Guided Exploratory Approach

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Guided /

Prepared by:
Raiza E. Fabila
Guided / Exploratory Instructions


Exploratory Learning.
Is based on constructivist
theories of learning and

Discovery Learning.
Is where there is student
interaction in the world through
the exploration and
manipulation of objects,
wrestling with questions and
controversies, or performance
Models based on Discovery

Guided discovery
Case-based learning
Incidental learning
Four Principles of Exploratory
Learning Approaches:
1. Learners can and should take control of their
own learning.

2. Knowledge is rich and multidimensional.

3. Learners approach the learning task in varied


4. It is possible for learning to feel natural and

uncoaxed, that is, it does not have to be
forced or contrived.
Process-oriented Methods
Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning
(POGIL) classroom or lab consists of any
number of students working in small groups
using designed guided inquiry materials.
From these materials, students get data or
information followed by leading questions
designed to guide them toward the
formulation of their own valid conclusions.
The instructors serves as a facilitator, who
observes and periodically addresses
individual and classroom-wide needs.
Process-oriented Methods
Research-based learning
Course content and essential skills
It is both a classroom and laboratory
technique that seeks to
simultaneously teach content and
key process skills which include the
ability to think analytically and work
effectively as a part of a collaborative
Step-by-step acquisition of
knowledge and skills
Process-oriented Methods
Three Major considerations of
Process Approach:
1) The process emphasizes how to
learn and not what to learn.
2) It stresses the need of
functional/relevant transfer of
3) It is concerned with the
development of the intellect.
Inductive Method
Inductive instruction makes use
of student noticing instead of
explaining a given concept
followed explanation through
examples, which shows how the
concept is used.
Noticing is a process of learners,
becoming aware of something in
Inductive Method
Steps in Inductive Method:
a) Preparation. Preliminary things to
be used by the teacher at the start of
the lesson, such as drill or review
and motivation.

Ex. It is certainty that you are reading the

newspapers and watching even the late news
on television. You must be knowledgeable
about the issue on Constitutional change.
Inductive Method
Steps in Inductive Method:
b) Presentation. The start of the lesson proper.
The teacher gives specific cases or problems
to be investigated.
Ex. Class, this is a coy of the 1987 Constitution
which provides for republican system of

c) Comparison and abstraction. Analytical

are raised.
Ex. How do you differentiate republican system from
parliamentary system? What are their salient
features? or In what aspects do they differ?
Inductive Method
Steps in Inductive Method:
d) Generalization. The teacher and
learners decide on some common
concepts, principles, or law derived from
the lesson.
Ex. Why is the republican system is more
responsive to the needs of the people?
e) Application. The final step of the
method states the personal preference.
Ex. State your personal preference for the
systems and explain your choice.
Factors to be considered in making a choice
with reference to learning outcomes:

a) How personalized should the learning be?

Students are usually more involved in the learning
experience and tend participate more actively when
inductive approach is used. If deductive approach is
chosen, the learning experience must be structured
to be able to draw on students prior experiences and
learning, and to provide for their active involvement.

b) Should learning experience be predictable?

The deductive approach is more predictable
because the teacher selects the information and the
sequence of presentation.
Factors to be considered in making a choice
with reference to learning outcomes:

c) What depth of understanding and degree

of retention are desired?
Students tend to understand and remember
more when learning occurs inductively.

d) How much time is available to teach the

The deductive approach is faster and
more efficient to tech a large number of facts
and concrete concepts.
Inquiry Method
Inquiry as a teaching method has its roots from
Social Studies teachers.
Inquiry is a term used broadly to refer to
everything from pseudo-experiments where the
teacher has the students reify (make real,
concrete, materialize) already taught concepts
to one in which they have virtually total control.
Inquiry as an approach searches for truth,
information or knowledge through research and
It also a search solution to a problem using
exploration and evaluation of alternatives.
Inquiry Method
the focus is on using and learning content
as a means to develop information-
processing and problem-solving skills.
More on how we come to know and less
what we know
Active involvement of students in
construction of knowledge
Present evidence on information and
encourage questioning (collaborative
meaning-making situation)
Laboratory Method
A teaching procedure that uses investigation
and experimentation.

Physical sciences, home economics, manual


Experimentation w/ apparatus and materials,

scientific relationships
Laboratory Method
a) Experimental- aims to train
students in solving through
incidental acquisition of
information and motor skill.

