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Dwi Annisa Putri

Dyla Velia
Irfan Maulana Kamil
Rezki Hadiansah
1. Angina Pectoris
2. Symptoms
3. Variations
4. Causal Factors
5. Diagnostics
6. First Aid
7. Treatments
8. Preventions
Angina Pectoris
Angina Pectoris or commonly known as Angina, or
angin duduk in Indonesian is a condition when
the sufferer feels pain in the chest due to lack of
blood transported to the heart muscles, often
caused by vascular occlusion or spasm. It can
occur suddenly.
a. Discomfort
The sufferer feels discomfort in his/her chest. The discomfort
can be described as the sensation of pressure, tightness,
burning, squeezing, and choking. Aside from the chest, the
sufferer also feel the same sensation in the neck, jaw, shoulder,
or spine.
b. Nausea
For some people, the symptoms of Angina feels similar to
stomachache, but it can be differentiated. Stomachache usually
comes with bloat in the stomach, not pain discomfort.
d. Fatigue
There are no certain explanation to why angina often comes
after fatigue.
e. Asphyxiation
The sufferer take shorter and faster breath due to
lack of oxygen
f. Sweating
The sweat which comes from the sufferer is not like
a normal healthy person, but instead the sweat is a
cold sweat. The sufferer sweats, but he/she feels cold
g. Dizziness
The sufferer feels dizzy, floating, and he/she cannot
stand or walk.
a. Stable Angina Pectoris/Effort Angina. It is caused by physical activity, for
example exercises. When doing exercises, the heart needs more blood, and
it will not be fulfilled if there is a clot in the coronary artery vessel, reducing
the rate of blood transported to the heart. Stable angina can be caused by
other activities, like smoking, stress, overeating, and cold weather.
b. Unstable Angina Pectoris/Crescendo Angina. It is caused by clot of fat or
blood which blocks the flow of blood to the heart. Unlike stable angina, the
symptoms of unstable angina lasts even after the sufferer take a rest or take
medicine. Left untreated, and it will lead to heart attack.
Causal Factors
The main cause of Angina is narrowing of blood vessel which blocks
the flow of blood to the heart. As a result, the oxygen transported to the
heart will be insufficient, resulting an angina.
a) High Cholesterol. The high amount of cholesterol on a persons
body can cause a clot of fat to block the flow of the blood. If this
happens the rate of blood flowing to the heart will be decreased.
b) Hypertension. If the flow of blood is blocked, then the heart will
pump the blood faster and it will cause a high pressure on the
walls of the artery vessel and it can cause it to harden.
c) Diabetes. The high amount of sugar can harm the artery vessel
and increase the amount of cholesterol in the body
Causal Factors
d) Stress. Stress can cause the body to produce hormones which can
narrow the blood vessel and increase the blood pressure.
e) Obesity. Obese people are more likely to suffer from angina
f) Smoking. Smoking can harm the artery wall and produce a clot of
cholesterol which can block the flow of the blood.
g) History. If we have had a disease related to heart or have a family
who had the disease, then we are more likely to suffer from Angina
h) Age. Older people have more risk to suffer than younger people.
the increase of risk for men starts at age 45 an women at age 55.
a) Echocardiogram. The purpose is to identify the damage of the
heart muscle as a result of interference of blood flow to the heart.
This identification can be obtained from a picture that is produce
through sound wave.
b) Electrocardiogram (ECG). The purpose is to measure the
rhythm of the heart that is recorded through an electrode that is
connected to a machine.
c) Endurance test. The purpose of this test is to measure the
endurance of the heart while doing physical activities before
suffering from angina. The physical activity can be in form of
exercise or a treadmill indoor.
d) CT scan. The purpose is to measure how severe the narrowing at
the blood vessel. CT scan is done with the help of a machine that
is connected with an X-ray.
e)MRI scan. The purpose of MRI scan is similar to CT
scan, the difference is MRI scan uses radio wave and
electromagnetic wave.
f) Scintigraphy. This test can be done if the result of the
electrocardiogram is still doubtable. Scintigraphy involves
a special colored fluid which is injected to the blood
vessel. This fluid will go to the heart and monitored by
using a gamma camera to see if the flow disrupted or not.
g)Angiography. This test involves using a special
equipment shaped like a wire that is inserted to the blood
vessel. The purpose is to see if the blood vessel has a
blockage or not and how severe the blockage is.
First Aid
1. A person who suddenly feel discomfort in the chest must stop all
his activities
2. Consuming medicine, for example aspirin
3. Go to the hospital to be treated by cardiovascular doctor
4. Consuming traditional medicine, which is garlic, because garlic
contains antiflammation which can clear up bacteria and germ in
the body
Treatment For Light Symptoms

a. Consume balanced foods, for example fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
b. Avoid consuming salted foods.
c. Avoid overeating.
d. Balance between physical activities and rests.
e. Avoid stress.
f. Avoid smoking.
g. Avoid alcohol.
h. Control the amount of sugar in the body.
Treatment For Severe Symptoms

a. Bypass operation. This procedure has a purpose to divert the

route of blood flow to another blood vessel so it does not pass the
blood vessel which is blocked or already broken.
b. Angioplasty. This procedure has a purpose to quicken the blood
flow by inserting a small balloon to a narrowed blood vessel, so
when the balloon are blown, the vessel will expand. Then, a special
wire will be inserted to the vessel so that the wire keep the vessel
from narrowing again.
a. Exercise. Exercises can make the blood vessel more fluent and decrease
the blood pressure, so the heart and coronary vessel stay healthy.
b. Consuming healthy foods. The healthy foods for heart is a fibrous food.
besides fibrous food, foods which contain unsaturated fat can decrease
the blockage of blood vessel. Unsaturated fats are contained in foods like
tuna, tofu, olive oil, almond, and avocado.
c. Avoid eating unhealthy foods for heart. Avoid foods which contain too
much salt. High amounts of salt can cause hypertension. Besides salt,
avoid eating food which contains saturated fats which can make a clot in
the blood vessel, blocking it. The examples of food which contain
saturated fats are cheese, butter, innards, and coconut milk.
d) Keeping body weight. Obesity will cause
heart to pump blood faster, which will increase
the blood pressure and cause Angina Pectoris.
e) Avoid alcohol and Soda. The content of
calories in alcohol is very high, so drinking
alcohol and soda too much can cause obesity
which will lead to angina.
f) Avoid Smoking. The contents of a cigarette
can block the artery and increase the blood
pressure. If this happens, it can cause not only
angina, but also stroke and heart attacks.
Angina Pectoris happens when there is a vascular occlusion,
which can cause the heart not getting enough oxygen, so the
heart cannot receive balanced blood supply. To prevent this, we
can apply healthy habits, for examples exercise, eating healthy
and balanced food, keeping ideal body weight, avoid consuming
alcohol/soda, and avoid smoking.


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