Lecture 3 WBS

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Estimating and Scheduling

CEE 492

Lecture 3
Work Breakdown Structure

Awad S. Hanna, PhD, P.E. 1

Work Breakdown Structure
A hierarchical system which sub-
divides larger elements of the
project into smaller elements
The smallest unit of the WBS is the
work package.

Prof Awad S. Hanna 2

Prof Awad S. Hanna 3
Work Breakdown Structure
Level Work Breakdown Structure

Total Project

Mobilization/ Main
Administration Landscaping Facility
Subproject Demobilization

3 Steel
Floor Masonry Roof Interior
Category of Sitework Footing Columns
Slab Wall & Joints System Finishes

4 Form &
Excavate Place
Work Reinforce
Footings Footings Footings
Labor Material Equipment

Prof Awad S. Hanna 4
Work Breakdown Structure

Alliant has decided to self perform the electrical work for their new warehouse
expansion of 100,000sq.ft, of which 12,500sq.ft is office space. The warehouse space
allows 42.65ft and 53.31ft of clearance to the bottom of the exposed roof structure
above. The project is located 20miles from Alliant office in Madison, Wisconsin. The
site is large with adequate access and plenty of surrounding space for lay down area.

Develop what your team can agree is an appropriate Work Breakdown Structure
(WBS) of approximately 10-20 activities for the entire project. Expand the electrical
work node to show more details of electrical construction activities. Be prepared to
report back to the class of what your WBS is.

Prof. Awad Hanna 5

Prof. Awad Hanna 6
Prof. Awad Hanna 7
Work Breakdown Structure

Manufacturing / Warehouse Expansion

Interior work Interior work Alteration External work

Site Superstructure and finishes
Foundation and finishes of existing and Site
Development Shell (warehouse /
(office) Manufacturing) structure

Install City Install Install

Construct connection
site manholes to sanitary
water sprinkler
drains sewer main fire loop

Secondary Electrical Install Electrical Test

power Pull light panel & electrical
cable conduit wire
fixture fixture system

Prof. Awad Hanna 8

Bar Chart for Category of
Section Networks No Scale

Materials and Site Items Site Items Foundations To Subsequent

Subcontractors Construction Completion
(Procurement) Networks
Site Essential Complete Site
Intl. Utilities Prep and Utilities
and Utilities
Foundation Foundations Superstructure
Exterior External Roof
Building Walls Construction
Roof Roof Level
Level Works
Interior Interior
Work and Finishes
Alteration Alterations
External External Works
Works / Site 1st Stage External Works Last stage
Prof. Awad Hanna 9
Step 3: Develop Activity List
Under slab work
Install switch gear and substations
Secondary power cable and supports
Branch conduit for office
Primary conduit
Pull wires for office
Branch conduit
Wall sockets and light fixtures for office
Panels and boxes for office
Pull wire
Road lighting
Wall sockets and light fixtures
Panels and boxes
Test electric for office
Test electrical
Install and test vending equipment for office
Test and activate power
Install and test vending equipment
Punch list

Prof. Awad Hanna 10

Work Breakdown Structure
The scope of work in each work package
should be defined to avoid overlaps and
omissions between work packages.
Work packages should be defined in terms
of design, construction methods, and
completion requirements, with associated
performance dates.

Prof Awad S. Hanna 11
Scope of Work Packages
Each work packages should be:
1. Manageable
Specific authority and responsibility can be
2. Independent
With minimum interfacing or dependence on
other elements
3. Measurable
In terms of progress
4. Integrable

Prof Awad S. Hanna 12
The Project Cost System

Objectives of Establishing Project Cost System

1. Keep the construction costs of the project within

the established budget.

2. Develop labor and equipment productivity

information for estimating the cost of future work.

Prof Awad S. Hanna 13
Cost Code

Project Area Distribution

Number Code Work Type Code Code

0908BN 05 03157.20
Cost Code for stripping concrete

formwork for bridge deck (Labor)

Prof Awad S. Hanna 14
Project Number

0908BN 05 03157.20
3Eighth project in 2009 (Bridge)

N = Negotiated

Prof Awad S. Hanna 15
Area Code

0908BN 05 03157.20
3Geographic location

Associate field cost with specific
supervisor or management

Prof Awad S. Hanna 16
Work Type Code

0908BN 05 03157.20
303 Concrete
0315 Concrete Formwork
03157 Wood Concrete Formwork
03157.20 Wood Concrete Formwork for Deck
03157.30 Wood Concrete Formwork for Abutment

Prof Awad S. Hanna 17
Distribution Code

0908BN 05 03157.20
31. Total
2. Material
3. Labor
4. Equipment
5. Sub-Contract

Prof Awad S. Hanna 18
Cost Code and Cost Control

All items of expense are charged to the

project where they are incurred.
"General" or "miscellaneous cost
accounts should not be used, it is poor
practice, and should be avoided.
For the cost code to serve its basic
purpose, it must be understood and
used consistently by all company

Prof Awad S. Hanna 19
Cost Accounting Reports
Cost report intervals are a function of the
project size, nature of the work, and the
type of contract involved.
There must be a balance between the
cost of generating the reports and the
value of the management information

Prof Awad S. Hanna 20
Cost Codes

The most widely used cost codes are

Masterformat, CSI (Construction Specifications
Uniformat, UCI (Uniform Construction Index).

Masterformat is widely used by software

packages and government agencies.

Prof Awad S. Hanna 21
Cost Codes (Cont.)

Has 16/50 divisions
Divisions were developed according to trades

Has 12 divisions
Tends to follow the progress of construction

Prof Awad S. Hanna 22

05 Metals

09 Finishes

04 Masonry

16 Electrical
03 Concrete
02 Site work

15 Mechanical
12 Furnishings
10 Specialities
06 Wood & Plastic

08 Doors & Windows

14 Conveying Systems
01General Requirments

13 Special Construction
07 Therm. & Moisture Protect.
Design Uniformat
Level 3 Level 2
011Standard Foundations 01Foundation
012 Spec. FoundationCond.
021SlabonGrade 02 Substructure
022 Basement Excavation
023 Basement Wall
031Floor Construction 03 Superstructure
032 Roof Construction
033 Stair Construction
041Exterior Walls 04 Ext. Closure
042 Ext. Doors &Windows
05 Roofng
061Partitions 06 Int. Closure
062 Interior Finishes
063 Specialties
081Plumbing 08 Mechanical

Prof Awad S. Hanna

082 H.V.A.C.

083 FireProtection
084 Spec. Mechanical Syst.
091Services &Distribution 09 Electrical
092 Lighting&Power
093 Spec. Electrical Syst.
10 Gen. Cond. OH &P
Relationship Between UNIFORMAT &

111fxed &Movable Equip. 11Equipment

112 Furnishings
113 Special construction
121SitePreparation 12 SiteWork
122 SiteImprovements
123 SiteUtilities
124 Of-SiteWork


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