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Athletes of

the 1920s
By Jeremy Fischer + Rylee
Tommy Hitchcock
Polo player

Captain of the first american polo team

Mom and dad had a passion for him

Started at the age of Three

Was a decorated war hero.

Joe Dimaggio
Was an American major league baseball player in the center field

Played an entire 13 years for the new york yankees.

Best known for his 56 game hitting streak, plus he still hold the record

3 time MVP winner

Ranked 5th in career home runs, 361 home runs

In the baseball hall of fame in 1955.

Jack Dempsey
Killer left hook got him the title of Manassa Mauler

Most of his matches there were no survivors but he was defeated by

Gene Tunney in 1926

Jack faced Tuney again in 1927, but gene won due to disqualification

In the top 100 greatest boxers

In the international boxing hall of fame, was inducted in 1951.

Babe Ruth
Athlete of the century (1999)

714 career home runs

Most popular baseball player of the 19th century

in 1920 he hit over 54 home runs, and in 1927 he hit 60 home runs

He experienced winning the world series

He was named MVP of the league

Harold Red Grange
He is named after his bright red hair

He played for the university of illinois

He got signed for the chicago bears

He once scored 4 touchdowns in 12 minutes

Earned the nickname the illinois flash.



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