)Original procedure
)Solution to problems
Laboratory Method
b) Observational- acquires the facts which
are the dominant aim of laboratory
method. Facts can be acquired through:

)Visitingmuseums, exhibits and art

)Watching demonstrations
)Listening to lectures
)Viewing films
)Going to field trips
Laboratory Method
Steps in Laboratory Method:
1. Orientation and motivation. The teacher orients the
students about the specific tasks and motivates as
well to encourage above participation

2. Work period. The teacher supervises the students

who are divided into work groups. It aims to provide
them the opportunity to use tools for learning and
gain new experience from it.

3. Culminating activities. A discussion participated in

by the members of the group follows to organize the
findings. This can be done through reporting,
presenting materials through illustrations, and
exhibiting projects done or accomplished.
Laboratory Method
Learning by Doing:
Problem Solving
Abilityto identify and solve problems by
applying appropriate skills systematically.

Itis a process -an ongoing activity which

starts from what is known to discover
what is not yet known.

Overcoming obstacles by generating

hypotheses, testing those predictions, and
arriving at satisfactory solutions.
Problem Solving
Problem-solving involves three
basic functions:

a) Seeking information
b) Generating new knowledge
c) Making decision
Problem Solving
Students are responsible to their
own learning.
Personal action:
Solve problems
Resolve conflicts
Discuss alternatives
Focus on thinking as vital element
Problem Solving
Steps in Problem Solving:
a) Sensing and defining the problem
b) Formulating the hypotheses
c) Testing for hypotheses (done by
conducting a experiment, gathering and
collating data through surveys)
d) Analysis and interpretation of evaluations
of findings
e) Formulating conclusion
Problem Solving
Guidelines for effective problem-solving include the
a) Problem must be clear and concise.
b) Problem is adapted to the age, interest, skill of the
c) Use cooperative learning to ensure a more active
participation of group members.
d) Furnish leading questions in every step to monitor
progress of the undertaking
e) Prepare supplementary materials to substitute
materials that are not available.
f) See to it that the process or procedures is done
correctly and well.
g) Set criteria for evaluation.
Project Method
Is a whole-hearted purposeful activity
proceeding in a social environment.
Kilpatrick (1918)

Is a problematic act carried to completion in

its natural setting. Stevenson(1908)

A bit of real life that has been imparted into

the school.(Ballard)
Project Method
This method involves the
application of a principle or
concept which results from a
group of activity or an
individuals effort.

self-directed study.

Students learn by doing where

they do not only acquire
Project Method
Effectiveness of the project method is as follows:

a) Project is reflective of the amount of

understanding the students for the concept

b) It provides avenues for self-expression and


c) It develops desirable attitudes like

resourcefulness, cooperation, independent
judgment, industry, and responsibility.
Project Method
Guidelines of the project method:
a) Set clear objectives for evaluation
b) Encourage the use of available local materials
c) Assign projects according to the interest and
ability of the students
d) Provide minimal supervision to set directions
and monitor progress.
e) Projects must not be duplications of previously
done output of students.
Project Method
Steps in project method:
1. Purposing. The teacher must consider the
needs, abilities, and interests of the learners.

2. Planning. When the activities are planned by

the students, they do their parts willingly and

3. Executing. Carrying out or implementing

activities as planned and envisioned by the

4. Evaluating. the finished product must be

displayed for assessment by both the teacher
Project Method
Principles of Project Method:
a) Principle of purposefulness. Is that the
students and faculty have to work together on
commonly defined aims.
b) Principle of utility. This principle (Teleological
Principle) takes actions or behaviors as right
insofar as they promote happiness or pleasure.
c) Principle of planning. A project can be used to
arouse interest through topics that blend
school life with the outside world. This where
they start to organize and plan things in order.
d) Principle of freedom. Students are at liberty to
execute the project in accordance with their
interest and abilities, because in doing so,
Project Method
Principles of Project Method:
e) Principle of activity. Students engage in
activity that develops coordination of their
mind ad body.
f) Principle of reality. Science teaching in
particular can be done with considerable
success and this method is also scientific and
practical in nature. The selected project/ topic
correlates with the real problems of life which
students confront in their everyday life.
g) Principle of social development. It promotes
social interaction and cooperation among the
students as they work in a group and interact
with various persons for gathering information.
Project Method
Psychological laws of Limitations
learning Time consuming
Student-centered and and costly
activity-based All topics cannot be
Problem-solving ability taught and is not
Spirit of cooperation applicable to all
Interest in natural, as schools
well as man-made
Self- discipline
Spirit of inquiry
Cognitive Oriented
It emphasizes the development of thinking
skills / thinking operations.
Thinking skills that should be directly taught:
Cognitive Oriented
1) Metacognition

