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BORN : 30 November 1667
ZODIAC SIGN : Sagittarius
BORN : Ireland
DIED : 19 October 1745
FATHER: Jonathan Swift
MOTHER: Abigail Erick (or
SPOUSE: Esther Johnson (m.
College Oxford (1694)
University of Dublin
Jonathan Swift was an
Anglo-Irish poet, writer
and cleric who gained
reputation as a great
political writer and an
essayist. Jonathan, who
became Dean of St.
Patrick's in Dublin, is
also known for his
excellence in satire. His
most remembered
works include:
Gulliver's Travels
A modest Proposal
An Argument against
Abolishing Christianity
A Tale of a Tub.
Jonathan as a
Swift was awarded Doctor of
Divinity from Trinity College,
Dublin. During this period he
wrote A Tale of Tub and his
previous work A Battle of
Books was published. With
the success of these two, he
began to achieve excellence
as a writer.
Also,he published a political
pamphlet The Conduct of the
Allies in 1711. The pamphlet
harshly criticized the Whig
government for its
incapability to end the war
with France. Swift,
anonymously published his
Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver 's Travels
is an English novel
in four parts
masterpiece of
Anglo-Irish writer
Jonathan Swift ,
writing under the
pseudonym of Dr.
Lemuel Gulliver

Published: 1726

Author : Jonathan

Genres: Satire ,
Fantasy, science
Part I:
A Voyage to
On the first trip , Gulliver is the only survivor of a shipwreck on
the coast of an island. There, he realizes that it is a prisoner of a
race of people who were just 15 cm , inhabitants of the
neighboring islands , Liliput and Blefuscu .
Gulliver promise and swear peaceful intentions, Lilliputian king
. He also noted local culture and habits , totally unusual for him.
Gulliver helps Lilliputians defeat them on the inhabitants of
Blefuscu , blocking their fleet in port with one hand.
Part II:
A Voyage to

Follow trip to
Brobdingnag , where
Gulliver finds giants by
22 m, totally different
lifestyle than the
Lilliputians . They were
more rational , the king
was wise and right. They
had laws that ensured
freedom and wellbeing.
During a sea voyage ,
Gulliver 's boat is taken
by a giant eagle and
then abandoned, but is
rescued by a ship and so
coming back to England.
Part III:
A Voyage to

Travelling in Laputa is a new

experience for Gulliver . Residents of
Laputa are very arrogant.
People here dealing with all kinds of
unnecessary and absurd things , such
as extracting sunlight from
cucumbers, building houses from the
roof and ending with the foundation .
Part IV:
A Voyage to the
Country of the
Gulliver arrives on an island
with a population that is
divided into two categories :
one is composed of horses
endowed with reason and
strength to speak , the
other part of the population
of beings like humans , but
primitive , greedy and
envious ,
Gulliver returns to England ,
but no one believed his
stories . People say it makes
them crazy and
irresponsible process .
Finally , Gulliver is saved
Books, the
children of the

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