A Proposed Airport Train Station

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A Proposed

Express Airport NEW
Train Station
Railway for Clark Metro Manila for the
greater capital region of the Philippines

Presenter Name
Presentation Date
Chapter 1: The Introduction
Legal Basis
Overview of the Problem

Chapter 2: The Problem

History and Background
Root cause of the problem

Government taken action

Present status of the problem

Heavy traffic and air traffic congestion are the
common problem of the commuters in Metro
Manila. The commuters may be angry or
despondent and suffering severe stress. And
there areadministration
Duterte a lot of time plans
wasted due to
to build heavy system
a railway traffic
instead of spending
that would connect thetime
twowith their
airports family.
which is the Ninoy
The congestion
Aquino InternationalofAirport
traffic (NAIA)
in MetroandManila has
the Clark
brought about
International many
Airport effects
(CIA). in the country.
The reported plan wouldAnd
one of
really these
spur are the congested
the movement roads.
of people and freight of the
said traffic entails roads to be
two airports.
overcrowded with vehicles and this can bring
many nuisances to everyone on the road,
especially the commuters. The effects can bring
a psychological and health effects. A human
whos stuck on the middle of the heavy traffic
may experience headaches, migraines and dry
cough in terms of health. Aside from stress,
they are also exposed to pollutants that can
affect the lungs. In fact, the World Health
Legal Basis
National Building Code of the Philippines (Presidential
Decree No. 1096) and its IRR

It is hereby declared to be the policy of the State of safeguard life, health,

property and public welfare consistent with the principles of sound
environmental and management and control; and to this end, make it the
purpose of this code to provide for all buildings and structures, a framework
of minimum standards and requirements to regulate and control their
location, site, design quality Law (Batas Pambansa
of materials, construction,Bldg. 44)
use occupancy, and
An act to enhance the mobility of disabled persons by requiring
certain buildings, institutions, establishments, and public utilities
to install facilities and other services.

Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008

(R.A. No. 9514)

An act establishing a comprehensive fire code of the

Philippines, repealing presidential decree no. 1185 and for
other purposes.
verview of the Problem
Transportation and Communication
industry can play an important role in the
development of the economy of our country
which is the Philippines. As to provide the action
making ideas to projects the developments
beyond to the future.

At the present times people find the

comfortable and easiest way to get home, so as
to manifest the problem which will respond to
the needs of an individual. It will initialize
equally proportion to the people, culture,
society, and economy, reinforcing a promising
action forming a progressive nation. Commuters
will benefit promises to the economic and social
impact. And as to develop the project, as its
overview, by people, it will be functional
because easier trip to the commuters.
ackground and History
PNR used to operate over 1,100km(684mi)ofroutefrom
LaUnionuptoBicol. However, continued neglect in past
decades reduced PNR's efficiency and railroad coverage.

In 2007 the Philippine government initiated a

settlersfromthePNRright-of-way, revitalize commuter
services in Metro Manila, and restore the Manila-Bicol
route as well as lost services in Northern Luzon.

In July 2014, the management

conducted a test run. It was planned to
resume the services of the Bicol Express
Service by about September 2014. Due
to the damages brought by the Bagyong
Glenda, it was announced that the Bicol
Express' resumption of services would
be further delayed until October and
November 2014 Source:
Department of Transportation
and Communication
Root Cause of the Problem
Heavy traffic in metro manila because of
the delivery trucks and public transport

Air Pollution - according to the partial

results of the National Emissions Inventory
in 2012, 71 percent of air pollution comes
from "mobile sources"

Air Congestion in the Ninoy

Aquino International Airport
Government taken Action
To plan a railway system that
connects the two international
airports. To lessen the heavy
traffic and to make easier trip to
the commuters.
Present status of the
How of thethe
to fund DOTC perProjects ?
PHP 55 Billion
Informal Settlers along the PNR Route
cost according to DOTC

PHP 300 Billion


Thank you for watching

To god be the glory

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