This method requires students not only to

acquire thinking skills, but also to monitor and
control their commitment and attitude during
the learning process. Such method provides a
good training for independent study.
Cognitive Oriented
2) Constructivism

)Thismethod regards the learner as the core

of the learning process. Knowledge is
constructed by the learner through his
interpretation of a particular information.

)Theteacher builds knowledge, taking into

consideration what prior knowledge the
students has acquired.
Cognitive Oriented
2) Constructivism
)Thismethod also calls for a restructuring of
concepts of revision of past learning as they
interact with environment.
)The teacher assumes the role of a facilitator
and provides a relevant experience from
which meanings can be drawn.
Cognitive Oriented
3) Reflective teaching
) This method affords the students to reflect
on their own experiences to give new
meaning to them.

)Teachersrole is to guide them to go about

analyzing learning experiences that will lead
to new learning situations.
For that matter teachers set conditions for
allocating time, managing classroom
groups, applying varied teaching
strategies like:
Cooperative learning
Peer group
Partner learning
Inductive learning

Such learning strategies will influence plan

and resource allocations decisions.
Cooperative Learning
Small heterogeneous groups (2-6 members)
Students depend on one another and work
together to achieve the shared goals.
Circular formation
Positive interdependence with shared goal,
shared division of labor, and shared material.
Cooperative Learning
Five basic elements of Cooperative Learning:
a) Positive interdependence. This means that
the students in the group believe they can
work together, and so there is a need to
coordinate efforts to accomplish the
assigned tasks.
b) Face-to-face interaction. The generous
exchange of resources, efficient and
effective processing of information, and
honest and open feedback mechanism to
improve performance give way to
promotive interaction.
Cooperative Learning
Five basic elements of Cooperative Learning:
c) Individual accountability. An assessment of
each students performance is needed with
the result given back to the student or
d) Social skills. This involves interpersonal and
small group skills.
e) Group processing. Its focus is to clarify and
improve the effectiveness of the
contribution of the members of the group in
doing the tasks and achieving group goals.
A method wherein an older, brighter, and more
responsible member of the class is requested to
tutor, coach, instruct, or teach other classmates.
Peer tutoring arrangements:
a. Instructional peer tutoring. The older helping
the younger on a one-to-one encounter or on
one-to-group basis.
b. Same age tutoring. Children are supposed to be
interactive, working in pairs with the more
equipped, assisting the less abled.
c. Monitorial tutoring. The monitor acts as a leader
for the class divided into groups. He assists the
teacher I supervising the work of the groups.
Peer tutoring arrangements:
d. Structural peer tutoring. There is a definite
procedure to follow, materials are
structured and are administered by trained
e. Semi-structured peer tutoring. A
combination of structured and unstructured
tutoring where the tutor teaches according
to established learning guidelines.
Resolving disputes between two people or
small groups
Effective in changing the way students
understand and resolve conflict
Improved self-esteem, listening and critical
thinking skills, school climate for learning,
reduced disciplinary actions and less
Skills are transferable outside of the

Study Guides and Strategies 2011)

Voluntary for both sides
Win-win resolution
Conflict resolution process
Strategies include:
role playing
Problem-based learning
Active learning
Partner Learning
In this method, students are paired, usually
with whom they are familiar with and made
to share views/opinions about a particular
issue or lesson at hand.

Isa collaborative process in which students

experience learning from and with each other
for individual purposes.

doer performs a task or answers questions.

helper observes and provides feedback and
helps provide information.
Inductive learning
A learning method that allows learning to arrive at
generalization after starting from the specifics.

type of learning makes use of specific
examples or activities to show how a particular
concept works.

InductiveReasoning is a logical process of

examining given information and creating a
general rule, thereby arriving at a correct answer.

Deductionstarts with general principles and

moves to specific conclusions.
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