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E-Mail and Memorandums

To, From, Date, Subject, Headings.
Single Topic.
Conversational tone.
Graphic Highlighting.
With letters
With numerals
Effective Emails
Getting Started
Compose offline.
Get the address right.
Avoid misleading subject lines.
Content, Tone and Correctness
Be concise.
Do not send anything you would not want published.
Do not use e-mail to avoid contact.
Never respond when you are angry.
Care about Correctness.
Resist humor.
Replying to E-Mail
Revise the subject line if the topic
Scan all messages in your inbox before
Double check before sending.
It is derived from Latin word meaning

The memorandum or memo is a very

flexible form used within an organization for
communication at all levels and for many
different reasons. It performs internally the
same function as letter does in external
communication by an organization, it is
used for reports, briefings or instructions,
brief messages or notes and any kind of
internal communication that is more easily
or clearly conveyed in writing (rather than
face-to-face or on the telephone).
The tone of the memo is
influenced by the position
held by the writer in relation
to that held by the receiver.
DATE: ____________
TO: ____________
FROM: ____________
SUBJECT: ____________________
Difference between E-Mail and
Memo E-Mail
Time consuming. Prompt
Audience specific. Open to all.
Formal style. Less formal
Stationery. No stationery needed.
No computer Computer proficiency
proficiency required. required.
You work for Go for it', a small company with 20 employees. You are
responsible for ordering stationery and office supplies for the
company. On Monday you will place an order for the next two
months as you are going on a holiday and need to know what to
Write a memo to all members of staff. Tell them that you will place
an order for stationery and office supplies on Monday. Ask them to
let you know what exactly they need and remind them to note down
the amount, color etc. of the articles to be ordered. Remind them
that there is a maximum of 50 per employee and that you have a
price list of all articles in case they need any prices.
Write the memo and add any information you think necessary

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