed
by the service engineer.
Erratic weighment cause of calibration out, earth
resistance (2) and voltage fluctuation .
PC, printer failure and other connected equipments like
ups stabilizer etc.
Track Switches Problem.
Base slab damaged.
Approach level not in proper .
Weigh rail and Cards defective.
Testing of weighbridge
Dynamic (In-motion) test: A test with reference
wagons that are in-motion on the load receptor to
determine an error.
Simulation test : A test carried out on a complete
instrument or part of an instrument in which any
part of the weighing operation is simulated. Same
should be done by commercial deptt. Supervisors /
staff , once in a day before use ( as per Rly Bd.
JPO) .
Static Test : A test with standard weights or a
load that remains stationary on the load receptor to
determine the error.
Testing scheme
Verification of weighbridge
In service
Verification of WBs shall be carried out
using a test train of loaded reference wagons.
Each test train shall be comprised not less
than 5 and not more than 15 reference
wagons and shall be weighed repeatedly and
in each direction (if applicable) to yield not
less than 60 wagon weight or equivalent in
total train weights.
requirements for testing

The requirement is accuracy class 1 for wagon weighing and

accuracy class 0.5 for rake/train weighing. The maximum permissible
errors forAccuracy
In Percentage of mass of single wagon or
motion are tabulated below:
Total train as appropriate
Verification Inspection
0.2 +/- 0.10 % +/- 0.20 %
0.5 +/- 0.25 % +/- 0.50 %
1 +/- 0.50 % +/- 1.00 %
2 +/- 1.00 % +/- 2.00 %

On the initial verification of an instrument weighing coupled wagons,

the errors of not more than 10 % of the weighing results taken from
one or more passes of the test train may exceed the appropriate
maximum permissible error given in above table but shall not exceed
two time that value.
Scale Interval
A value expressed in unit of mass for weighing in-
motion that is the difference between:
two consecutive indicated or printed value for digital
For weighing in-motion , all the weight indicated and
printing device on the instrument shall have the same
scale interval of 100 kg.
The relationship between accuracy class , the scale
interval and the max. wagon weight divided by the
scale interval shall be as specified table :
Test / Reference wagons

The availability of 5 BOXN / BCN wagons , preferably

averaged & fit to run, to be used as reference
wagons. (Railway Boards letter No.
2004/Dev.Cell/IDEL/3 of dated 9.06.2006).
1. Empty wagon (tare weight).
2. 40 tones wagon.
3. 50 tones wagon.
4. 70 tones wagon.
5. 90 tones wagon.
. To neutralize the adverse effect of locomotive 2
wagons ( buffer wagon) shall be attached between
locomotive & the leading reference wagon.
Test / Reference wagons

With advent of cc6+2 (89.6t), cc8+2(91.6t)

and cc+9+1 loads , the gross weight of typical
loaded open wagon is in the range of 90-92
tons. For container loaded wagons, the weight
of a typical loaded wagon is around 70 tons.
Correct method to evaluate

weight is
the basis
for finding
error in
Important letter
Specification No. WD-29-MISC-05 : Schedule of Technical requirements
for Pit less In-motion Electronic Weighbridge.
The Standard of Weight And Measure ( General ) Rules. 1987 : Heading
D, Part 1 Automatic Rail weighbridges
OIML R 106 1 Edition 1997 ( E ) : Automatic Rail Weighbridges
J.P.O. for maintenance and operation of In-motion Electronic
Weighbridges: CMPE ( R & L ) CCGs letter No. M 324/1/7/2/Vol V of
dated 12/13 th August 2002
Advance Rate Notification No. 90 ( Goods ) 2006 : Authority of Railway
Board letter No. TC 1/2004/108/6 of dated 1.06.2006 and Western
Railways letter No. C611/13 Vol V of dated 12.06.2006
Railway Board letter No. 99/Dev. Cell/IDEL/1/Vol III of dated 13.08.2003
for maintenance of Track tolerances for weigh bridges.
As per Railway board letter no. 99/Dev. Cell/IDIE/2 dated 02.02.2003
DOS & DONTS should be circulated.
Stocking of vital maintenance spares for the IMEWB be dealt by CME in
consultation with COS and concurrence of FA&CAO. This will not be
applicable in those case where AMC has been entered into with the OEM or
it representatives.(Rly Bd. Letter no. 2004/Dev.Cell/idei/2 dated 25/10/2005)
Railway Boards letter No. 99/Dev. Cell/IDEL/1 Vol IV pt. 1 of dated
3.03.2005 : Maintenance of weighbridge and its testing procedure.
R.D.S.O. letter No. MW/CS/WB/ Railways of dated 17/23.7.2001 :
Inspection, Testing and certification of In-motion weighbridges after
installation at site.
Railway Boards letter No. 2004/Dev.Cell/IDEL/3 of dated 9.06.2006 :
Calibration of In-motion Electronic Weighbridge and making of Standard
Reference wagon.
Railway Boards letter No. 2004/Dev. Cell/IDEL/2 of dated 24/28.11.2005 :
Stand by equipment for weigh bridges and recruitment.
Railway Boards letter No. 2004/Dev. Cell/IDEL/2 of dated 25.10.2005 :
Regarding DOT telephone, Fax Machine ,Motorcycle and Cash Imprest.
Amendment 2 { Dy. Dir.(Dev.) Railway Boards letter No.
2004/Dev.Cell/IDEL/3 Pt-1, dated 14.03.20007} : lighting and surge
protection of EIM weighbridges on IR.
Railway Boards letter No. 2002/AC-II/1/10 dated 12.10.2007: Codal life of
weighbrihe 8 years.
Thanks for your Patience.

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