Brain Gym For Stroke 2

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Cross crawls
Students alternately
move their arms
towards the opposite
leg and then vice
versa. Since each limb
is governed by the
hemisphere of the
opposite side, this
exercise facilitates
connection between
the two hemispheres.
Lazy eight's
The activity consists in
drawing horizontal
eight's in the air with
your hands. It activates
brain and improves:
eye-muscles coordination
connection between
bi-ocular and peripheral
reading speed.
Double doodle
This is a bilateral
drawing activity which
consists in sketching
two images with both
hands. It improves
these learning skills:
understanding of
writing symbols
spelling accurateness
Maths calculations.
The elephant
activates the inner ear
for improved balance
and so integrates the
brain for listening with
both ears. It improves:
listening comprehension
and attention
short- and long-term
thinking ability
The owl
The owl's movements
improve visual and auditory
skills and also head rotation.
They lessen the neck
tension which develops in
distressing conditions. The
owl lengthens neck and
shoulders' muscles while
reestablishing width of
movement and facilitating
the blood flow to the brain.
It enhances:
attention and memory.
Theactive arm
The active arm lengthens
muscles in the upper part of
chest and shoulders. When
these muscles are
contracted writing and tool
controlling skills are
inhibited. It activates the
brain for:
expressive reading
diaphragm relaxation and
deep breathing
hand-eye coordination and
tool controlling skills.
Thegravitational glider
The movement uses
balance and gravity in
order to lessen tension in
the hips and pelvic area
thus allowing to student to
discover more comfortable
postures when sitting or
standing up. It betters:
reading comprehension
mental Maths calculations
abstract thinking.

The rocker
The rocker massages the
hamstring and gluteus muscle
groups(the bottom, in other
words...). It can be very
pleasant after hours spent
sitting in the classroom. It also
stimulates the circulation of
the cerebrospinal fluid into the
spinal column and activate
the brain for:
study skills
left-to-right visual skills
attention and comprehension.
Brain buttons
One hand massages two
spots below the clavicle
while the other rests on
the navel. The movements
stimulates the carotid
artery and this way
enhances the blood flow to
the brain. It activates the
brain for:
reading skills

Earth buttons
One hand fingers rest on
the lower lip while the
others stay on the pubic
bone. While having the
sensation of a better
connection between the
upper and lower parts of
the bodythe students
feels more stable and
centered. It improves:
reading skills.

Balance buttons
These buttons reestablish
balance in every dimension:
left-right, above-under,
behind-before. The student
massages the spot where the
skull is attached to the neck
and, at the same time, the
navel. It improves the next
learning skills:
critical and decisional
spelling accurateness
Maths calculations.

Space buttons
One hand rests on the upper
lip while the other lays on the
back-bone.It activates the
brain for:
relaxation and concentration
eye-contact in
communication with people
It improves these learning
focusing during a test
motivation and interest.

The thinking cap
This activity helps the student
to focus attention on hearing.
It also lessens tension in skull
bones. The student gently
pulls ears backwards and
unrolls them with fingers.
They start from the top of the
ear, massage them delicately
and end on the lobe. It
activates brain for:
hearing one's voice
short-term memory
inner dialogue and thinking .
The exercise can be done while
standing, sitting or lying down.
Students cross the left ankle on
the right one. Then they
intertwine fingers and bring
them near the chest. They close
their eyes, breathe deeply for a
few minutes and relax. Then
students free hands and legs
and finger tips touch gently
while they keep on breathing
deeply. Hook-ups help:
mind and body relaxation

The energetic yawn
Don't get angry at your
students if they yawn
during English
classrooms! Not now that
you know that scientific
research has proved
yawing to be a perfect
exercise which brings
oxygen to the brain and
so enhances learning

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