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In injection Moulding

Injection Molding: -
It is a cyclic
process, where a heat soften
material injected in to close mold,
which gives the desired shape.
Plastics :-
It is an organic
substance which can be
converted in to any shape by
application of heat and pressure.
Terms used in injection molding
Injection Pressure.
It is a
maximum pressure excreting on
plastic melt at screw tip.
measuring unit kg/cm2 or bar.
Rate of displacement of
screw per second. Measuring unit
gm/sec, cc/sec, mm/sec.
Back Pressure :-
It is a pressure /force
which force the screw backward direction
even as it is conveying polymer forward.
This back pressure
controlled by throttling the oil behind
injection cylinder.
It is not more than 14
It is a mechanical device
(helical flighted shaft) which convey
the heat soften material.
It is a tube like
mechanical device which provide
mechanical & thermal connection
from not cylinder (barrel) to
much colder mold.
Types of nozzle:-
1. open channel.
2. Check valve type.
3. Shut off valve nozzle.
Size of orifice with respect to
sprue bush

Up to 180T 4 mm
3 mm
350 T 5 mm
4 mm
650T 6 mm
5 mm
850T 10mm
8 mm
How to start machine ?
Check points
Sprue bush dia.
Nozzle orifice.
Cavity pressure.
Cooling line looping.
Water pressure & Water temp. Delta
T : 2 to 5 degree
Temp. profile
Screw surface speed (SSS) .
Speed profile.
Hold on position.
Melt temp.
Process Setting.

Mold temp. 1. Injection
Cavity pressure. 2. System Pressure
Sprue bush dia 3. Barrel temp.
System Flow 4. Hot runner
Air pin/Ejector pin
Water cooling
Gate mechanism
Raw material
Materials Drying
Hygroscopic Non Hygroscopic
Polymers with high Very little or no
Affinity for moisture. For moisture.
Nylon, ABS Polystyrene.
Polycarbonate Polyethylene.
Polyester PVC,PP.
Polyurethane Acetal.
L/D and
Non return valve

1 Set up m/c to run

standard parts.
2 Turn of pack and hold
time pressure.
3 Weigh the parts and
record weight.
Mold Venting
Why Vent?
Evacuation of latent air
that is in the closed mold.
Allow the evacuation of
gases produced by low
molecular weight polymers
and additives.
Problem associated with
poor venting.
Burn marks.
Poor mold filling.
Weak wield lines.
Internal bubble and non-fill area.
Sink mark.
Longer cycle time.
Stress cracking.
What is important barrel temp or
melt temp?
Optimum MELT TEMP is the key to
successful molding.
Factors affecting melt temp.
Barrel temp setting.
Screw speed.
Screw back pressure.
Residence time.
Key point
In order to reproduce
the same process on
multiple machines .
Melt temperature is one
variable that must be
controlled and
Flow Rate
Plastic materials viscosity decreases
as shesr rate increases.
Screw speed----Lower viscosity at
higher RPM.
Inj speed---Flow rate easier with
higher inj speed.
Flow Rate=Time in sec,measured
from start of injection to transfer to
How does velocity
profiling help?
Allows the mold to be filled as
fast as possible.
Reduces burning, splay and
other aesthetic issues.
Helps with weld line.
Surface finish.
Best speed for each area of the
segment can be selected.
What is pressure?
Pressure is Resistance to FLOW.
Injection pressyre-----1st Stage
Packing pressure-------2nd Stage
Back pressure.
Cavity pressure--------Most Important
Cavity pressure
Injection pressure must always
be set per requirement of cavity
pressure. This can be done by
gradually increasing the set inj.
Prs. On monitor and observe the
increment in pr.gauge.The set
point after which the gauge pr.
Does not change is your require
injection pressure.
Hydraulic Pr.Vs Plastic
Hydraulic pressure: Measure of
how much force a machine can
generate against the ram.
Plastic (Melt) pressure: Pressure
generated in the nozzle of a
molding machine usually derived
from the intensification ratio of the
Cavity Pressure: Actual pressure in
the cavity MOLD).
Pack and Hold-----Gate freeze study.
Mold open.
Mold close.
Cooling Time= 150 * Thickest wall of
the part.
= 150*.100=15sec.
Screw surface speed
Screw surface
speed=0.052 * Screw
Dia*Screw RPM.For HDPE
and PP 750.SSS is low
than definable require
higher barrel temp.
Melt Temperature
There are few processing parameters
in the injection process that have
significant influence on the melt
temp., the temp of the melt as it
leaves the injection unit.
The temp setting of barrel heaters.
RPM of screw.
Back pressure applied.
Residence time.
Cycle time.
Is the key to
of injection
Thank you.

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